March 2023
Invoices over £500 paid between 01/03/2023 and 31/03/2023
Body Name | Body | Service Area Categorisation | Service Division Categorisation | Responsible Unit | Expenses Type | Detailed Expenses Type | Expenses Code | Supplier Name | Supplier ID | Date Paid | Transaction Number | Amount | Narrative | Capital/Revenue |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 02/03/2023 | 29208 | 5835 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Fees & Charges | Fees & Charges | 7201 | Portal Plan Quest Ltd | 952462 | 06/03/2023 | 29221 | 924 | PP-11840230 (23/00087/FULL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Recycling Credits-Vol Groups | 4646 | Uffculme Compost Magic | 7780 | 06/03/2023 | 29225 | 6294.82 | CLAIM 257 184.33 TONNES @ £34.15 PER TONNE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 15 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957948 | 09/03/2023 | 29226 | 8305.99 | HOME LOSS PAYMENT & OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 942575 | 06/03/2023 | 29227 | 500 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957955 | 09/03/2023 | 29238 | 1148.07 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 09/03/2023 | 29239 | 6790 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957959 | 09/03/2023 | 29240 | 3446 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Hemyock Parish Council | 503 | 09/03/2023 | 29242 | 926.4 | PROVISION OF PARK FURNITURE AT THE BLACKDOWN HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Hemyock Parish Council | 503 | 09/03/2023 | 29242 | 8966 | SURFACING OF THE TRIM TRAIL TRACK AT LONGMEAD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 10 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957966 | 09/03/2023 | 29249 | 6135.4 | HOME LOSS PAYMENT - ZPOD DECANT | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Fees & Charges | Fees & Charges | 7201 | Portal Plan Quest Ltd | 952462 | 10/03/2023 | 29271 | -1386 | PP-11704967 - NO RESPONSE TO INVALID LETTER OR REMINDERS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 13/03/2023 | 29277 | 12572 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 13/03/2023 | 29278 | 6275 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 13/03/2023 | 29279 | 6235 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 13/03/2023 | 29280 | 3530 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Ashton Cleaning Services (Sw) Ltd | 957974 | 13/03/2023 | 29281 | 2510.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 949416 | 13/03/2023 | 29285 | 519.84 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 15/03/2023 | 29305 | 5635 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 15/03/2023 | 29306 | 6285 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 15/03/2023 | 29307 | 6790 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Fire Precept | 8148 | Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service | 33987 | 15/03/2023 | 29308 | 286342.1 | INSTALMENT 10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Police Precept | 8140 | Pcc Devon And Cornwall | 8607 | 15/03/2023 | 29309 | 768655.7 | INSTALMENT 10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Dcc Precept | 8138 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 15/03/2023 | 29310 | 4854307 | INSTALMENT 10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Willand Parish Council | 779 | 15/03/2023 | 29311 | 60678.75 | S106 PAYMENT: PROVISION OF A HEALTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR WILLAND | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Willand Parish Council | 779 | 15/03/2023 | 29311 | 45945 | S106 PAYMENT: PROVISION OF A PUMP TRACK AT JUBILEE FIELD, WILLAND | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Thorverton Cricket Club | 954408 | 16/03/2023 | 29322 | 1331.36 | S106 PAYMENT TOWARDS NEW OUTDOOR SOCIAL SPACE AT THORVERTON CRICKET CLUB | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Nndr Pool (Plymouth) Creditor | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Levy/ (Safety Net) Accrual | 8553 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | 778074 | 21/22 NNDR LEVY DUE TO PLYMOUTH CC (DEVON POOL) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Nndr Pool (Plymouth) Creditor | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr Pooling Gain Due | 8537 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | -145453 | 21/22 NNDR POOLING GAIN DUE FROM PLYMOUTH CC (DEVON POOL) TO CLEAR CREDITOR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Dcc Share | 8559 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | 103669 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr 1 Fire Share | 8556 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | 11518 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Dcc | 8522 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | -29851 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Fire | 8519 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | -3314 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Pooling Gain Due | 7633 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | -42481 | 21/22 NNDR POOLING GAIN DUE FROM PLYMOUTH CC (DEVON POOL) ADDITIONAL TO I & E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Top Up Or Tariff | 7629 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | 322431 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 16/03/2023 | 29323 | 136 | INSTALMENT 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957986 | 16/03/2023 | 29324 | 1297.68 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Live West | 952757 | 16/03/2023 | 29326 | 502.64 | RIA LOAN TO SECURE 7 TUFFS WALK D&L HOUGHTON REF: RAR00577637 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957213 | 20/03/2023 | 29336 | 5489.4 | HAZ GRANT 2022-01 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 956747 | 20/03/2023 | 29337 | 525.63 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957997 | 30/03/2023 | 29338 | 640.57 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957998 | 20/03/2023 | 29339 | 1132.74 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Cullompton Cultural Consortia | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Costs | 8186 | Coach House Arts Ltd | 956162 | 23/03/2023 | 29361 | 10635 | CREATIVE CULLOMPTON GRANTS - ROMAN PROJECT + PERMANENT ARTWORK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 23/03/2023 | 29362 | 29943 | JOINT STRATEGY DUPLICATE PAYMENT REFUND | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Fees & Charges | Fees & Charges | 7201 | Portal Plan Quest Ltd | 952462 | 23/03/2023 | 29364 | 2310 | APPLICATION 23/00181 APPLICAITON DELETED PP-11721631 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 23/03/2023 | 29365 | 6470 | SLG/23/00001/TEN | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957461 | 23/03/2023 | 29366 | 500 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Redacted - Personal Information | 957461 | 23/03/2023 | 29367 | 1076 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 9 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958026 | 27/03/2023 | 29377 | 7539.83 | HOMELOSS PAYMENT | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958030 | 27/03/2023 | 29379 | 2910.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Seddons Lettings Ltd | 941290 | 27/03/2023 | 29381 | 1130 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 27/03/2023 | 29385 | -39868 | DEFICIT 20/21 - DD 20/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 27/03/2023 | 29385 | -125960 | DEFICIT 21/22 - DD 20/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 27/03/2023 | 29385 | 575947 | CENTRAL SHARE - DD 20/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 27/03/2023 | 29385 | -28 | RSG - DD 20/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Crediton Heart Project | 958042 | 30/03/2023 | 29403 | 5000 | LOVE YOUR TOWN CENTRE FUND 22/23 GRANT AWARD TOWARDS SUMMER ARTS PROJECT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Tiverton Town Council | 14115 | 30/03/2023 | 29404 | 2000 | LOVE YOUR TOWN CENTRE FUND 22/23 GRANT AWARD TOWARDS CORONATION EVENT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Cullompton Farmers Market | 956699 | 30/03/2023 | 29417 | 1500 | SPF -F2F SCHEME NEW PRODUCER / TRADER SUPPORT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Direct Action & Appeals | 4605 | Jbm Solar Limited | 958057 | 30/03/2023 | 29418 | 139994.3 | LANGFORD SOLAR FARM APPEAL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | Sequence (Uk) Limited | 957421 | 30/03/2023 | 29420 | 3375 | 36 BAMPTON ST, TIV RENTAL REFUND OCT-JUNE 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | H.R.A. Strategy | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958055 | 30/03/2023 | 29421 | 5922.8 | HOME LOSS PAYMENT - DECANT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Effective Home Ltd | 955391 | 30/03/2023 | 29423 | 999.99 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 30/03/2023 | 29424 | 3585 | SLG/23/00007/OOC BRIDGE HOUSE, COLDRIDGE | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Public Works Loan Board | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29425 | 81472.37 | FP 27/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Interest Payable & Similar Ch | Interest Payable & Similar Ch | Administration Costs | Bank Interest Paid | 4496 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29425 | 42006.92 | FP 27/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Public Works Loan Board | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29426 | 866070.5 | FP 28/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | H.R.A. Interest Payable | H.R.A. Interest Payable | Administration Costs | Bank Interest Paid | 4496 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29426 | 456276.4 | FP 28/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Public Works Loan Board | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29427 | 21474.21 | FP 29/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Interest