June 2023
Invoices over £500 paid between 01/06/2023 and 30/06/2023
Body Name | Body | Service Area Categorisation | Service Division Categorisation | Responsible Unit | Expenses Type | Detailed Expenses Type | Expenses Code | Supplier Name | Supplier ID | Date Paid | Transaction Number | Amount | Narrative | Capital/Revenue |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958251 | 05/06/2023 | 29920 | 500 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Diamond Estate Agents | 955655 | 08/06/2023 | 29931 | 692 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Miscellaneous | Dars Scheme Repayments | 7405 | Welden And Edwards | 21140 | 08/06/2023 | 29932 | 2100 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Thorne Carter & Aspen | 32517 | 07/06/2023 | 29934 | -3153 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958269 | 15/06/2023 | 29941 | 750 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Dcc Share | 8559 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | 137065 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr 1 Fire Share | 8556 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | 15229 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Dcc | 8522 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | -3627 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Fire | 8519 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | -403 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Top Up Or Tariff | 7629 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | 415796 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29943 | 80 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | Hmrc | 946186 | 09/06/2023 | 29944 | 24936.53 | INCOME TAX ELECTION 4/5/23 - 070/M322, 070PD000 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Dcc Share | 8559 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | 137065 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr 1 Fire Share | 8556 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | 15229 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Dcc | 8522 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | -3627 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Fire | 8519 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | -403 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Top Up Or Tariff | 7629 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | 415796 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 09/06/2023 | 29945 | 80 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Welden And Edwards | 21140 | 12/06/2023 | 29955 | 2507 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Nndr1 Transitional Protection | 8167 | Dclg | 934777 | 15/06/2023 | 29968 | -208474 | TR PAYMENTS 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 15/06/2023 | 29968 | 761470 | CENTRAL SHARE 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 15/06/2023 | 29968 | -9094 | DEFICIT FOR 21/22 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 15/06/2023 | 29968 | -11058 | DEFICIT FOR 22/23 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 15/06/2023 | 29968 | -8862 | RSG 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Dcc Share | 8559 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | 137065 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr 1 Fire Share | 8556 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | 15229 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Dcc | 8522 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | -3627 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Fire | 8519 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | -403 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Top Up Or Tariff | 7629 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | 415796 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 15/06/2023 | 29969 | 80 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Cullompton Cultural Consortia | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Costs | 8186 | Coach House Arts Ltd | 956162 | 15/06/2023 | 29970 | 2800 | ADMIN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Cullompton Cultural Consortia | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Costs | 8186 | Cullompton Arts House | 956827 | 19/06/2023 | 29986 | 2000 | CREATIVE CULLOMPTON CULTURAL PROGRAMME | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Fees & Charges, Sports Centres | Amory Park Hire | 7930 | Twyford Spartans Youth Football Club | 950543 | 29/06/2023 | 29989 | 567.74 | OVERPAYMENT OF MONTHLY INSTALMENT BY PAUL A'LEE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Bradninch Town Council Clerk | 98 | 22/06/2023 | 30004 | 849.41 | S106 FUNDING FOR A DUAL RECYCLING BIN FOR TOWNLANDS PLAY PARK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Helmores Estate Agents | 944106 | 26/06/2023 | 30025 | 1350 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Helmores Estate Agents | 944106 | 26/06/2023 | 30025 | 1350 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Welden And Edwards | 21140 | 26/06/2023 | 30026 | 1184 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Nndr1 Transitional Protection | 8167 | Dclg | 934777 | 23/06/2023 | 30028 | 208474 | TR PAYMENTS 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 23/06/2023 | 30028 | -761470 | CENTRAL SHARE 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 23/06/2023 | 30028 | 9094 | DEFICIT FOR 21/22 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 23/06/2023 | 30028 | 11058 | DEFICIT FOR 22/23 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 23/06/2023 | 30028 | 8862 | RSG 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | H.R.A. Strategy | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958310 | 26/06/2023 | 30031 | 7134.78 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Income Management Suspense | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Income | 8450 | Bellway Homes Ltd (South West Divison) | 955560 | 26/06/2023 | 30032 | 500 | TO RETURN £500 PAID IN ERROR ON 15-06-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Dcc Precept | 8138 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 29/06/2023 | 30045 | 4888702 | INSTALMENT 3 03/07/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Police Precept | 8140 | Pcc Devon And Cornwall | 8607 | 29/06/2023 | 30046 | 782613.1 | INSTALMENT 3 03/07/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Fire Precept | 8148 | Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service | 33987 | 29/06/2023 | 30047 | 289478.9 | INSTALMENT 3 03/07/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Riviera Resedential Lettings Llp | 958320 | 29/06/2023 | 30051 | 1000 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Miscellaneous | Disrepair Claim Expenses | 4668 | Ask Legal Solicitors | 956429 | 29/06/2023 | 30055 | 4140.24 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Nndr1 Transitional Protection | 8167 | Dclg | 934777 | 30/06/2023 | 30070 | -208474 | INSTALMENT 4 - TR PAYMENTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 30/06/2023 | 30070 | 761470 | INSTALMENT 4 - CENTRAL SHARE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 30/06/2023 | 30070 | -9094 | INSTALMENT 4 - DEFICIT FOR 21/22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 30/06/2023 | 30070 | -11058 | INSTALMENT 4 - DEFICIT FOR 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 30/06/2023 | 30070 | -8862 | INSTALMENT 4 - RSG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 246626 | 14763.12 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 246629 | 14423 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 246630 | 16039.73 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 22/06/2023 | 248020 | 122.26 | BY61210-SERVICE-Bolle Safety Spec Rush & Clear Pc Lens Kn | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 22/06/2023 | 248020 | 132.19 | BY61210-SERVICE-Bolle Safety Spec Rush+ Smoke Pc Lens Kn | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 22/06/2023 | 248020 | 540 | BY61210-SERVICE-Glove Atg Maxicut Ultra Dt 3/4 Coated Ref 44- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 22/06/2023 | 248020 | 189 | BY61210-SERVICE-Glove Maxitherm Latex Foam Palm Coated Therma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 22/06/2023 | 248020 | 94.42 | BY61210-SERVICE-Magnum Sitemaster S3 Wr Src Metal Free Boot B | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 248115 | 16473.9 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Fitzpatrick Woolmer Design And Publishing Ltd | 957382 | 08/06/2023 | 249019 | 18562.2 | BY59706-SERVICE-Tiverton Town Centre - Fingerposts rev 3 - 31 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 12/06/2023 | 249195 | 85.8 | BY61764-SERVICE-CVSC Invoice Lease Agreement Hand Dryer Perio | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 12/06/2023 | 249195 | 137.28 | BY61764-SERVICE-EVLC Invoice Lease Agreement Hand Dryer Perio | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 12/06/2023 | 249195 | 171.6 | BY61764-SERVICE-lmlc Invoice Lease Agreement Hand Dryer Perio | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 12/06/2023 | 249195 | 50.4 | BY61764-SERVICE-OR Invoice Lease Agreement Hand Dryer Period | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 12/06/2023 | 249195 | 275.64 | BY61764-SERVICE-PH Invoice Lease Agreement Hand Dryer Period | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 74.88 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. 341060 - 2'8 x 6'8 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 32.64 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. 341064 - 2'0 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 97.92 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 489.6 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 199.8 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. LAL0044 - Union BS3621 2.5 satin sashloc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 249416 | 473.94 | S005740-SERVICE-Cat. WKP3960 - Charcoal worktop 3M length (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249469 | 1468.8 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 05/06/2023 | 249476 | 4896 | E002668-SERVICE-Call off order for fencing works to decant pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 05/06/2023 | 249476 | 0 | E002668-SERVICE-CALL OFF ORDER FOR FENCING WORKS TO DECANT PR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249481 | 1673.57 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249482 | 1239.68 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | -0.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | -4.02 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | -0.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | -0.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | 1006.64 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249483 | 24.3 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | 222 Sport Limited | 950859 | 05/06/2023 | 249488 | 1440 | BY61545-SERVICE-Annual Subscription 01/06/2023 - 31/05/2024 Q | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249495 | 1251.87 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 05/06/2023 | 249550 | 643.63 | E002799-SERVICE- Annual call off PIVs and MEVs ¿ 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 05/06/2023 | 249561 | 1428.48 | S005746-SERVICE-Cat. 2501510569 - Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 19/06/2023 | 249569 | -18.72 | BY61898-SERVICE-Digger hire for Ashley Rise, Bampton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 19/06/2023 | 249569 | 891.12 | BY61898-SERVICE-Digger hire for Ashley Rise, Bampton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249570 | 5215.2 | BY61350-SERVICE-10X 7163F GARAGE DOORS - PALMERSTON PARK AS P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249570 | 521.52 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249570 | 650.66 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249570 | 2607.6 | BY61350-SERVICE-5 x 7163F GARAGE DOORS - QUEENSWAY AS PER QUI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249571 | 2607.6 | BY61364-SERVICE-x5 6660f garage doors for Amory road garages | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 05/06/2023 | 249576 | 818.86 | BY61040-SERVICE-poll card postal vote - postage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Vmware | 4114 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 05/06/2023 | 249600 | 1556.65 | IT02539-SERVICE-VMware - Academic - Basic Support Coverage Ac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Vmware | 4114 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 05/06/2023 | 249600 | 7163.25 | IT02539-SERVICE-VMware Basic Support/Subscription for VMware | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Vmware | 4114 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 05/06/2023 | 249600 | 2402.66 | IT02539-SERVICE-VMware - Basic Support/VMware Subscription VM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 05/06/2023 | 249601 | 622.4 | BY61528-SERVICE-Telescopic Ladder as per quote 0090628933 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | Western Spray | 949093 | 05/06/2023 | 249615 | 1499.9 | BY61457-SERVICE-16 x 5 litre chlorinated rubber paint (light | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 05/06/2023 | 249675 | 1088.74 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for May 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant Sinking Fund | 3590 | Masons Kings | 944069 | 05/06/2023 | 249676 | 18240 | BY61515-SERVICE-Purchase Timberwolf TW23HB(P) Quote ref 28080 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Painting & Repairs | 4232 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 05/06/2023 | 249678 | 33277.28 | BY61531-SERVICE-Painting & Repairs before Painting 2021-2026 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249680 | 1152.14 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249682 | 763.59 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Garden Village Project | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 08/06/2023 | 249748 | 13337.63 | BY60171-SERVICE-HYAS Support for Culm Garden Village for 12 m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Double Glazed Unit Replacement | 9057 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 05/06/2023 | 249752 | 8781 | BY61376-SERVICE-Double Glazed unit replacement contract for 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249754 | 1259.49 