Payable & Similar Ch | Interest Payable & Similar Ch | Administration Costs | Bank Interest Paid | 4496 | Debt Management Office | 936305 | 30/03/2023 | 29427 | 182.53 | FP 29/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Courtship Limited | 30138 | 13/03/2023 | 240949 | 0 | BY59224-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre, Cullompton - Main | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Courtship Limited | 30138 | 13/03/2023 | 240949 | 24030 | BY59224-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre, Cullompton - Main | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | J & J Crump & Son Ltd | 947073 | 30/03/2023 | 243081 | 2329.12 | BY59146-SERVICE-Cavity wall insulation works for 22-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Xn Leisure Systems Ltd | 940874 | 30/03/2023 | 243231 | 1394.4 | BY58496-SERVICE-Supply and installation of Leisure Hub as quo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 02/03/2023 | 244735 | 28.08 | AGE0198-SERVICE-Additional Expenses | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 02/03/2023 | 244735 | 810 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 27/03/2023 | 244874 | 10267.68 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 02/03/2023 | 244902 | 698.74 | BY60290-SERVICE-Call off number to supply Kitchens for void p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 02/03/2023 | 245041 | 3597 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Masons Kings | 944069 | 02/03/2023 | 245044 | 18540 | BY57916-SERVICE-Purchase of hedge trimmer 1.2 fail head c/w t | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Middlemarch Community Led Housing Cic | 957416 | 02/03/2023 | 245086 | 4800 | BY59806-SERVICE-Community Land Trusts: securing affordable ho | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/03/2023 | 245089 | 1390.64 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/03/2023 | 245093 | 1437.12 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/03/2023 | 245094 | 1814.4 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/03/2023 | 245099 | 1510.34 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 06/03/2023 | 245126 | 1416.97 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 06/03/2023 | 245127 | 1591.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 06/03/2023 | 245128 | 5.24 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 06/03/2023 | 245128 | 1066.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 06/03/2023 | 245128 | 31.86 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 06/03/2023 | 245129 | 1940.46 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 06/03/2023 | 245130 | 1728 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 06/03/2023 | 245131 | 2020.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Crown Decorating Centre | 937598 | 06/03/2023 | 245136 | 750 | S005656-SERVICE-Cat. 5027073 - Crown PX3 alkali resistant p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Crown Decorating Centre | 937598 | 06/03/2023 | 245136 | 750 | S005656-SERVICE-Cat. 5094753 - Crown PX4 Stain Block primer 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | R J Brooks & Son | 7929 | 02/03/2023 | 245193 | 1319.41 | BY60750-SERVICE-St Saviours Way Car Park, Crediton - Create d | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Parking & Secure Documents T/A | 954273 | 06/03/2023 | 245194 | 651.84 | P007938-SERVICE-PCN rolls with MDDC artwork | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 06/03/2023 | 245197 | 1309.4 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 06/03/2023 | 245201 | 959.52 | E002680-SERVICE-ArchiPEL transactions | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Bloom Procurement Services Limited | 951446 | 09/03/2023 | 245211 | 26655.24 | BY59018-SERVICE-Salix Phase 3 Projects Grant award v3 EXE VAL | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Bloom Procurement Services Limited | 951446 | 09/03/2023 | 245211 | 55362.72 | BY59018-SERVICE-Salix Phase 3 Projects Grant award v3 LORDS M | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Solar - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Bloom Procurement Services Limited | 951446 | 09/03/2023 | 245211 | 4922.04 | BY59018-SERVICE-Salix Phase 3 Projects Grant award v3 LORDS M | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 106.56 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. 341061 - 2'9 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 71.04 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 106.56 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 39.81 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. GAR0365 - Mitre Bond Adhesive 50g and Ae | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 43.08 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. GIR0128 - Worktop end cap silver (CA307 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 69.07 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. SNK5172 - Single Bowl sinkLamona Drayton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 65.28 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. TAP2422 - Mixer Tap Lamona Arno (PL4359) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 06/03/2023 | 245212 | 938.89 | S005650-SERVICE-Cat. WKP3960 - Charcoal worktop 3M length (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Cemeteries | Cemeteries | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | Wyevale Nurseries Ltd | 953955 | 06/03/2023 | 245218 | 1098 | BY60577-SERVICE-Tiv Cem -5 x Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer Roo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 24 | CARRIAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 24 | HANDLING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 473.77 | S005660-SERVICE-Cat. 1S550000 - D06 WHITE PS INNER GLAZING FR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 693.12 | S005660-SERVICE-Cat. 1S550001 - D06 WHITE PC/ABS OUTER GLAZIN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 95.25 | S005660-SERVICE-Cat. 1S550002 - BMF CLAMPING BRICK FOR GLAZIN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ig Doors Limited | 941140 | 06/03/2023 | 245219 | 104.64 | S005660-SERVICE-Cat. 1W650005 - Rubber door bottom (IG) 914 ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 06/03/2023 | 245231 | 752.86 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Misc | H/Ware Network Core Switch | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 06/03/2023 | 245233 | 3582 | BY57355-SERVICE-Switchshop - Services - Senior Switchshop Eng | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 06/03/2023 | 245238 | 550 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 06/03/2023 | 245238 | 149.98 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 299.76 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. 2500996675 - 5ft Batten LED 38W (EL2370) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 173.4 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y510 - 6242Y510 10mm T/E 50M drum (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 56.38 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. 6243Y1 - 6243Y1 3C 1mm drum 100M (EL201 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 64.77 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. A3MX08M - 6 way met cons unit (EL2253) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 479.88 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 1597.96 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3016 - Ei30169 Aico optical smoke alar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 4.68 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. FS2 - 4W - 65W Starter FSU (EL2096) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 279.87 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 155.88 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. RCBO1630SP 16A - Basics 16A 30MA SP RCBO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245244 | 115.2 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. SA2 - YT2 S/A Trunking 25x16 (EL2226) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 09/03/2023 | 245245 | 1456.08 | BY60290-SERVICE-Call off number to supply Kitchens for void p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245246 | 683.99 | S005653-SERVICE-Cat. QM070 - Quantum heater 700W (EL2316) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Housing Partners Ltd | 951712 | 15/03/2023 | 245247 | 11994 | BY60708-SERVICE-Ref:PR18551 Jigsaw PRAH License (01/04/2023 - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Smp (Playgrounds) Ltd T/A Hags Smp | 944344 | 06/03/2023 | 245261 | 762 | BY60202-SERVICE-Cotteylands Play Area Tiverton - Ref: S4482 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Smp (Playgrounds) Ltd T/A Hags Smp | 944344 | 06/03/2023 | 245262 | 1233.67 | BY60702-SERVICE-Repairs and maintenance at Peoples Park Play | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 06/03/2023 | 245306 | 994.2 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for February 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 1a Elmore Way (Launder | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 42 Halsbury Road (Wilc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Coggans Well House, Ti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Elsie Mays Cafe, Phoen | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - One Stop, 1 Beech Road | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Pho Nam,8 Lowman Way, | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 17 Market Walk, T | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 1 Market Walk, Ti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 2 Market Walk, Ti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 3 Market Walk, Ti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 7a Market Walk, T | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 13/03/2023 | 245308 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Units 21 & 22 Market W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 13/03/2023 | 245310 | 857.76 | E002681-SERVICE-Please attend Park Nursery, Park Street, Tive | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 09/03/2023 | 245311 | 2910 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 114.06 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. 