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249756 | 1083.28 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 36.76 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. B014235 - Fischer wall mounted basin kit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 412.52 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. br11.0080 - 1/2 Basin Pillar Tap Bristan | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 99.75 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 77.4 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. P004120 - Speedfit 15mm coupling (PL4341 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 38.64 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. P018692 - 12 Basin Chain' (PL4168) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 126.6 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. P027338 - Dudley hydroflo S/E ballvalve | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 69.72 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. P029.0590 POLYPIPE - 1 1/2 Shallow Bath | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 115.03 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. PLB.B056417 - Suregraft 3 mode shower he | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 42.48 | S005769-SERVICE-Cat. PO23.1650 - 1 1/2 Elbow S/W WWS16 (PL502 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 249757 | 74.88 | S005769-SERVICE-Lead free solder roll (77198) (CN1066) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249777 | 1673.57 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 05/06/2023 | 249778 | 1170.04 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Whitham Mills Engineering Ltd | 946180 | 05/06/2023 | 249781 | 11383.2 | BY61516-SERVICE-6 tonnes of baling wire | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249790 | 945.22 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249792 | 1165.82 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 05/06/2023 | 249794 | 1043.77 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/06/2023 | 249796 | 684 | BY61617-SERVICE-Mira Advance Flex Extra Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/06/2023 | 249796 | 582.14 | BY61617-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 05/06/2023 | 249800 | 3468 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 249814 | 13912.98 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 249815 | 16819.04 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 249816 | 17137.42 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Professional Sound Consultancy Limited | 937067 | 05/06/2023 | 249863 | 828 | BY59921-SERVICE-CC12588 ¿ Mid Devon District Council PAVA Mai | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Miscellaneous | Licences | 4662 | Uk Active | 948700 | 05/06/2023 | 249864 | 321.2 | BY61627-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre Annual Music Licenc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Miscellaneous | Licences | 4662 | Uk Active | 948700 | 05/06/2023 | 249864 | 321.22 | BY61627-SERVICE-Exe Valley Sports Centre Annual Music Licence | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Miscellaneous | Licences | 4662 | Uk Active | 948700 | 05/06/2023 | 249864 | 321.22 | BY61627-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Sports Centre Annual Music Licen | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Guardian Security | 850 | 05/06/2023 | 249865 | 3870.78 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 05/06/2023 | 249870 | 65.28 | S005762-SERVICE-Cat. 341061 - 2'9 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 05/06/2023 | 249870 | 32.64 | S005762-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 05/06/2023 | 249870 | 489.6 | S005762-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 12.57 | S005768-SERVICE-5.0 x 50 YP wood screw box 200 16497 (CN1023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 49.99 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 100254 070 - Safety BOOTS SZ 7 900PT (PR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 39.98 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 100254 080 - Safety Trainer SZ 8 (845FH) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 37.99 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 102625 060 - Safety boot size 6 406GX (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 73.96 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 5827V - 4 core bit (117mm) 5827V (CN1353 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 32.88 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 652GT - HD rubble sack (652GT) (CN1099) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 147.22 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 802492 - Tubular Latch 64mm 4065K (CA310 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 49.99 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. 879096 - BOOT SIZE 9 364PT (PR5069) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 05/06/2023 | 249872 | 399.84 | S005768-SERVICE-Cat. THMLK541 - Masterlock keysafe (77908) (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Wotton Printers | 948042 | 05/06/2023 | 249873 | 654 | BY61571-SERVICE-GARDEN WASTER PERMITS - JUNE 2024 - SOLID GRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 05/06/2023 | 249876 | 43.68 | P008066-SP0046-HYDROCHLORIC ACID 36% [25LT/30KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 05/06/2023 | 249876 | 486.31 | P008066-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 05/06/2023 | 249876 | 24 | P008066-SP0057-Delivery Charge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 05/06/2023 | 249882 | 96.36 | BY61636-SERVICE-Delivery note 250924 Scrubber Dryer repai | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 05/06/2023 | 249882 | 435.3 | BY61636-SERVICE-Delivery note 252397 MC3 pressure washer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 05/06/2023 | 249882 | 130.02 | BY61636-SERVICE-Delivery note 252398 MC3 pressure washer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 05/06/2023 | 249882 | 286.8 | BY61636-SERVICE-d/note 253457 4/5/23 Repair of pressure washe | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Leisureteq | 8142 | 05/06/2023 | 249883 | 528 | BY61602-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre - Supply 1 x Yako M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 189.6 | BY61600-SERVICE-00 105450-32R hi viz reg leg ballistic trouse | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 189.6 | BY61600-SERVICE-00 105450-34R hi viz reg leg ballistic trouse | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 189.6 | BY61600-SERVICE-00 105450-36R hi viz reg leg ballistic trouse | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 254.4 | BY61600-SERVICE-01 20141 10 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 63.6 | BY61600-SERVICE-01 20141 11 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 254.4 | BY61600-SERVICE-01 20141 12 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 254.4 | BY61600-SERVICE-01 20141 8 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boot | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 05/06/2023 | 249884 | 254.4 | BY61600-SERVICE-01 20141 9 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boot | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 18.76 | S005761-SERVICE-Cat. 45070SOLOC - 4.5 x 70 YP wood screw box | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 105.38 | S005761-SERVICE-Cat. 6x30 washer - Washer 6mm x 30mm (CN1133) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 217.2 | S005761-SERVICE-Cat. box of 25 - Silicone Clear (CA3126) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 130.5 | S005761-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - BOND IT X | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 102.16 | S005761-SERVICE-Cat. PBPT017 - 100MM Trade paint brush (DE600 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 05/06/2023 | 249885 | 9.69 | S005761-SERVICE-Masonery Drill SDS 8mm x 160 31037 (CA3148) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 05/06/2023 | 249889 | 121.98 | S005750-SERVICE-Cat. Z10237175 + logo £4.50 - X Large Black H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 05/06/2023 | 249889 | 134.1 | S005750-SERVICE-Cat. Z10237671 - MDH EMB BASEBALL CAP- Black | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 05/06/2023 | 249889 | 97.58 | S005750-SERVICE-Cat. Z10239747 + logo 4.50 - Small Black Hood | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 05/06/2023 | 249889 | 121.98 | S005750-SERVICE-Cat. Z10239748 + logo £4.50 - Medium Black H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 05/06/2023 | 249889 | 121.98 | S005750-SERVICE-Cat. Z10239749 + logo £4.50 - Large Black Hoo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 05/06/2023 | 249892 | 699.25 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | Western Spray | 949093 | 05/06/2023 | 249893 | 550.8 | BY61624-SERVICE-6x5 litre chlorinated rubber paint (light blu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 08/06/2023 | 249896 | 415.8 | P008085-RS0653-SPINNING DIVE TOYS SPEEDO SEA SQUAD SW2716 (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 08/06/2023 | 249896 | 191.16 | P008085-LC0111-CABLE SPARE MALMSTEN STAINLESS STEEL SE171 (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 08/06/2023 | 249896 | 75.6 | P008085-RS0012-BALL TENNIS DUNLOP PRO TOUR SP866 (PACK OF 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 08/06/2023 | 249896 | 66.6 | P008085-RS0015-BALL SQUASH CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLE YELLOW DOT SP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 08/06/2023 | 249896 | 491.4 | P008085-RS0072-SW1392 SQUIRTY FISH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 05/06/2023 | 249900 | 597.05 | BY61561-SERVICE-BREWIN RD PARKING - ORDER NUMBER (F23270) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 05/06/2023 | 249912 | 792 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 08/06/2023 | 249913 | 2760 | BY61371-SERVICE-Replacement of double glazed windows 3 Baptis | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 05/06/2023 | 249914 | 2572.18 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for May 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 08/06/2023 | 249915 | 744 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for May 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 08/06/2023 | 249916 | 576 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Employee Counselling Costs | 1714 | Workout Ltd | 948941 | 05/06/2023 | 250003 | 936 | A000193-SERVICE-Workout Solutions Annual EAP order 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Fees & Charges | Reimbursed Costs | 7202 | Sheamus Machin | 957024 | 05/06/2023 | 250004 | 570 | BY61357-SERVICE-23/00154/OUT - Willobrooke Farm - Agricultura | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 08/06/2023 | 250005 | 0 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 08/06/2023 | 250005 | 23621.29 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/06/2023 | 250012 | -606.14 | BY61617-SERVICE-Mira Advance Flex Extra Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 08/06/2023 | 250013 | 2736 | BY61617-SERVICE-Mira Advance Flex Extra Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | Ark Pool Engineering Services Ltd | 31380 | 08/06/2023 | 250018 | 2678.68 | BY61492-SERVICE-Paddling Pool filter chlorination @ Tiverton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 08/06/2023 | 250021 | 565.38 | S005776-SERVICE-Cat. RFKLB050 - Klober universal vent tile (M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Atkins Ltd | 948354 | 08/06/2023 | 250026 | 9499.34 | BY61434-SERVICE-Beech Road Additional Project Management Fees | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250027 | 1239.1 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250028 | 1134.35 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250030 | 1257.38 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250032 | 914.12 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 12/06/2023 | 250050 | 1859.56 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250052 | 1039.8 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 12/06/2023 | 250053 | 1130.38 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250055 | 563.1 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250055 | 6.48 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250059 | 1112.46 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250059 | 14.04 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/06/2023 | 250060 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/06/2023 | 250060 | 1072.54 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/06/2023 | 250060 | 11.88 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250061 | 1944.26 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250065 | 995.36 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 12/06/2023 | 250069 | 1057.58 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 08/06/2023 | 250070 | 50638.44 | Consolidated Electricity | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 08/06/2023 | 250071 | 41510.29 | Consolidated Gas invoice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 08/06/2023 | 250072 | 2118.32 | Consolidated Unmetered | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 08/06/2023 | 250075 | 1684.21 | BY61603-SERVICE-Jacket Execu Highway Breathable En471cl3 Satu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 08/06/2023 | 250075 | 233.27 | BY61603-SERVICE-Shirt Polo Keepsafe Short Sleeve Hivis Yellow | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Pollution Reduction | Control Of Pollution | External Contractors | Pollution Monitoring | 4219 | Harley Parfitt T/A | 957877 | 08/06/2023 | 250081 | 850 | BY60824-SERVICE-Air Quality Annual Status report this year 20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Rose Removals And Storage | 532 | 08/06/2023 | 250087 | 9.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Rose Removals And Storage | 532 | 08/06/2023 | 250087 | 1040 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Tracking | 3411 | Vision Techniques (Uk) Ltd | 954761 | 08/06/2023 | 250091 | 2160 | BY61588-SERVICE-annual data sim charge for recycling | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Tracking | 3411 | Vision Techniques (Uk) Ltd | 954761 | 08/06/2023 | 250091 | 216 | BY61588-SERVICE-Annual data sim charge for Street Cleansing | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Tracking | 3411 | Vision Techniques (Uk) Ltd | 954761 | 08/06/2023 | 250091 | 1728 | BY61588-SERVICE-Annual data sim charge for Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Tracking | 3411 | Vision Techniques (Uk) Ltd | 954761 | 08/06/2023 | 250091 | 432 | BY61588-SERVICE-Annual data sim charge for Trade Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Bell Decorating Group Limited | 940434 | 12/06/2023 | 250092 | 16543.19 | BY59315-SERVICE-Modernisations contract Kitchens & bathroom 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Lowman Hotels Ltd T/A Tiverton Hotel | 956972 | 12/06/2023 | 250137 | 1000 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 40.32 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0100 - Speedfit 15mm cxc Elbow (PL4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 78.72 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0230 - Speedfit 15mm CXC stem elbow | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 56.53 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 27.48 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. P004133 - Speedfit 22mm Stopend (PL4353) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 190.8 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. P006631 - 1 1/2 Wastepipe S/W 3m Length | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 48.96 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. P023791 - 18 Bath/Sink Chain' (PL4185) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 18.6 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. P031973 - Close Coupled kit SG C/C kit ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 119.23 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. Triton T80Z - Triton T80Z 8.5kw (EL2088) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 116.88 | S005778-SERVICE-Cat. WQ41.0140 - 1 1/4 Basin Waste' (PL4167) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 08/06/2023 | 250141 | 401.3 | S005778-SERVICE-Low Level Syphon 2 Part (PL4031) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 16.02 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. 534456 - Tile spacers pack of 1000 (MA84 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 111.6 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. 802489 - Legge Cylinder Only P6 SCP (CA3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 11.88 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. 803157 - BJ254 Hand Rail Bracket 63mm ZP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 6.91 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. 981446 - Wire Brush (CN1108) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 859.49 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. MAZ92 - MAZ92 Cylinder padlock (PA6900) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250143 | 32.46 | S005771-SERVICE-Cat. P3708 - Mortice Latch 64mm NP Legge (CA3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250144 | 905.02 | BY61523-SERVICE-BECKS SQAURE FENCING - REF 3036Q219770 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250145 | 10.2 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 18B29/slate blue - HC19 19mm colour cap | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250145 | 1393.21 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 34/1000 RIB/RF PRO PVC 0.7 THI - Rib/roo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 08/06/2023 | 250145 | 235.29 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 3M 200X200 BARGE FLASHING PVC - Corner b | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 12/06/2023 | 250147 | 241.06 | BY61604-SERVICE-Shirt Polo Keepsafe Short Sleeve Hivis Yellow | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 12/06/2023 | 250147 | 304.32 | BY61604-SERVICE-Waistcoat Executive Zip Front En471cl2 Saturn | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 05/06/2023 | 250150 | 1038 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 12/06/2023 | 250151 | 600 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hanovia Ltd | 26689 | 12/06/2023 | 250164 | 943.76 | BY61417-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre, Crediton - carry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | R J Brooks & Son | 7929 | 08/06/2023 | 250165 | 799.72 | BY61670-SERVICE-Newcombes Meadow, Crediton, Paddling Pool Pre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 12/06/2023 | 250167 | 1133.08 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Coram | 30908 | 12/06/2023 | 250168 | 587.88 | S005779-SERVICE-Cat. MIRIM/BT - Mira Adv Flex 87 & SWP/IMBT ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Coram | 30908 | 12/06/2023 | 250168 | 1185.3 | S005779-SERVICE-Cat. P6440995 - Whale shower pump 'instant ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 128.52 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. 104-D48 - 104-4 Long Tee EZI KLAMP (SN71 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 118.56 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. 119 D48 - 119-4 Midrail Cross (SN7115) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 208.08 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. 131-D48 - 131-4 Wall flange EZI KLAMP (S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 297.6 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. 132-D48 - 132-4 Base plate EZI KLAMP (SN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 310.32 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. 169-D48 - 169-4 Swivel wall plate EZI KL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 858.54 | S005793-SERVICE-Cat. ZB0199156067 - Galv kick plate 150x6x300 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 26/06/2023 | 250169 | 90 | S005793-SERVICE-Delivery charge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 12/06/2023 | 250170 | 1082.64 | BY61379-SERVICE-Archipel Transactions Quarterly Start April - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 12/06/2023 | 250173 | 1919.85 | BY61591-SERVICE-Thurlow Close, Crediton - QUOTE NUM - 0090638 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 12/06/2023 | 250177 | 903.19 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 12/06/2023 | 250181 | 2130 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 12/06/2023 | 250181 | 2.27E-13 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Coram | 30908 | 12/06/2023 | 250182 | 790.2 | S005779-SERVICE-Cat. P6440995 - Whale shower pump 'instant ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Other Recruitment Expenses | 1303 | Vivid | 956600 | 05/06/2023 | 250185 | 11544 | BY61594-SERVICE-Shane Burgess Employment Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 12/06/2023 | 250186 | 1680 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. P6440995 - Whale shower pump 'instant ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 12/06/2023 | 250186 | 238.32 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. S2239620 - 2.5Mtr Flexi Shower Track (SN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Miscellaneous | General Insurance | 4642 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 05/06/2023 | 250190 | 6074.29 | BY61709-SERVICE-INVOICE 1385 - COMMERICAL BUILDINGS INSURANCE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | I-Civils Limited | 948188 | 12/06/2023 | 250196 | 2307.6 | BY61532-SERVICE- Provision of path from entrance hardstanding | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 250197 | 2750 | BY61613-SERVICE-Tutor for Pool Plant Operator course x11 peop | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 27.68 | BY61681-SERVICE-Black Nylon Cable Ties (Pack of 100) 370mm x | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 35.83 | BY61681-SERVICE-Black Nylon Cable Ties (Pack of 100) 540mm x | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 167.76 | BY61681-SERVICE-Cutter CW700 Strimmer & Trimmer Gloves, Large | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 167.76 | BY61681-SERVICE-Cutter CW700 Strimmer & Trimmer Gloves, Mediu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 167.76 | BY61681-SERVICE-Cutter CW700 Strimmer & Trimmer Gloves, X-Lar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Tudor Environmental | 941820 | 12/06/2023 | 250207 | 76.03 | BY61681-SERVICE-Tudor Lithium Extreme Pressure (EP) 2 Grease, | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 05/06/2023 | 250211 | 1512 | AGE0216-SERVICE-W/E 12.05.2023 - James Clements - PPO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 19/06/2023 | 250212 | 733.17 | P008074-SP0053-PureChlor 15 [1000L/1255KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 12/06/2023 | 250213 | 507.45 | P008079-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 05/06/2023 | 250216 | 612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 05/06/2023 | 250217 | 3936.99 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 05/06/2023 | 250218 | 7166.26 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 08/06/2023 | 250219 | 570 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Painting & Repairs | 4232 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 22/06/2023 | 250220 | 30697.16 | BY61531-SERVICE-Painting & Repairs before Painting 2021-2026 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | External Contractors | Private Water Sampling | 4220 | South West Water | 1343 | 15/06/2023 | 250222 | 674.75 | A000241-SERVICE-PWS Month 01 Apr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Leisure | 2810 | South West Water | 1343 | 15/06/2023 | 250222 | 172.56 | A000240-SERVICE-Leisure Month 01 Apr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Equipment | Skips | 4122 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 19/06/2023 | 250249 | 976.01 | E002839-SERVICE-Old Road Depot Wood Skip Collections May-July | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | City West Commercials | 958101 | 08/06/2023 | 250251 | 11214.13 | BY61348-SERVICE-SFS003 KS67FLK - repairs to vehicle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Vulcanising South West Limited | 940447 | 15/06/2023 | 250329 | 750 | BY61340-SERVICE-Quote 330626 Replace skirting on baler convey | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 250332 | 1164.37 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 250333 | 1687.51 | BY61701-SERVICE-quote number - SQ01815984 - ST PAULS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 15/06/2023 | 250336 | 1141.2 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Miscellaneous | Disrepair Claim Expenses | 4668 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 15/06/2023 | 250340 | 921.59 | BY61698-SERVICE-Protimeter Speedy Standard item number 301014 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 08/06/2023 | 250341 | 502.27 | A000228-SERVICE-Planning - Notification List - Mid Devon Gaze | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 359.04 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 475.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 2808.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 4357.25 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 66 | BY59320-SERVICE-Fortnightly Market Walk Communal clean | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 1919.61 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 2508.02 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 19/06/2023 | 250346 | 792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 19/06/2023 | 250353 | 1253.62 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 19/06/2023 | 250355 | 1098.72 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 19/06/2023 | 250355 | 30.24 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 19/06/2023 | 250356 | 840 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 19/06/2023 | 250357 | 631.28 | E002389-SERVICE- Vehicle Hire 2022-23 ¿ Housing Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 29/06/2023 | 250358 | 899.12 | BY61471-SERVICE-MD72 OHC 3 weekly 1 May 2023 -30 May 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 19/06/2023 | 250363 | 1141.2 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 19/06/2023 | 250364 | 655.13 | E002309-SERVICE-Addition Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 19/06/2023 | 250365 | 655.13 | E002309-SERVICE-Addition Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 19/06/2023 | 250366 | 1151.7 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 12/06/2023 | 250368 | 2233.52 | BY61275-SERVICE-Intruder Alarm replacement - Lords Meadow Lei | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 08/06/2023 | 250373 | 638.