608502 - Stirling board 2440 x 1220 x 11 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 79.2 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. 757474 - Multi tool blade set (CN1111) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 91.29 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. AMIX1076 - SBR 5L (MA8005) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 231.46 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. Eart2007 - Spacesaver lite loft insulati | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 37 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. PBT016 - 75MM Trade paint brush 68701 (D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/03/2023 | 245332 | 162.07 | S005666-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 02/03/2023 | 245337 | 1339.39 | E002628-SERVICE-Mid Devon Gazette Public Notice - Parking Tar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/03/2023 | 245339 | 695.88 | S005668-SERVICE-Cat. HVHT/P remote humidistat - Remote stat H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Zenith Doors | 949388 | 09/03/2023 | 245350 | 1632 | BY60653-SERVICE-Unit 3 Carlu Close - Roller Shutter Door Work | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/03/2023 | 245356 | 1323.64 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/03/2023 | 245358 | 1615.51 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/03/2023 | 245359 | 1366.4 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/03/2023 | 245362 | 678.31 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 09/03/2023 | 245369 | 2202.45 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Securitas Security Services (Uk) Limited | 33891 | 23/03/2023 | 245371 | 681.82 | A000163-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE - SECURITY SERVICES 01/03/23 TO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 13/03/2023 | 245372 | 827.66 | BY60687-SERVICE-Carry out works as per quote 12 Coleridge Roa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Bloom Procurement Services Limited | 951446 | 13/03/2023 | 245377 | 1800 | BY59055-SERVICE-Project_4495 ¿ Commercial Evaluation | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245383 | 1194.86 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245383 | 37.8 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245384 | 1400.69 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245385 | 810 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245386 | 1875.74 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 13/03/2023 | 245387 | 810 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 13/03/2023 | 245390 | 2020.75 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Garden Village Project | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Dixon Searle Partnership Ltd | 946111 | 13/03/2023 | 245391 | 4500 | BY60339-SERVICE-Viability update for CGV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 13/03/2023 | 245401 | 1075.44 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Fuel Stocks Other Costs | 8052 | Tokheim Solutions Uk Ltd | 951044 | 13/03/2023 | 245403 | 750.36 | E002629-SERVICE-Old Road Fuel Tank - Faulty Gauge Repair Call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Sub Contractors | 4507 | Metro Rod Ltd | 949185 | 13/03/2023 | 245404 | 1164 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 13/03/2023 | 245405 | 1591.58 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 13/03/2023 | 245406 | 1680.46 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 43.68 | P007948-SP0046-HYDROCHLORIC ACID 36% [25LT/30KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 126.84 | P007948-SP0047-LOVIBOND DPD NO. 1 PHOTO/COMP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 126.84 | P007948-SP0048-LOVIBOND DPD NO. 3 PHOTO/COMP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 126.84 | P007948-SP0049-LOVIBOND PHENOL RED PHOTOMETER | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 507.45 | P007948-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 13/03/2023 | 245410 | 24 | P007948-SP0057-Delivery Charge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 13/03/2023 | 245510 | 1572.79 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1592.07 | BY60590-SERVICE-Building Inspections App Maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1592.07 | BY60590-SERVICE-Commercial Premises App Annual Maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 7960.33 | BY60590-SERVICE-EDMS Document Management system annual mainte | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1582.57 | BY60590-SERVICE-Enterprise for Building Control maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1582.57 | BY60590-SERVICE-Enterprise for Development Control maintenanc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1582.57 | BY60590-SERVICE-Enterprise for Environmental Health maintenan | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1582.57 | BY60590-SERVICE-Enterprise for Private Sector Housing mainten | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1592.07 | BY60590-SERVICE-Service Requests App Annual Maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1944.39 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM 1APP Planning Portal Connector | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 3266.46 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM DDE Link | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 3826.9 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM GMS Exchange Connector - Enterprise | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 896.68 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM IDOX CA for DC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 3586.75 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM IDOX PA for BC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 11332.6 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM IDOX PA for DC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 17292.61 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM Spatially Enabled | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 2131.99 | BY60590-SERVICE-UFM Street Naming & Numbering Module | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1266.04 | BY60590-SERVICE-Uniform Connector mantenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1490.36 | BY60590-SERVICE-Uniform Data Management Tool maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 3441.67 | BY60590-SERVICE-Uniform Map Loader maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 39941.41 | BY60590-SERVICE-Uniform ORB-it Service Agreement | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Miscellaneous | Idox Support Fees | 4681 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 13/03/2023 | 245512 | 1266.04 | BY60590-SERVICE-Uniform Service Requests connector maintenanc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 13/03/2023 | 245513 | 1308 | BY60796-SERVICE-call out /temp repair and supply / connect of | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Mat Electrics Limited | 941163 | 13/03/2023 | 245513 | 0 | BY60796-SERVICE-CALL OUT /TEMP REPAIR AND SUPPLY / CONNECT OF | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Atkins Ltd | 948354 | 13/03/2023 | 245515 | 3813.29 | BY58289-SERVICE-Beech Road Project¿ Employers Agent Project C | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Coram | 30908 | 13/03/2023 | 245521 | 350.59 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Coram | 30908 | 13/03/2023 | 245521 | 350.59 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 2 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 13/03/2023 | 245526 | 774.18 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Masons Kings | 944069 | 13/03/2023 | 245531 | 4012.8 | BY60680-SERVICE-4 sensors fitting kit for Kramer kt 407 fitte | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 13/03/2023 | 245548 | 1074.07 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 13/03/2023 | 245549 | 936.91 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Fire Safety Work | 9058 | Md Building Services Limited | 957527 | 13/03/2023 | 245554 | 13507.03 | BY59865-SERVICE-New fire safety upgrade to AICO system | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Greenslade Taylor Hunt | 940208 | 06/03/2023 | 245559 | 1782 | E002607-SERVICE-Preparing lease information for Market Walk | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 06/03/2023 | 245568 | 780 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 06/03/2023 | 245568 | 384 | BY60331-SERVICE-Banksia Close, Tiverton - Coppice cherries ha | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 06/03/2023 | 245568 | 2184 | BY60331-SERVICE-Footpath of Lea Road to Priority Road - Polla | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 06/03/2023 | 245568 | 384 | BY60331-SERVICE-Hill Head, Halberton - Dismantle and fell ash | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Mb Tree Services Ltd | 956311 | 06/03/2023 | 245568 | 1104 | BY60331-SERVICE-Rear of Foxglove close Ave - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 16/03/2023 | 245574 | 134.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 16/03/2023 | 245574 | 360 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 16/03/2023 | 245574 | 148.8 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Adt Fire & Security Plc | 32111 | 02/03/2023 | 245630 | 797.54 | BY60898-SERVICE-PH & LIB FIRE ALARM MONITORING CONTRACT 10001 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 13/03/2023 | 245631 | 1388.64 | E002681-SERVICE-Please attend Park Nursery, Park Street, Tive | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 13/03/2023 | 245632 | 1467.36 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for February 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 09/03/2023 | 245642 | 2021.98 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Equipment | Repairs And Maintenance | 4121 | Quadient Uk Ltd | 27078 | 06/03/2023 | 245643 | 1605.17 | BY60834-SERVICE-DS-75 3 STN SPECIAL TOTALCARE - AGREEMENT 420 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/03/2023 | 245645 | 611 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245646 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245647 | 1196 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245648 | 1352 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245649 | 1352 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245651 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245652 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245653 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245654 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245655 | 1352 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 16/03/2023 | 245657 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245660 | 1588.48 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245661 | 1281.22 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245665 | 1104.22 | E002589-SERVICE- Adaptations materials December 2022-End Marc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245666 | 1471.39 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance | Vandalism | 2102 | Cullompton Glass & Glazing Ltd | 949039 | 13/03/2023 | 245667 | 1289.14 | BY60648-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station - supply and fit of 3 ne | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.53 | P007979-BA0128-STA STARFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.52 | P007979-BA0133-STA STANLEY 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.52 | P007979-BA0135-STA STANLEY 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.43 | P007979-BA0136-STA STANLEY 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0137-STA STANLEY 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0138-STA STANLEY 6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0139-STA STANLEY 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0140-STA STANLEY STAR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0144-STA GOLDFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0145-STA GOLDFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0146-STA GOLDFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 86.4 | P007979-BA0147-STA ANGELFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 87 | P007979-BA0148-STA ANGELFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 87 | P007979-BA0149-STA ANGELFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 87 | P007979-BA0156-STA KINGFISHER 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 87 | P007979-BA0161-STA STANLEY WELL DONE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 13/03/2023 | 245681 | 12 | P007979-BA0222-DELIVERY (over £150) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Staff Subs-Professional Bodies | 1703 | Scott Stemp | 957902 | 09/03/2023 | 245685 | 990 | BY60863-SERVICE-Barons Wood Video Conference (Enf and Plannin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Reading Agricultural Consultants | 946144 | 16/03/2023 | 245686 | 540 | BY60862-SERVICE-22/02127/FULL Staple Cross Farm - IRA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 647.94 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 1080 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 2004.22 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 6540.94 | WE 19/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 2160.73 | WE 19/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | 3259.13 | WE 19/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 02/03/2023 | 245687 | -0.01 | AGE0202-SERVICE-Agency crew (Jan to March 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 35.46 | S005662-SERVICE-22mm stitcher screws c/w 16mm bonded washer ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 480.01 | S005662-SERVICE-32mm screws/19mm bonded washer (RO1002) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 76.32 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 15KG. 398471 - Tile Adhesive Wall W/proo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 295.2 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 593263 - Carpenter Wood Saw (CA3018) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 73.68 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 693398 - Tarpaulin 5M X 4M BlueTrade Ta | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 203.28 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 726311 - Brass Door Chain 791-32 (CA3120 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 6.54 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 795992 - Aluminium Barrell Bolt Straight | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 2.61 | S005662-SERVICE-Cat. 844597 - Sugar Soap 500ML (DE6073) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 470.59 | S005662-SERVICE-Corner barge flashing 3M 200x200 (RO1001) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 79.87 | S005662-SERVICE-Foam filler to suit rib/roof profile sheet (R | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 10.29 | S005662-SERVICE-HC19 19mm colour caps slate blue (RO1004) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 16/03/2023 | 245688 | 2786.85 | S005662-SERVICE-Rib/roof profile sheet Anti con poly.paint 3M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245690 | 1400.73 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 16/03/2023 | 245692 | 984.54 | E002589-SERVICE- Adaptations materials December 2022-End Marc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 16/03/2023 | 245698 | 230.4 | S005664-SERVICE-Cat. P6828774 - Plastic 600 G/Rail (SN7012) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 16/03/2023 | 245698 | 2655.96 | S005664-SERVICE-Cat. P6831604 - IPS4 Carer screen (SN7009) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 16/03/2023 | 245698 | 150.96 | S005664-SERVICE-Cat. S2238542 - 2135 X 2135mm Shower Curtain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 16/03/2023 | 245698 | 238.32 | S005664-SERVICE-Cat. S2239620 - 2.5Mtr Flexi Shower Track (SN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 09/03/2023 | 245703 | 756 | BY60864-SERVICE-Fence hire - Shapland Place 30/09/2022 - 02/ | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 20/03/2023 | 245704 | 2020.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Digital Id | 942794 | 16/03/2023 | 245708 | 35.42 | BY60532-SERVICE-Clear Enclosed ID Card Holder - Landscape (Pa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Digital Id | 942794 | 16/03/2023 | 245708 | 13.18 | BY60532-SERVICE-Dyestar Blank White Plastic Cards (Pack of 10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Digital Id | 942794 | 16/03/2023 | 245708 | 446.4 | BY60532-SERVICE-Pack of 100 Mid Devon District Lanyards | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Digital Id | 942794 | 16/03/2023 | 245708 | 75.58 | BY60532-SERVICE-Recycled Rainbow Lanyards with Metal Lobster | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Digital Id | 942794 | 16/03/2023 | 245708 | 10.74 | BY60532-SERVICE-Carriage Charge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245710 | 1071.25 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245710 | 17.28 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245711 | 1433.26 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245712 | 810 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Car Allowance | Car Mileage Allowance | 3201 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245712 | 56.7 | AGE0198-SERVICE-Mileage Expenses | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 20/03/2023 | 245713 | 1874.06 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 394.93 | S005659-SERVICE-Bath White 5' Roca 1500 TG AS With legs (PL42 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 447.67 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. EA12.0800 - E/B PVC end cap profile (SN7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 99.75 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 103.8 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. ES19.0010 - Suregraft 1.5m shower hose ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 332.07 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. IS12.0360 - IDEAL STD SANDRINGHAM 21 SIS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 56.53 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 111.6 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. P033663 - 15mm Full Bore Iso valve (PL41 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 138.24 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. PLB.B056417 - Suregraft 3 mode shower he | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 39.96 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. PO23.1650 - 1 1/2 Elbow S/W WWS16 (PL502 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 36.86 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. SC250 - Solvent weld adhesive (CN1078) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 116.88 | S005659-SERVICE-Cat. WQ41.0140 - 1 1/4 Basin Waste' (PL4167) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245714 | 15.15 | S005659-SERVICE-Roth 15mm Pipeslice (CN1368) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245717 | 1151.36 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245719 | 1300.43 | E002309-SERVICE-February 2022 Heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Internal Audit | Internal Audit | Administration Costs | Partnership Working | 4450 | Devon Audit Partnership | 947137 | 16/03/2023 | 245724 | 28428 | BY58851-SERVICE-Devon Audit Partnership