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | J28 Feasability | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 08/06/2023 | 250383 | 88634.81 | BY60563-SERVICE-Junction 28 works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | The Association Of Electoral Administrators | 24849 | 12/06/2023 | 250390 | 2680.8 | BY61742-SERVICE-polling station staff training for 204 staf | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 18.17 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 47.95 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 63.56 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 31.18 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 16.78 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 253.27 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 704.2 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 339.46 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 179.78 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 561.73 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Warden Service Expenditure | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 18.08 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 158.25 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Planned Maintenance Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 117.98 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 308.49 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 1561.46 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 97.21 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Stores | Stores | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 16.78 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 31.18 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 34.78 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Learning And Development | Learning & Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 31.18 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Digital Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 55.3 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 64.73 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Committee Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 41.83 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 16.78 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 168.7 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 521.79 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 422.52 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 206.2 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 47.95 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | 3 Rivers Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 31 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 626.17 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 155.88 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 408.76 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 192.82 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 175.63 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 87.48 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 432.22 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 248.54 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 232.61 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 47.95 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 05/06/2023 | 250401 | 120.96 | EE AIRTIME CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250429 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0602 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250429 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0602 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250430 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0605 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250430 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0605 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250431 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0601 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250431 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0601 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250433 | 860.4 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1202 - CONTRACT HIRE - BT71XUG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250433 | 552.72 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1202 - MAINTENANCE - BT71XUG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250434 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0703 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250434 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0703 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250435 | 498.52 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1110 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250435 | 237.69 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1110 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 05/06/2023 | 250436 | 512.07 | BY61574-SERVICE-x1 door 2 Hunivers as per quote 521235 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250440 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYR - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250440 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0701 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYR - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250441 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0704 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250441 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0704 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250443 | 498.52 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1109 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250443 | 237.69 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1109 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250444 | 498.52 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1111 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250444 | 237.69 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1111 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | Devon Surface Care Ltd | 952404 | 05/06/2023 | 250445 | 960 | BY61724-SERVICE-Newcombes Meadow Paddling pool, Crediton - Pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Maint - Paddling Pools | 2123 | Devon Surface Care Ltd | 952404 | 05/06/2023 | 250446 | 960 | BY61724-SERVICE-Westexe Paddling Pool, Tiverton - Pre-season | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Development Training | 1402 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 12/06/2023 | 250451 | 5280 | BY61730-SERVICE-NEC Benefits consultancy | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 26/06/2023 | 250452 | 360 | E002809-SERVICE-Additional work | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 26/06/2023 | 250452 | 504 | E002809-SERVICE-Clearance of large art failed apple tree - He | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 26/06/2023 | 250452 | 816 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Ken White Signs | 766 | 12/06/2023 | 250453 | 1459.2 | BY61583-SERVICE-38 sets MDH SIGNS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 1152.1 | BY61739-SERVICE-GM 11 FW571108 Rear chute upper feed motor- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 23.56 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD0202 FW581952 VX69YLE Fit top mirror guard | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 597.11 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1202 FW580566 BT71XUG Replacement mirror ar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 8.1 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1301 FW581467 HX17EFZ Replace screen wash c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 627.82 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1314 FW581759 HK20KWR Invoice for replaceme | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 627.82 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1314 FW581788 HK20KWR invoice for replaceme | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 434.73 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD0301 FW571988 VU67HTE Repair shock damage-s | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 14.4 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD0502 FW580800 LT67AEW Replacement mirror co | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 210.11 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1105 FW579043 HX19DVY Transit to Wellington | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 60.33 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1111 FW581843 WA70ZWE Replacement N/S indic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 698.66 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1308 FW563663 WG11OUF Remove infector, test | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 607.58 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1314 FW581755 HK20KWR INVOICE FOR REPLACEME | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 133.93 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD0701 FW580781 WG20RYR replace n/s/f fog lig | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250454 | 50.23 | BY61739-SERVICE-MD1103 FW579835 HX19DVZ Supply front shock du | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 33.03 | BY61745-SERVICE-MD0607 FW572625 WG20RYP o/s mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 61.1 | BY61745-SERVICE-MD1110 FW570514 WA70ZWD nsf body marker | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 65.02 | BY61745-SERVICE-GM2 FW579830 GM2 Trailer to MDT for works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 213.35 | BY61745-SERVICE-MD0202 FW582695 VX69YLE Replacement barrier a | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 540.01 | BY61745-SERVICE-MD0301 FW583314 VU67HTE Replacement hire vehi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 19.56 | BY61745-SERVICE-GP0002 FW582443 WJ61KVL Replacement headlight | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 65.02 | BY61745-SERVICE-GM11 FW581957 GM11 Tyre nsf | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 522.38 | BY61745-SERVICE-MD1605 FW582350 HN20KHJ Replace mirror head | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 292.69 | BY61745-SERVICE-SFS001 FW575185 VU66NSV Supply sun blind | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 05/06/2023 | 250455 | 1903.3 | BY61745-SERVICE-AP1002 FW575979 LT67AEW Safety relay-sensor f | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250460 | 2235.2 | BY61366-SERVICE-Supply storage heaters as per quote 009053022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250465 | 1023.17 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250465 | 377.71 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250474 | 1250.78 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250474 | 335.42 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250475 | 772.67 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 08/06/2023 | 250475 | 165.66 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Recycling Credits-Vol Groups | 4646 | Willand Community Composting | 11828 | 05/06/2023 | 250487 | 553.57 | 188 189 RECYCLING CREDIT 16.21 TONNES @ £34.15 PER TONNE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 12/06/2023 | 250488 | 537.46 | W/C 15/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 12/06/2023 | 250488 | -537.45 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 12/06/2023 | 250488 | 537.45 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Cosmic | 939208 | 19/06/2023 | 250492 | 551.88 | E002700-SERVICE-12 x digital skills workshops in 3 towns + tr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 19/06/2023 | 250494 | 895.77 | W/E 22/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 19/06/2023 | 250494 | -895.76 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 19/06/2023 | 250494 | 895.76 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 19/06/2023 | 250496 | 600 | BY61447-SERVICE-CSG - call out Orchard Close, Eastleigh and w | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Lacey Hickie Caley Ltd | 957962 | 19/06/2023 | 250497 | 15252 | E002802-SERVICE-Crediton Town Centre Masterplan | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Navigate | 953261 | 05/06/2023 | 250501 | 43500 | E002812-SERVICE-HSF4 Grants | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 216.67 | BY61604-SERVICE-Mid Devon District Council Left Breast Emb Ye | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 71.42 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt EX LARGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 107.13 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt LARGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 107.13 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt MEDIUM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 29.76 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt XX LARGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 29.76 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt XXX LARGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 19/06/2023 | 250502 | 17.88 | BY61604-SERVICE-Rx151 Bottle Green T-shirt XXXX LARGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Peake (Gb) Limited | 937613 | 19/06/2023 | 250503 | 3382.46 | E002770-SERVICE-Supply & delivery - clinical waste containers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 22/06/2023 | 250504 | 237 | BY61738-SERVICE-00-10545O-32s hi vis short leg ballistic trou | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 22/06/2023 | 250504 | 237 | BY61738-SERVICE-00-10545O-34S hi vis short ballistic trousers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 22/06/2023 | 250504 | 118.32 | BY61738-SERVICE-00-10545O-40r hi vis regular ballistic trouse | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 22/06/2023 | 250504 | 118.5 | BY61738-SERVICE-00-10545O-40s hi vis short ballistic trousers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 22/06/2023 | 250504 | 342 | BY61738-SERVICE-01-20141-10 Lightyear pioneer black ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250505 | 24.36 | S005785-SERVICE-Cat. 2500550818 - Steeple M3.5X50mm Screw Nic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250505 | 115.2 | S005785-SERVICE-Cat. 4306 - Switched socket 13 amp 2G C'tree | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250505 | 5.66 | S005785-SERVICE-Cat. BRN19 - PVC tape brown (CN1309) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250505 | 5.66 | S005785-SERVICE-Cat. BU19 - PVC tape blue (CN1308) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 19/06/2023 | 250505 | 745.14 | S005785-SERVICE-Cat. QM100 - Quantum heater 1000W (EL2317) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 12/06/2023 | 250506 | 1956 | BY61386-SERVICE-Crediton Skate Park - Prepare and re-paint ru | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 12/06/2023 | 250506 | 2232 | BY61386-SERVICE-Cullompton Skate Park - Prepare and repaint r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Devon County Council | 934437 | 12/06/2023 | 250507 | 8500 | BY61754-SERVICE-MDDC 2023-24 contribution to the Blackdown Hi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Recycling Credits-Vol Groups | 4646 | Sampford Peverell Community Composting | 20552 | 22/06/2023 | 250509 | 1739.94 | RECYCLING CREDIT Q1 2023/24 50.95 TONNES @ £34.15 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Recycling Credits-Vol Groups | 4646 | Morchard Bishop Playing Field | 15873 | 22/06/2023 | 250510 | 795.31 | RECYCLING CREDITS FOR CARDBOARD 11.58 TONNES @ £68.68 PER TONNE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 05/06/2023 | 250511 | 620.