Fee 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Post Hill Tiverton Development | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Atkins Ltd | 948354 | 20/03/2023 | 245731 | 10444.8 | BY60632-SERVICE-STAGE 3 POST HILL : Cost Consultancy (21.11.2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 20/03/2023 | 245734 | 113672.8 | BY60204-SERVICE-Exe Valley PSDS3 M+E works | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 20/03/2023 | 245734 | 0 | BY60204-SERVICE-EXE VALLEY PSDS3 M+E WORKS | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 20/03/2023 | 245735 | 0 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 20/03/2023 | 245735 | 86314.48 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245831 | 5715.7 | BY60837-SERVICE-Carry out decorations to void 4 Banfields Shi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245831 | -2.27E-13 | BY60837-SERVICE-CARRY OUT DECORATIONS TO VOID 4 BANFIELDS SHI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245831 | 1671.62 | BY60837-SERVICE-Carry out Fencing Works to 4 Banfields Shilli | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245831 | 0 | BY60837-SERVICE-CARRY OUT FENCING WORKS TO 4 BANFIELDS SHILLI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 02/03/2023 | 245832 | 1140 | BY60810-SERVICE-English NDR Legislation Changes 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Public Health | Dog Warden | External Contractors | Kennelling & Vet Fees | 4202 | Trelawn Boarding Kennels | 949708 | 13/03/2023 | 245842 | 523.2 | A000182-SERVICE-trelawn annual order | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 9.12 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 4170 - Light switch 1G 2W C'tree (EL2015 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 115.2 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 4306 - Switched socket 13 amp 2G C'tree | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 112.77 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y1 - 6242Y1 1mm T/E Drum 100M (EL201 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 151.17 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y2.5 - 6242Y2.5 2.5mm T/E drum 100M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 38.49 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 80/30/2 - CGD 80 amp 30ma 2 module RCD 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 41.44 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. 9047 - Moulded box 25mm 1G C'tree (EL200 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 479.88 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 355.1 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3014 - Ei3014 Aico mains heat alarm (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 1597.96 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3016 - Ei30169 Aico optical smoke alar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 279.84 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 313.34 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. SFHBL20095W - Fern Howard LED light (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 20/03/2023 | 245845 | 191.95 | S005675-SERVICE-Cat. SRG1VCU LEWD - Surge arrester 1 mod 1PH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 02/03/2023 | 245847 | 669.24 | A000202-SERVICE-Hand dryer lease/rental 25/02/23 - 24/05/23 - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 02/03/2023 | 245847 | 51.48 | A000202-SERVICE-Hand dryer lease/rental 25/02/23 - 24/05/23 - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 06/03/2023 | 245848 | 2482.11 | LASER FEB 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 4.5 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 18.56 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 20.62 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 10.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 8.26 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 81.91 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 220.32 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Sales Ledger | Sales Ledger | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 10.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 120.2 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 78.41 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 208.37 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance | General Maintenance | 2104 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 4.42 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 57.7 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Planned Maintenance Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 43.03 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 137.07 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 583.32 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Stores | Stores | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 8.26 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 10.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 13.91 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Learning And Development | Learning & Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 10.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Digital Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 20.76 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 26.82 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Committee Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 31.27 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 8.26 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 69.05 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 186.83 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 253.07 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 76.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 18.56 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | 3 Rivers Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 10.31 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 207.77 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 51.54 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 85.21 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 59.8 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 71.45 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 66 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 44.88 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 183.61 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 97.28 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 109.38 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 18.56 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 06/03/2023 | 245851 | 39.26 | Feb-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Complete Window Replace Prog | 9042 | Anglian Building Products | 950445 | 06/03/2023 | 245881 | 3566.24 | BY58494-SERVICE-Anglian Window contract 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Complete Window Replace Prog | 9042 | Anglian Building Products | 950445 | 06/03/2023 | 245881 | 0 | BY58494-SERVICE-ANGLIAN WINDOW CONTRACT 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Improvement & Development Agency For | 947098 | 20/03/2023 | 245882 | 1452 | BY60820-SERVICE-LG Uniform subscription to run until the 31st | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 20/03/2023 | 245883 | 1329.98 | E002303-SERVICE- Annual call off for PIV and MEV installation | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 20/03/2023 | 245883 | 0 | E002303-SERVICE- ANNUAL CALL OFF FOR PIV AND MEV INSTALLATION | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Ra Information Systems | 942887 | 20/03/2023 | 245895 | 720 | IT02526-SERVICE-Enquiries and Complaints | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Ra Information Systems | 942887 | 20/03/2023 | 245895 | 480 | IT02526-SERVICE-ezyMaps Mapping System | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Ra Information Systems | 942887 | 20/03/2023 | 245895 | 1200 | IT02526-SERVICE-ezytreev Module - Tree Data Inventory and Ana | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Ra Information Systems | 942887 | 20/03/2023 | 245895 | 2257.2 | IT02526-SERVICE-Hosted Service Solution | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Ra Information Systems | 942887 | 20/03/2023 | 245895 | 600 | IT02526-SERVICE-Onsite Full Data Collection Licences for Andr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 20/03/2023 | 245896 | 869.85 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 20/03/2023 | 245897 | 1515.75 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245899 | 1833.92 | BY60836-SERVICE-Carry out works to void 7 Bowdens Lane Shilli | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/03/2023 | 245899 | 0 | BY60836-SERVICE-CARRY OUT WORKS TO VOID 7 BOWDENS LANE SHILLI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 19.72 | S005673-SERVICE-50MM Trade paint brush 91240 (DE6003) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 114.06 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. 608502 - Stirling board 2440 x 1220 x 11 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 102.24 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. 