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 19/06/2023 | 250512 | 8770.79 | BY61677-SERVICE-13x 8066 GARADORGarage Doors for Sunningbroo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/06/2023 | 250513 | 32.64 | S005780-SERVICE-Cat. 341064 - 2'0 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/06/2023 | 250513 | 65.28 | S005780-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/06/2023 | 250513 | 138.14 | S005780-SERVICE-Cat. SNK5172 - Single Bowl sinkLamona Drayton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/06/2023 | 250513 | 1421.82 | S005780-SERVICE-Cat. WKP3960 - Charcoal worktop 3M length (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 19/06/2023 | 250514 | 1923.21 | BY61237-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL APR/MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Devon Tree Services Ltd | 954469 | 22/06/2023 | 250515 | 3048 | BY60944-SERVICE-Culm Valley Way, Smithincott, Uffculme, EX15 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Skinner Construction Ltd | 956887 | 12/06/2023 | 250517 | 76986.47 | BY58349-SERVICE-Beech Road Tiverton ¿ JCT Design and Build Co | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 05/06/2023 | 250518 | 5562.37 | CM600 1501 £5562.37 MAY 23 NON DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 05/06/2023 | 250518 | 806.81 | CM600 1501 £806.81 MAY 23 DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | Share Of Corp And Dem | Share Of Corp And Dem | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 05/06/2023 | 250518 | 506.78 | HO620 1501 £506.78 MAY 23 HSG(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | J28 Feasability | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Somerset West And Taunton Council | 2977 | 12/06/2023 | 250522 | 4254.64 | BY60576-SERVICE-Mobility Hub Project in partnership with Some | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 08/06/2023 | 250523 | 1728 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 05/06/2023 | 250524 | 366.91 | S005773-SERVICE-Cat. WCLGU252509 - Galv chainlink 900mm x 25M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 05/06/2023 | 250524 | 80.88 | S005773-SERVICE-Cat. WSBG0950 - Stretcher bar 950mm for chain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 05/06/2023 | 250524 | 56.76 | S005773-SERVICE-Cat. WSBG1250 - 1.2m Stretcher bar (FE1013) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 19/06/2023 | 250527 | 704.06 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for June 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Grant Thornton Uk Llp | 944127 | 08/06/2023 | 250612 | 13269 | BY60659-SERVICE-2022/23 Audit Fee - Scale Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | T/A Beacon Enforcement | 955730 | 12/06/2023 | 250615 | 2280.66 | BY61762-SERVICE-Enforcement fees re: Illegal Encampment - Amo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Les Mills Fitness Uk Ltd | 951046 | 22/06/2023 | 250620 | 180 | BY61128-SERVICE-les mills - RPM and SPRINT June | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Les Mills Fitness Uk Ltd | 951046 | 22/06/2023 | 250620 | 324 | BY61128-SERVICE-les mills - THE TRIP June | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 12/06/2023 | 250622 | 3684 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 22/06/2023 | 250623 | 3907.2 | E002668-SERVICE-Call off order for fencing works to decant pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Sutcliffe (South West) Ltd | 946753 | 22/06/2023 | 250624 | 14400 | BY60743-SERVICE-Installation of an inclusive roundabout at Cu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Sutcliffe (South West) Ltd | 946753 | 22/06/2023 | 250624 | 14730 | BY60743-SERVICE-Provision of new multi-play unit at Pippins F | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 22/06/2023 | 250628 | 162 | BY61780-SERVICE-D/N 250924 part 606203 brush | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 22/06/2023 | 250628 | 371.76 | BY61780-SERVICE-D/N 251770 02/06/2023 Repair of pressure was | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 49.8 | P008102-LC0250-Aquatic Helper Certificate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 187.5 | P008102-LC0251-Aquatic Helper Workbook | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | -109.47 | MEMBERS DISCOUNT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0133-STA STANLEY 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0135-STA STANLEY 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0136-STA STANLEY 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0137-STA STANLEY 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0138-STA STANLEY 6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0144-STA GOLDFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0146-STA GOLDFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0147-STA ANGELFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0148-STA ANGELFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0149-STA ANGELFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0156-STA KINGFISHER 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 48 | P008102-BA0188-STA 600m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 9.99 | P008102-BA0222-DELIVERY (over £150) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 22/06/2023 | 250630 | 156 | P008102-LC0066-FLEXIBEAM FUN NOODLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Other Admin Costs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Baker & Baker Chartered Surveyors | 952692 | 22/06/2023 | 250631 | 588 | E002794-SERVICE-Property Valuations | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 08/06/2023 | 250632 | 68900.55 | BY61530-SERVICE-Roofing Contract 2023 - 2024 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | City West Commercials | 958101 | 08/06/2023 | 250634 | -3502.08 | BY61348-SERVICE-SFS003 KS67FLK - repairs to vehicle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Sub Contractors | 4507 | Secure Scaffolding | 943734 | 22/06/2023 | 250636 | 633.6 | BY61263-SERVICE-Supply & erection of scaffolding 15 Lime Road | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 2334.94 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0401 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 2334.94 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0402 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 2334.94 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0403 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 1033.99 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0501 - Fixed Maintenance - LT67AEY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 235.35 | A000217-SERVICE-MD1103 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250640 | 172.26 | A000217-SERVICE-MD1301 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250642 | 2109.26 | A000218-SERVICE-MD0301 - Fixed Maintenance- VU67HTE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 994.7 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1001 - Fixed Maintenance - GM18WPV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 235.36 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1101 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 235.36 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1102 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 233.84 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1104 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19 DVW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 233.84 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1105 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 08/06/2023 | 250644 | 602.58 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1201 - Fixed Maintenance - LT19AHK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/06/2023 | 250651 | 1139.92 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/06/2023 | 250652 | 773.22 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/06/2023 | 250654 | 964.56 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 19/06/2023 | 250656 | 780 | E002819-SERVICE-HOTEL ACCOM FOR T WEBB FOR MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250658 | 1300.59 | VAT ONLY INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250659 | 90 | FEES PAID DIRECT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250659 | 1192.28 | VAT ONLY INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250660 | 251.82 | FEES PAID DIRECT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250660 | 942.72 | VAT ONLY INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 08/06/2023 | 250661 | 913.28 | VAT ONLY INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 5.69 | S005799-SERVICE-6-7mm round clips (15636) (CN1306) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 47.88 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 2500276395 - JUNCTION BOX 3 TERMINAL MAI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 59.95 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 2500996675 - 5ft Batten LED 38W (EL2370) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 59.88 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 2501309059 - Fan isolation switch (EL205 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 9.12 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 4170 - Light switch 1G 2W C'tree (EL2015 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 76.8 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 4304 - Switched socket 13amp 1G C'tree ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 64.8 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 4827 - Connection unit switched fused C' | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 56.39 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y1 - 6242Y1 1mm T/E Drum 100M (EL201 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 151.18 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y2.5 - 6242Y2.5 2.5mm T/E drum 100M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 92.4 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y56 - 6242Y56 6mm T/E 50M drum (EL20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 41.4 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. 9047 - Moulded box 25mm 1G C'tree (EL200 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 8.28 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. CUGR40-25 small - Grommets small 40 x25 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 18.79 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. CUGR50-50 LARGE - Grommets Large 50 x 50 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 479.88 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 124.8 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. I6491G10 - I6491G10 10mm Earth 100M (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 559.68 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 1490.28 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. QM100 - Quantum heater 1000W (EL2317) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 4.01 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. RC7-8WHI - 7-8mm Round clips (CN1307) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 91.18 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. SF6ASWN - 6' window/wall fan SF6ASW (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/06/2023 | 250668 | 278.4 | S005799-SERVICE-Quartz Eco7 H/mann E7/Quartz (EL2051) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/06/2023 | 250669 | 679.98 | S005794-SERVICE-Cat. P6828692 - Drop down shower seat with le | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/06/2023 | 250669 | 2988.84 | S005794-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/06/2023 | 250671 | 1174.6 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | J V Lee Electrical | 34757 | 15/06/2023 | 250676 | 1090.31 | BY61242-SERVICE-Old Road, Tiverton - carry out the emergency | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 08/06/2023 | 250677 | 20018.46 | BY55289-SERVICE-Replacement Roofing programme, year 2 - 2021/ | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Akw Medicare Ltd | 948258 | 22/06/2023 | 250680 | 3300.25 | S005791-SERVICE-Cat. 23864 - Geberit AquaClean Mera Care floo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 29/06/2023 | 250681 | 2047.08 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 09/06/2023 | 250683 | 6463.82 | BY61765-SERVICE-Cleveland Road, Morchard Road EX17 5LW - sept | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 08/06/2023 | 250684 | 720 | BY61483-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre - Disinfection of t | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Merrifield Motor Works Ltd | 956426 | 29/06/2023 | 250685 | 2640 | BY60770-SERVICE-Purchase Cardboard Bank in customer colours a | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Merrifield Motor Works Ltd | 956426 | 29/06/2023 | 250685 | 1800 | BY60770-SERVICE-Refurbishment of MDDC skip and conversion fro | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Merrifield Motor Works Ltd | 956426 | 29/06/2023 | 250686 | 895.74 | BY61550-SERVICE-MD0301 (VU67 HTE) Vehicle Damage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 4.08 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. 303029100 - 8430109 PU GRIPPER GLOVE 9/L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 79.2 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. 757474 - Multi tool blade set (CN1111) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 38.64 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. ABEA1200 - Galv' thin coat plaster angle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 14.22 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. FSTP1810 - Mastic Gun (CN1056) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 55.34 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 257.46 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. PSEU0415 - Timber 25 X 50 P.S.E. (CA3318 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 22/06/2023 | 250690 | 223.2 | S005784-SERVICE-Cat. SKIR0475 - Skirting Board 4 Universal' ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Reply Paid Postage | 4437 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 08/06/2023 | 250692 | 822.96 | POSTEAGE INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 29/06/2023 | 250693 | 1277.64 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 29/06/2023 | 250694 | 780 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 29/06/2023 | 250695 | 1281.47 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 29/06/2023 | 250696 | 1126.19 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 29/06/2023 | 250696 | 34.02 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 19/06/2023 | 250700 | 1364.16 | A000224-SERVICE-G4S Cash Collection May 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 19/06/2023 | 250700 | 107.18 | E002475-SERVICE-WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FROM PHOENIX HOUSE TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 15/06/2023 | 250701 | 2670 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works 3 | 2108 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 08/06/2023 | 250703 | 21658.8 | BY61662-SERVICE-LM22-23 Phase 2 Decarbonisation Spend - Works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works 3 | 2108 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 08/06/2023 | 250704 | 7112.69 | BY61662-SERVICE-evlc 22-23 Phase 2 Decarbonisation Spend MAT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 15/06/2023 | 250713 | 960 | BY61784-SERVICE-Customer Care / Sales Training Day | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 15/06/2023 | 250713 | 300 | BY61784-SERVICE-Discovery session to shape the brief and cont | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Dalton Training | 943794 | 22/06/2023 | 250715 | 1500 | BY61547-SERVICE-Tutor for RLSS Assessor course | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 15/06/2023 | 250719 | 763.2 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250729 | 1294.13 | BY61693-SERVICE-MARINE PLY 2440x1220x18mm | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 387.6 | S005796-SERVICE-22mm Copper Pipe (PL4302) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 483.48 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. 5091647 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr White (DE6042) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 63.5 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. 883178 - Duck tape - silver 88497 (CN107 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 68.47 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. AMIX1076 - SBR 5L (MA8005) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 28.8 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. Black BM5/40 - Rhino flexi tub with hand | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 492.84 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. dulux 5091653 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 138.37 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 29/06/2023 | 250730 | 54.96 | S005796-SERVICE-Cat. W1000S - Lining Paper 1000 Grade (DE6077 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) Project 20 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 250783 | 74520 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme (Hca) - Project 25 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 250784 | 192000 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) Project 20 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 250785 | 24840 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 29 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 250785 | 74520 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) Project 20 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 250786 | 336000 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Garden Village Project | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 19/06/2023 | 250788 | 6048 | BY60171-SERVICE-HYAS Support for Culm Garden Village for 12 m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Garden Village Project | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 19/06/2023 | 250789 | 3120 | BY61495-SERVICE-East Cullompton Phasing and Delivery Strategy | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 26/06/2023 | 250790 | 6113.05 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Coram | 30908 | 29/06/2023 | 250791 | 1051.78 | S005802-SERVICE-Cat. EL-H 1300x800R - Elevate opt H 1300 x 80 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 22/06/2023 | 250792 | 526.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 12/06/2023 | 250795 | 53717.27 | BY61747-SERVICE-34,000 litres diesel for Carlu Close | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 12/06/2023 | 250795 | -2.24 | BY61747-SERVICE-34,000 LITRES DIESEL FOR CARLU CLOSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 15/06/2023 | 250796 | 945.6 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 29/06/2023 | 250797 | 695.88 | S005799-SERVICE-Cat. HVHT/P remote humidistat - Remote stat H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 19/06/2023 | 250800 | 1946.01 | BY61237-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL APR/MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Park Now | 943678 | 22/06/2023 | 250803 | 1563.4 | A000229-SERVICE-Parknow Annual Order April 23 - March 24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 42.24 | BY61661-SERVICE-800237414491 Biofuse earplug blue/grey | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 11.84 | BY61661-SERVICE-80166015466 Kickboard ONESZV2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 11.84 | BY61661-SERVICE-80166015466 Kickboard ONESZV3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 11.84 | BY61661-SERVICE-801660G063 Kickboard ONESZV1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 243.65 | BY61661-SERVICE-808382B971 Infant spot goggles assorted colou | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 109.98 | BY61661-SERVICE-808383B917 Squirty Toys | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 135.36 | BY61661-SERVICE-808384D703 Spinning Dive toys | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 203.04 | BY61661-SERVICE-810900B983 Futura classic junior PURPLE/PINK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 243.65 | BY61661-SERVICE-810900B991 Futura classic junior RED/CLEAR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 19.74 | BY61661-SERVICE-8708120002 UNIVERSAL NOSE CLIP AU NAVY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 19.74 | BY61661-SERVICE-8708127044 UNIVERSAL NOSE CLIP AU CLEAR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 19/06/2023 | 250804 | 81.22 | BY61661-SERVICE- WATER BALLS ASSORTED | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 09/06/2023 | 250805 | -6463.82 | BY61765-SERVICE-Cleveland Road, Morchard Road EX17 5LW - sept | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 29/06/2023 | 250806 | 1388.43 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 29/06/2023 | 250809 | 858.94 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 12/06/2023 | 250812 | 6463.82 | BY61765-SERVICE-Cleveland Road, Morchard Road EX17 5LW - sept | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | Gradwell Communications Ltd | 956405 | 15/06/2023 | 250819 | 2807.4 | CALL CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 26/06/2023 | 250826 | 592.38 | BY61902-SERVICE-CARLU FIRE SAFETY SERVICE CONTRACT INVOICE 9 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 19/06/2023 | 250827 | 1698.6 | BY61593-SERVICE-Legal Services Manager Advert | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 19/06/2023 | 250827 | 1134.3 | BY61593-SERVICE-Property Solicitor advert | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 19/06/2023 | 250827 | 564.3 | BY61593-SERVICE-Property Solicitor Advert | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 19/06/2023 | 250827 | 1373.7 | BY61167-SERVICE-Planning Officer Advert - The Planner | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 19/06/2023 | 250827 | 698.4 | BY61165-SERVICE-HSHAZ Project Officer Adverts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Shared Prosperity Fund | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Tiverton Museum Of Mid Devon | 34216 | 12/06/2023 | 250828 | 1000 | BY61193-SERVICE-Field to fork promo in VMD guide feature | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 19/06/2023 | 250830 | 3990 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 19/06/2023 | 250831 | 924 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hanovia Ltd | 26689 | 26/06/2023 | 250837 | 3239.18 | BY61418-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre, Tiverton - carry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Navigate | 953261 | 12/06/2023 | 250841 | 3340.89 | E002812-SERVICE-Admin fees (15%) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 3.6 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN EXETER CENTRAL ST. DAVIDS, 26/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 3.6 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 26/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 788.4 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 18/05/2023, 8 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 703 | PREMIER INN EXETER CENTRAL ST. DAVIDS, 26/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 609.9 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 26/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 68.39 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 22/05/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250850 | 205.17 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 23/05/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 3.6 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 19/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 3.6 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 19/05/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 560.1 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 19/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 627 | PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 19/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 296.4 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 19/05/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 552.9 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 19/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Travel | 1407 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 3.6 | FEE FOR PREMIER INN LEEDS CITY CENTRE (WHITEHALL ROAD), 15/05/2023, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Travel | 1407 | Click Travel | 951733 | 12/06/2023 | 250851 | 358.21 | PREMIER INN LEEDS CITY CENTRE (WHITEHALL ROAD), 15/05/2023, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Flood Defence And Land Drain | Flood Defence And Land Drain | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | I-Civils Limited | 948188 | 26/06/2023 | 250914 | 4549.82 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Housing Reviews Limited | 958236 | 29/06/2023 | 250915 | 7680 | BY61791-SERVICE-Part 7 Housing Act 1996 Training Course | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 29/06/2023 | 250927 | 956.23 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 29/06/2023 | 250929 | 1143.21 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 29/06/2023 | 250935 | 2988.84 | S005794-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 29/06/2023 | 250938 | 1088.26 | BY61665-SERVICE-Notice regarding increase of parking charges | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 19/06/2023 | 250939 | 1674 | AGE0216-SERVICE-W/E 26.05.2023 - James Clements - PPO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 15/06/2023 | 250947 | 2159.52 | S005792-SERVICE-Cat. SP-Gloss/White - Gloss White 1000X2400 S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Equipment | Skips | 4122 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 29/06/2023 | 250949 | 744 | E002839-SERVICE-Old Road Depot Wood Skip Collections May-July | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Double Glazed Unit Replacement | 9057 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 29/06/2023 | 250950 | 12278.4 | BY61376-SERVICE-Double Glazed unit replacement contract for 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 29/06/2023 | 250952 | 671.12 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Miscellaneous | Insurance Exp-Unins Losses | 4651 | Zurich Insurance Plc | 820 | 19/06/2023 | 250954 | 10000 | 2017.GLEBELANDS.OS.PL.LW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Dell Corporation Ltd | 15246 | 29/06/2023 | 250958 | 300 | IT02543-SERVICE-Dell EcoLoop Pro Slim Backpack 15 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Dell Corporation Ltd | 15246 | 29/06/2023 | 250958 | 343.08 | IT02543-SERVICE-Dell Pro Wireless Keyboard And Mouse - KM5221 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 29/06/2023 | 250959 | 4644 | BY61622-SERVICE-Carry out void decoration to 16 Wellbrook Gre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 15/06/2023 | 250961 | 942.31 | BUSINESS MAIL 2C UNSORTED 19/05/23-25/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant Sinking Fund | 3590 | Vincent Tractors Ltd | 957949 | 15/06/2023 | 250972 | 13920 | BY61719-SERVICE-New Trimax FX135 Front Mounted Flail 1360mm c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wt & Rj Jones | 952183 | 29/06/2023 | 250973 | 6055.2 | BY61634-SERVICE-Amory Park - works to pitches | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 15/06/2023 | 250976 | -1956 | BY61386-SERVICE-Crediton Skate Park - Prepare and re-paint ru | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 15/06/2023 | 250976 | -2232 | BY61386-SERVICE-Cullompton Skate Park - Prepare and repaint r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 15/06/2023 | 250979 | 1956 | BY61386-SERVICE-Crediton Skate Park - Prepare and re-paint ru | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | S J Knight Decorators | 950290 | 15/06/2023 | 250979 | 2232 | BY61386-SERVICE-Cullompton Skate Park - Prepare and repaint r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 15/06/2023 | 250981 | -620.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 15/06/2023 | 250982 | 620.