848743 - Thistle Multi Finish 25Kg (MA82 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 231.46 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. Eart2007 - Spacesaver lite loft insulati | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 489.5 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. P006162 - 15mm Copper Pipe (PL4304) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 65.62 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. PPEBFC05 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 6mm (CA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 162.06 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 252.01 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. PSEU0415 - Timber 25 X 50 P.S.E. (CA3318 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 24.67 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. RDSH1002 - Poly dust sheet (CN1323) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 223.2 | S005673-SERVICE-Cat. SKIR0475 - Skirting Board 4 Universal' ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 20/03/2023 | 245901 | 17.76 | S005673-SERVICE-Sand paper asstd pack (DE6072) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 09/03/2023 | 245902 | 2173.62 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 20/03/2023 | 245904 | 1247.09 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Idox Software Limited | 23786 | 20/03/2023 | 245909 | 1680 | BY60785-SERVICE-IDOX Software Training | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 13/03/2023 | 245910 | 937.2 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Social Landlords Crime & Nuisance Group | 22553 | 20/03/2023 | 245911 | 510 | P007985-SERVICE-6 officers to attend an ASB Awards Ceremony - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | J V Lee Electrical | 34757 | 13/03/2023 | 245913 | 0 | BY60596-SERVICE-Ceiling light fitting replacements @ Phoenix | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | J V Lee Electrical | 34757 | 13/03/2023 | 245913 | 631.2 | BY60596-SERVICE-Ceiling light fitting replacements @ Phoenix | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 23/03/2023 | 245921 | 942 | BY60887-SERVICE-MC3 cold water pressure washer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 13/03/2023 | 245922 | 898.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 13/03/2023 | 245922 | -19.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Schneider Electric Ltd | 943975 | 16/03/2023 | 245930 | 2545.2 | BY60775-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BMS 01-03- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Mould Growth Consultants Ltd | 7583 | 13/03/2023 | 245934 | 66 | FREIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Mould Growth Consultants Ltd | 7583 | 13/03/2023 | 245934 | 3529.44 | S005625-SERVICE-Cat. Quote 26 10 21 - Mould Eradication Kit ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 02/03/2023 | 245938 | 2025 | AGE0193-SERVICE-Daniel Rance Principle Planning officer wk 20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 20/03/2023 | 245973 | 886.56 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for February 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Miscellaneous | Performance Mgmt System Spar | 4656 | Iridium Consulting Ltd | 950905 | 23/03/2023 | 245975 | 1881.6 | Maintenance & Support | Bi-Annual | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 42.76 | ANGEL GUESTHOUSE, 06/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 42.76 | ANGEL GUESTHOUSE, 07/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 85.5 | ANGEL GUESTHOUSE, 08/02/2023, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 1714.21 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 03/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 73.1 | PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 08/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 245976 | 57.6 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 05/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Parking & Secure Documents T/A | 954273 | 20/03/2023 | 245977 | 2051.9 | P007961-SERVICE-Stelio Non Adhesive Off Street Tickets | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 2 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 02/03/2023 | 245995 | 2592 | BY60908-SERVICE-Full building regulation compliant drawings - | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Peake (Gb) Limited | 937613 | 23/03/2023 | 245996 | 3677.44 | BY58595-SERVICE-Supply & delivery -clinical waste containers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 02/03/2023 | 246000 | 432 | BY60919-SERVICE-Hire of BUH January 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 02/03/2023 | 246000 | 1008 | BY60919-SERVICE-Hire of CRF January 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 02/03/2023 | 246000 | 720 | BY60919-SERVICE-Hire of KVL January 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 8.9 | S005651-SERVICE-3.5 x 50 Yp wood screw box 200 (CN1006) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 25.02 | S005651-SERVICE-4.5 x 40 YP wood screw box 200 12005 (CN1015) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 233.85 | S005651-SERVICE-Cat. BL1850 - Makita 18V Li-Ion battery 5Ah ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 261 | S005651-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - Sanitary | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 35.71 | S005651-SERVICE-Hex adaptor 250mm long (CN1360) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246001 | 432.01 | S005651-SERVICE-Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Masons Kings | 944069 | 23/03/2023 | 246003 | 2098.43 | BY60910-SERVICE-Supply digger boom parts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Fire Safety Work | 9058 | Mat Fire Systems Ltd | 950991 | 23/03/2023 | 246005 | 2541 | BY60332-SERVICE-MFS - remainder of upgrade to communal areas | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 23/03/2023 | 246020 | 616.69 | BY60930-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - Investigate ste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 299.25 | ANGEL GUESTHOUSE, 10/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 329.64 | DAYS INN TAUNTON, 09/02/2023, 8 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 440.93 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 03/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 248.97 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 07/02/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 1857.32 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 10/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 1079.86 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 17/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 619.2 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 17/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 266.1 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 14/02/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 3065.7 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 17/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 200.91 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 01/10/2022, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 14.4 | LONDON TRAVELCARD ZONES 1-4 (ANYTIME DAY TRAVELCARD) 02-03-2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 02/03/2023 | 246021 | 23.1 | OXTED - LONDON VICTORIA (ANYTIME DAY RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Equipment | Repairs And Maintenance | 4121 | Teleshore Uk Ltd | 951524 | 23/03/2023 | 246029 | 536.4 | BY60495-SERVICE-Grave equipment repair for Cylinder Serial No | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 193.23 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 882 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 615.68 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 519.85 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 2361.36 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 871.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246031 | 1317.97 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246032 | 2307.6 | BY60906-SERVICE-gun up concrete paving and re-concrete - 43 E | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246032 | 4.55E-13 | BY60906-SERVICE-GUN UP CONCRETE PAVING AND RE-CONCRETE - 43 E | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 2.7 | S005672-SERVICE-3.5 x 20 YP wood screw box 200 12591 (CN1002) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 12.26 | S005672-SERVICE-4.5 x 50 YP wood screw box 200 17324 (CN1017) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 42 | S005672-SERVICE-5.0 x 100 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1028) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 273.6 | S005672-SERVICE-Cat. BL1850 - Makita 18V Li-Ion battery 6Ah ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 325.8 | S005672-SERVICE-Cat. box of 25 - Silicone Clear (CA3126) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 19.2 | S005672-SERVICE-Masonery Drill SDS 5.5mm x 160 44657 (CA3145) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 37.34 | S005672-SERVICE-Red rawlplugs box 1000 (CN1040) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 23/03/2023 | 246035 | 864.01 | S005672-SERVICE-Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 23/03/2023 | 246036 | 753.74 | E002303-SERVICE- Annual call off for PIV and MEV installation | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 23/03/2023 | 246036 | 0 | E002303-SERVICE- ANNUAL CALL OFF FOR PIV AND MEV INSTALLATION | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 02/03/2023 | 246037 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 02/03/2023 | 246038 | 1890 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 02/03/2023 | 246039 | 36326.64 | BY59044-SERVICE-Asbestos works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 02/03/2023 | 246039 | 1.36E-12 | BY59044-SERVICE-ASBESTOS WORKS 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Unitydoors | 950034 | 02/03/2023 | 246041 | 956.4 | E002674-SERVICE-Supply fire door as per survey sheet 10 Wingf | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 23/03/2023 | 246044 | 812.11 | BY60461-SERVICE-Hire of Ford Transit 350 L4H3 LWB HR BK20DVG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 23/03/2023 | 246045 | 570.19 | E002389-SERVICE- Vehicle Hire 2022-23 ¿ Housing Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 23/03/2023 | 246046 | 570.19 | E002389-SERVICE- Vehicle Hire 2022-23 ¿ Housing Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 02/03/2023 | 246047 | 74790.84 | BY58562-SERVICE-Replacement Roofing plan - 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 02/03/2023 | 246047 | 0 | BY58562-SERVICE-REPLACEMENT ROOFING PLAN - 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Omfax Systems Limited | 934734 | 20/03/2023 | 246048 | 7210.8 | IT02523-SERVICE-Keyfax Software - Stock License for Support & | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Omfax Systems Limited | 934734 | 20/03/2023 | 246048 | 882 | IT02523-SERVICE-Module Unlocks & Product Licenses - Repairs D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Painting & Repairs | 4232 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246055 | 42322.36 | BY58385-SERVICE-Painting & Repairs before Painting 2021 ¿ 202 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Claire Parker | 957260 | 09/03/2023 | 246074 | 162 | BY59444-SERVICE-Claire Parker Consultancy on HAZ Project: WC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Claire Parker | 957260 | 09/03/2023 | 246074 | 3 | BY59444-SERVICE-CLAIRE PARKER CONSULTANCY ON HAZ PROJECT: WC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Claire Parker | 957260 | 09/03/2023 | 246074 | 1200 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Claire Parker | 957260 | 09/03/2023 | 246074 | 1200 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Claire Parker | 957260 | 02/03/2023 | 246075 | 5700 | BY59444-SERVICE-Claire Parker Consultancy on HAZ Project: WC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 02/03/2023 | 246076 | 849.06 | BY60705-SERVICE-Supply 2 x doors as per quote 31 Westfield Ro | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Domestic Abuse Duty | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 02/03/2023 | 246080 | 2137 | BY60375-SERVICE-Domestic Homicide Review Contribution from MD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Lda Design Consulting Ltd | 956272 | 23/03/2023 | 246081 | 1200 | BY59191-SERVICE-East Devon, Exeter, Mid Devon and Teignbridge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Complete Business Solutions Group Ltd | 19886 | 06/03/2023 | 246091 | 1656 | BY60732-SERVICE-Ref No: SQUO01266796 - Black chairs | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Wotton Printers | 948042 | 20/03/2023 | 246099 | 654 | BY60866-SERVICE-GW PERMITS - MARCH 2024 - YELLOW - NUMBER FRO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 23/03/2023 | 246100 | 480 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - CARLU CLOSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 23/03/2023 | 246100 | 600 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - CULM VALLEY SPORTS CE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 27/03/2023 | 246102 | 2020.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246104 | 1433.26 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246105 | 1913.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246106 | 810.31 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246106 | 9.72 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246107 | 810 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Car Allowance | Car Mileage Allowance | 3201 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 27/03/2023 | 246107 | 140.94 | AGE0198-SERVICE-Mileage Expenses | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Guardian Security | 850 | 27/03/2023 | 246108 | 3584.74 | BY60924-SERVICE-11 Iter court Locking system for door entry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246110 | 1903.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0605 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZZ - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246110 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0605 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZZ - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246111 | 498.52 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1110 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWD - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246111 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1110 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWD - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246112 | 498.52 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1111 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246112 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1111 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246113 | 1911.73 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0704 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYU - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246113 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0704 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYU - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246114 | 1903.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0602 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZW - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246114 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0602 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZW - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246115 | 1903.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0601 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZV - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246115 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0601 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZV - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246116 | 1911.73 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYR - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246116 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0701 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYR - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246117 | 1911.73 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0703 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYT - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246117 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0703 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYT - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246119 | 498.52 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1109 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246119 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1109 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246120 | 860.4 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1202 - CONTRACT HIRE - BT71XUG - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246120 | 511.56 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1202 - MAINTENANCE - BT71XUG - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Multi-Factor Authentication | 4167 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 23/03/2023 | 246122 | 1611.27 | BY60913-SERVICE-FortiAuthenticator - VM License 3 Year 24x7 F | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Multi-Factor Authentication | 4167 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 23/03/2023 | 246122 | 2098 | BY60913-SERVICE-IT008 - Adds 1,000 users to FortiAuthenticato | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Multi-Factor Authentication | 4167 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 23/03/2023 | 246122 | 1553.59 | BY60913-SERVICE-IT008 - FortiAuthenticator FortiClient SSO Mo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Multi-Factor Authentication | 4167 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 23/03/2023 | 246122 | 1163.85 | BY60913-SERVICE- IT008 - VM Base License supports 100 users. | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/03/2023 | 246124 | 50691.81 | BY60879-SERVICE-30,000 litres diesel for Carlu Close | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 27/03/2023 | 246125 | 887.99 | BY60922-SERVICE-Per quote # 90404103 BLD9800 COMPLETE PROTIME | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246127 | 1171.75 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 279.6 | S005683-SERVICE-28mm Copper Pipe (PL4305) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 788.26 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. B002984/B000498/B002989 - Bath White 5'6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 59.88 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. B072467 - Lever ball valve 15mm B/R/Y (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 474.71 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. BR11.0070 - 1/2 Kitchen Lever Tap Brista | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 135 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. EA12.0795 - E/B PVC ext corner profile ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 17.14 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. EN81.0170 - Roth 22mm Pipeslice (CN1369) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 399.02 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 56.53 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 38.59 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. MC22.0080 - Bent flexi pan connector WC- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 11.52 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P000008 - P.T.F.E Tape (PL4140) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 142.8 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P000750 - 15mm Flexi with isolator (PL42 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 24.36 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P004121 - Speedfit 22mm coupling (PL4349 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 58.8 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P004126 - Speedfit 22mm elbow (PL4350) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 27.48 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P004133 - Speedfit 22mm Stopend (PL4353) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 35.1 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P006717 - 1 1/4 Universal Connector MARL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 50.4 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P006722 - 1 1/2 