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | C.I.S. Subcontractor Tax | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Cis Payments | 8513 | Inland Revenue-070 Px 00100419 | 649 | 15/06/2023 | 250985 | 7545.62 | CIS RETURN 06-05-23 TO 05-06-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 14.09 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 4.14 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 3.49 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 119.7 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 16.54 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 70.42 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 8.27 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 24.42 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 35.21 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 10.06 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 112.67 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 0 | BY61563-SERVICE-ID Connection Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 2.96 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 27.91 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 0.02 | BY61563- TO ALLOW FOR ROUNDING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 6.97 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Standby | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 105.62 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Standby | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 40.2 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Standby | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 3.49 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Finance And Performance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Finance And Performance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 10.46 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 42.25 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 10.64 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 91.54 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 23.06 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 91.54 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 23.66 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 19.01 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 35.94 | BY61563-SERVICE-ID Connection Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 6.5 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 2.9 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 91.54 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 3.54 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 10.46 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 45.77 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 107.82 | BY61563-SERVICE-ID Connection Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 13.01 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 12.2 | BY61563-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 7.04 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 2.96 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 21.12 | BY61563-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 15/06/2023 | 250986 | 4.14 | BY61563-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Sustainability Payment | 8566 | Post Office Limited Top Up | 957075 | 15/06/2023 | 250991 | 5000 | 6TH TOP UP TO FUNDING TO COVER SUSTAINABILITY PAYMENTS FOR UKRAINIAN GUESTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 29/06/2023 | 250993 | 1845.06 | BY61744-SERVICE-Asbestos works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 15/06/2023 | 250994 | 1394.06 | BY61854-SERVICE-works to Westexe Balconies, Tiverton | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 19/06/2023 | 250995 | 16116 | BY61727-SERVICE-Revs and Bens RDBA Renewal 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 19/06/2023 | 250995 | 16116 | BY61726-SERVICE-Revs and Bens RDBA renewal 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 19/06/2023 | 250995 | 16117.21 | BY61728-SERVICE-Revs and Bens RDBA renewal 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 15/06/2023 | 250997 | 1038.89 | BY61040-SERVICE-poll card postal vote - postage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 15/06/2023 | 250997 | 4110 | BY61039-SERVICE-ballot papers - set up and print | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 15/06/2023 | 250997 | 2400 | BY61040-SERVICE-Parish ballot papers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Miscellaneous | Tracing Agents | 4684 | Cabinet Office | 949806 | 15/06/2023 | 251008 | 2660 | BY61899-SERVICE-NFI 2022 national exercise fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 1080 | E002843-SERVICE-Ongoing Locum support for Legal Services | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 5450.14 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 11/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 2397.37 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 11/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 2101.98 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 11/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 762.84 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 620.35 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | 0 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251054 | -0.04 | TO ALLOW FOR ROUNDING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) Project 33 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 22/06/2023 | 251065 | 193800 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 364.2 | 4TH QTR ANESCO MAINT 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 32679 | 4TH QTR ANESCO 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 56.1 | 4TH QTR ANESCO MAINT 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 184.8 | 4TH QTR ANESCO MAINT 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 1537.5 | 4TH QTR ANESCO MAINT 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Energy Services (South) Ltd | 944982 | 19/06/2023 | 251067 | 1946.1 | 4TH QTR ANESCO MAINT 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 19/06/2023 | 251079 | 1080 | BY61907-SERVICE-May 23 Hire of SN10 DSY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 19/06/2023 | 251079 | 2160 | BY61907-SERVICE-May 23 Hire of VK62 CRF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 412.78 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 540 | E002843-SERVICE-Ongoing Locum support for Legal Services | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 138.24 | W/E 14/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 5148.79 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 1878.12 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 2073.77 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 0.01 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 723.72 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | 628.96 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251086 | -0.01 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251087 | 2603.54 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0202 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251087 | 2131.72 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0202 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251088 | 1483.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA69AXC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251088 | 478.03 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1701 - MAINTENANCE - WA69AXC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251089 | 2569.67 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0102 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251089 | 2080.33 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0102 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251090 | 2047.6 | A000210-SERVICE-MD0901 - CONTRACT HIRE - DX69RKY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251090 | 1531.84 | A000210-SERVICE-MD0901 - MAINTENANCE - DX69RKY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251091 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0603 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZX - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251091 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0603 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZX - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251092 | 649.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1901 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251092 | 220.68 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1901 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251093 | 649.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1902 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251093 | 220.68 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1902 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251094 | 484.04 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1106 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251094 | 235.47 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1106 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251095 | 1670.8 | A000211-SERVICE-MD1702 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA21EOK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251095 | 265.46 | A000211-SERVICE-MD1702 - MAINTENANCE - WA21EOK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251096 | 673.2 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0801 - CONTRACT HIRE - LP71BFA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251096 | 238.32 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0801 - MAINTENANCE - LP71BFA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251097 | 450.43 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1112 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251097 | 233.1 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1112 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251098 | 1906.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0606 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251098 | 1434.74 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0606 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251099 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1610 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251099 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1610 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Wilkin Chapman Llp | 955618 | 22/06/2023 | 251100 | 4162.94 | BY61890-SERVICE-Bunting INvoice - 6507251 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Local Land Charges | Local Land Charges | Administration Costs | Dcc Land Search | 4420 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 22/06/2023 | 251101 | 2072.04 | A000223-SERVICE-May 2023 search fees | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251103 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0604 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251103 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0604 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251106 | 499.63 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1108 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251106 | 236.58 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1108 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251107 | 484.03 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1107 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251107 | 235.48 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1107 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251108 | 889.2 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1501 - CONTRACT HIRE - WF71ZDN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251108 | 303.67 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1501 - MAINTENANCE - WF71ZDN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251109 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1611 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251109 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1611 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Local Land Charges | Local Land Charges | Administration Costs | Dcc Land Search | 4420 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 22/06/2023 | 251110 | 1536.48 | A000223-SERVICE-April 2023 search fees | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 19/06/2023 | 251114 | -3990 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 19/06/2023 | 251115 | 3990 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 19/06/2023 | 251118 | 604.93 | 7 MARKET WALK,TIVERTON- 01/04/23 - 30/04/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 19/06/2023 | 251119 | 538.77 | 7 MARKET WALK,TIVERTON- 01/05/23 - 31/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 737.1 | W/E 04/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 1080 | E002843-SERVICE-Ongoing Locum support for Legal Services | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 5968.21 | W/E 04/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 524.52 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 276.44 | W/E 04/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 3971.28 | W/E 04/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 397.72 | W/E 28/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 650.36 | W/E 04/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | 512.66 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 19/06/2023 | 251121 | -0.01 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Inform Cpi Ltd | 956193 | 19/06/2023 | 251124 | 4956 | BY61916-SERVICE-Analyse Local Fees AL65786 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Inform Cpi Ltd | 956193 | 19/06/2023 | 251125 | 810 | BY61916-SERVICE-Analyse Local Fees AL65732 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Inform Cpi Ltd | 956193 | 19/06/2023 | 251126 | 2190 | BY61916-SERVICE-Analyse Local Fees AL65675 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 560.89 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1204 - Fixed Maintenance - WV17XYY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.26 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1312 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.32 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1313 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 161.96 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1601 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 161.96 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1602 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 185.72 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1607 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGP -2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 185.72 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1616 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 185.72 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1617 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 167.06 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1618 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1619 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1620 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1621 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFJ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1622 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1623 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1624 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1625 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1626 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAP -2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1627 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAK - H2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1628 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1629 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAJ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1630 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EBA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1631 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1632 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1633 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFH - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1634 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1635 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1636 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/06/2023 | 251127 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1637 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Fitzpro Av Ltd | 953027 | 22/06/2023 | 251180 | 3000 | BY61274-SERVICE-Technical Support agreement for Maintenance M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 26/06/2023 | 251184 | 1976.54 | E002861-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DISEL JUNE TO AUGUST 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 22/06/2023 | 251193 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 22/06/2023 | 251194 | 13915.22 | BY61910-SERVICE-DWP Funding for software changes - SHBE 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 29/06/2023 | 251203 | 1094.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/06/2023 | 251204 | 1670.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 251205 | 2850 | BY61922-SERVICE-PPO COURSE 12 CANDIDATES - @ LORDS MEADOW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/06/2023 | 251211 | 1233.6 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/06/2023 | 251215 | 1454.4 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 26/06/2023 | 251230 | 4793.19 | redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Natwest Payment Card | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Payment Card Payment | 8407 | National Westminster Bank Llp | 949451 | 21/06/2023 | 251235 | 18665.45 | DD 05.06.23 NATWEST ONECARD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 21/06/2023 | 251245 | 150.32 | DD 20.06.23 WORLDPAY WP1T3H 258805125 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 21/06/2023 | 251245 | 559.12 | DD 20.06.23 WORLDPAY WP1T3H 258805125 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 21/06/2023 | 251245 | 483.21 | DD 20.06.23 WORLDPAY WP1T3H 258805125 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Ashfords | 12216 | 29/06/2023 | 251249 | 1267.2 | BY60161-SERVICE-Instructions for transfer of land to DCC at C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 5942.26 | BY61040-SERVICE-poll card postal vote - postage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 1227.79 | BY61040-SERVICE-postal vote pack postage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 3291.08 | BY61040-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 2131.2 | BY61040-SERVICE-void card postage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 1200 | BY61039-SERVICE-A5 board card postal voters x15,000- district | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 12000 | BY61039-SERVICE-Postal vote packs x15000- set up and print | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 22/06/2023 | 251251 | 1044 | BY61039-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Aib Merchant Services | 950403 | 21/06/2023 | 251255 | 811.03 | DD 20.06.23 AIBMS 13114122 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 22/06/2023 | 251283 | 578.26 | BUSINESS MAIL ADVANCED 2C UNSORTED - 26/05/23 - 01/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 22/06/2023 | 251284 | 1319.75 | BUSINESS MAIL ADVANCED 2C UNSORTED - 02/06/23 - 08/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 16.9 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 46.68 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 61 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 29.9 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 16.78 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 240.58 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 706.19 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 326.33 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 177.25 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 538.64 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Warden Service Expenditure | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 46.71 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance | General Maintenance | 2104 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 16.81 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 153.18 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Planned Maintenance Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 189.49 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 297.07 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 1512.7 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Stores | Stores | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 16.78 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 29.9 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 33.5 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Digital Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 52.75 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 63.45 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | -0.3 | TO ALLOW FOR ROUNDING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Committee Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 40.56 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 16.78 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 161.08 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 505.08 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 414.9 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 199.86 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 46.68 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | 3 Rivers Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 29.9 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 598.38 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 149.53 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 230.69 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 157.84 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 188.56 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 169.96 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 87.48 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 551.82 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 257.87 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 349.39 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 59.81 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 29/06/2023 | 251286 | 117.16 | EE CALL CHARGES JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 7 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | National Grid Electricity Distribution (Sw) | 957583 | 22/06/2023 | 251292 | -1183.41 | BY61187-SERVICE-Electricity Connection Works NGED Reference: | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 471.76 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 18/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 1080 | E002843-SERVICE-Ongoing Locum support for Legal Services | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 1572.6 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 11/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 5388.88 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 18/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 1616.75 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 18/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 350.86 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 11/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 2157.01 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) W/E 18/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | 728.61 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 29/06/2023 | 251296 | -0.03 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Estate Caretaking | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Cobwebs | 948204 | 22/06/2023 | 251297 | 3595.2 | BY61928-SERVICE-Cobwebs cleaning - APRIL 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Estate Caretaking | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Cobwebs | 948204 | 22/06/2023 | 251298 | 4045.2 | BY61928-SERVICE-Cobwebs cleaning - MAY 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/06/2023 | 251304 | 858.96 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/06/2023 | 251304 | 242.38 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/06/2023 | 251305 | 762.01 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/06/2023 | 251305 | 166.51 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 22/06/2023 | 251316 | 36000 | A000235-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC annual servicing - main order (MDD1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 26/06/2023 | 251431 | 423.43 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 26/06/2023 | 251431 | 128.92 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 8 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 26/06/2023 | 251436 | 444600 | redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 37 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 26/06/2023 | 251437 | 324000 | redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 29/06/2023 | 251444 | 7528.57 | BY61940-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC chargeable extras April'23, MDD2 423 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 26/06/2023 | 251454 | 1079.76 | S005695-SERVICE-Cat. SP-PERGAMON - Pergamon 1000X2400 Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 26/06/2023 | 251477 | 1072.33 | 1695396301 - 23/03/23 - 11/06/23 - CVSC SEWERAGE CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 26/06/2023 | 251477 | 661.53 | 1695396301 - 23/03/23 - 11/06/23 - CVSC WATER CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 251478 | -2750 | BY61613-SERVICE-Tutor for Pool Plant Operator course x11 peop | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 251479 | -2850 | BY61922-SERVICE-PPO COURSE 12 CANDIDATES - @ LORDS MEADOW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 251480 | 2750 | BY61613-SERVICE-Tutor for Pool Plant Operator course x11 peop | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Sealey College | 25542 | 26/06/2023 | 251481 | 2850 | BY61922-SERVICE-PPO COURSE 12 CANDIDATES - @ LORDS MEADOW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 29/06/2023 | 251504 | 1998 | AGE0216-SERVICE-W/E 16.06.2023 - James Clements - PPO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 29/06/2023 | 251510 | 4758 | BY61744-SERVICE-Asbestos works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Leppitt Associates | 948642 | 29/06/2023 | 251531 | 1023.7 | BY61834-SERVICE-CIWM (WAMITAB) 4th Assessment 06.06.23 (John | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251533 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1640 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251533 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1640 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Sales | Paper | 7105 | Palm Paper Limited | 958256 | 29/06/2023 | 251541 | 852 | BY61833-SERVICE-710023544 Mid Devon District Council -late ca | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251542 | 2569.67 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0101 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251542 | 2080.33 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0101 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251543 | 1906.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0607 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYP - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 29/06/2023 | 251543 | 1434.74 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0607 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYP - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Xperthr | 34787 | 29/06/2023 | 251545 | 3356.76 | BY61818-SERVICE-XpertHR Subscription and Legal Advice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 29/06/2023 | 251550 | 8634.86 | redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 29/06/2023 | 251551 | 6980.91 | redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 29/06/2023 | 251551 | 1702.83 | redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 29/06/2023 | 251557 | 2014.62 | CONSOLIDATED UNMETERED SUPPLIES INVOICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 29/06/2023 | 251559 | 46722.87 | ELECTRICITY SUPPLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 29/06/2023 | 251560 | 23838.15 | CONSOLIDATED GAS SUPPLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 29/06/2023 | 251572 | 23044.39 | BY61744-SERVICE-Asbestos works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | External Contractors | Private Water Sampling | 4220 | South West Water | 1343 | 29/06/2023 | 251587 | 561.1 | A000241-SERVICE-PWS Month 02 May | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Leisure | 2810 | South West Water | 1343 | 29/06/2023 | 251587 | 138.05 | A000240-SERVICE-Leisure Month 02 May | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Property | 2809 | South West Water | 1343 | 29/06/2023 | 251587 | 69.02 | A000242-SERVICE-Paddling Poll Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Leppitt Associates | 948642 | 29/06/2023 | 251594 | 733.9 | BY61964-SERVICE-CIWM 2nd assessment (John Jenkins) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works | 2107 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 29/06/2023 | 251595 | -14400 | CREDIT AGAINST INV 43947 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works | 2107 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 29/06/2023 | 251596 | 16631.83 | BY62004-SERVICE-CVSC - REMEDIAL WORKS TO LIGHTING - SEE NOTES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 29/06/2023 | 251597 | 1095.74 | BY61996-SERVICE-INVOICE 44117 - LMLC FLOOD LIGHT END OF THE B | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Capita Business Services | 35323 | 30/06/2023 | 251668 | 7567.27 | DD 26/06/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Internet | 4115 | Eclipse Networking | 11817 | 30/06/2023 | 251673 | 2555.11 | DD 28/06/23 | REVENUE |