Universal Connector MARL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 20.74 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P009498 - Bibcock Tap (PL4197) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 100.8 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P022259 - Speedfit 15mm barrier pipe (PL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 157.32 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P027337 - Dudley Hydroflo brass tail B/I | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 26.16 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. P033672 - Washing m/c 'T' valve (PL4108) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 18.48 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. PO24.4750 - 1 1/4Screwed access plug S/W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 101.58 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. PO29.0490 - Sink Washing Machine Trap (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 55.44 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. PO29.0710 - Angled Polypipe W/M nozzle ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 54.19 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. PO30.0020 - Pan connector No 1 (PL4214) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 55.3 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. SC250 - Solvent weld adhesive (CN1078) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 119.23 | S005683-SERVICE-Cat. Triton T80Z - Triton T80Z 8.5kw (EL2088) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 116.08 | S005683-SERVICE-Cistern High Level RUBBERWELL (PL4212) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 317.29 | S005683-SERVICE-MC1+ Protector Liquid 500ML (CN1047) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 27/03/2023 | 246135 | 15.16 | S005683-SERVICE-Roth 15mm Pipeslice (CN1368) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 02/03/2023 | 246137 | 11168.25 | 1677021001 18.10.22-09.01.23 EXE VALLEY LEISURE CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 23/03/2023 | 246140 | 12097.8 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 27/03/2023 | 246142 | 24 | P007980 - DELIVERY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 27/03/2023 | 246142 | 65.52 | P007980-SP0046-HYDROCHLORIC ACID 36% [25LT/30KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 27/03/2023 | 246142 | 422.88 | P007980-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 16/03/2023 | 246145 | 3909.6 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 66.34 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD0901 FW572490 DX69RKY Replace wide sweep br | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 112.16 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD1305 FW572450 WJ61KVL OSF ABS sensor replac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 33.16 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD1303 FW572058 WJ61KVG check diagnostics - n | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 235.33 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD1304 FW572051 WJ61KVK Replacement alternato | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 45.56 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD1106 FW571938 LN70ZNL Indicator lens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 06/03/2023 | 246146 | 25.27 | BY60918-SERVICE-MD1630 FW570905 HX17EBA Replacement O/S mirro | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Core Business Systems | 941502 | 23/03/2023 | 246196 | 2583.19 | IT02522-SERVICE-Cascade3d Analytics for Xn | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Core Business Systems | 941502 | 23/03/2023 | 246196 | 2583.21 | IT02522-SERVICE-Cascade3d Analytics for Xn Advantage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Core Business Systems | 941502 | 23/03/2023 | 246196 | 2583.2 | IT02522-SERVICE-Cascade3d Analytics for Xn Dimension | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Unitydoors | 950034 | 09/03/2023 | 246202 | 2129.8 | BY60499-SERVICE-11 Iter Court - External door & frame as per | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | External Contractors | Recycling Kerbside Collection | 4207 | Straight Manufacturing Ltd | 939256 | 27/03/2023 | 246203 | 7679.23 | BY60771-SERVICE-55L Grab Black Recycling Boxes With MDDC Artw | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | External Contractors | Recycling Kerbside Collection | 4207 | Straight Manufacturing Ltd | 939256 | 27/03/2023 | 246203 | 2879.71 | BY60771-SERVICE-55L Grab Green Recycling Boxes with MDDC Artw | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246205 | 2880 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246206 | 3456 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246207 | 7920 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246208 | 4032 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 27/03/2023 | 246209 | 600 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - PHOENIX HOUSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 27/03/2023 | 246209 | 600 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - EXE VALLEY LEISURE CE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Accountancy Services | Accountancy Services | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Lg Futures Ltd | 942944 | 27/03/2023 | 246210 | 6588 | BY60939-SERVICE-Financial Intelligence Toolkit Subscription 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Community Alarms | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Tunstall Telecom Ltd | 637 | 16/03/2023 | 246218 | 561.6 | BY58683-SERVICE-2 x Tunstall Training Sessions 21st and 22nd | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 23/03/2023 | 246220 | 1387.24 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 23/03/2023 | 246222 | 1343.53 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 23/03/2023 | 246223 | 1267.94 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 23/03/2023 | 246227 | 1349.62 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Latcham Direct | 944501 | 23/03/2023 | 246232 | 1058 | BY60588-SERVICE-A4 insert to be included in CT annual billing | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Americanino Ltd | 946812 | 06/03/2023 | 246233 | -1130.4 | BY60608-SERVICE-Dell PowerEdge R640 Upgrade | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Bell Decorating Group Limited | 940434 | 27/03/2023 | 246234 | 46423.93 | BY59315-SERVICE-Modernisations contract Kitchens & bathroom 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Coram | 30908 | 27/03/2023 | 246235 | 2019.6 | S005694-SERVICE-Cat. LDE1380GRY - Level dec EF + EDPI 1300 x | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk Service Charges | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton Town Council | 14115 | 13/03/2023 | 246239 | 921.6 | BY60959-SERVICE-12 x hanging baskets for Market Walk precinct | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 27/03/2023 | 246240 | 574.56 | BY60650-SERVICE-40177-11Go x stop n go Cut D crinkle latex fu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Park Now | 943678 | 09/03/2023 | 246241 | 1375.03 | E002702-SERVICE-Parknow/Ringgo 01/03/2023 - 31/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 46.51 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD2005 FW557233 GM5 Inspect trailer for damag | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 37.24 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD2103 FW553503 GM103 Supply rim for tyre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 46.35 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD0604 FW571046 WA20GZY Replace n/s light & m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 278.78 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD0502 FW571254 LT67AEW Service- brake test | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 117.74 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD0704 FW573222 WG20RYU Replace o/s mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 257.05 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD1619 FW573310 HX17EAA Replace o/s mirror/n/ | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246242 | 65.78 | BY60953-SERVICE-MD1607 FW573998 AF63UGP Adjustment against FW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 30/03/2023 | 246245 | 527.82 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 30/03/2023 | 246246 | 1054 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | J28 Feasability | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Somerset West And Taunton Council | 2977 | 13/03/2023 | 246254 | 4977.2 | BY60576-SERVICE-Mobility Hub Project in partnership with Some | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Solar - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Sungift Solar Limited | 954801 | 06/03/2023 | 246256 | 85309.19 | BY60957-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre Solar + Car Port | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 13/03/2023 | 246257 | 2025 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 27/03/2023 | 246259 | 3518.4 | BY60784-SERVICE-PLAY AREA CLEANING ON VARIOUS SITES - PER QUO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accom - Own Stock | 4807 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 27/03/2023 | 246259 | 78.24 | E002701-SERVICE-Deep clean for room 4 IMH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk Service Charges | Cleaning & Laundry | Cleaning & Laundry | 2702 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 27/03/2023 | 246259 | 66 | BY61144-SERVICE-Bampton House Cleaning February 2023 invoice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 694.9 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1149.88 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1080 | E002111-SERVICE-Locum support for Legal Services - June - Sep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1990.67 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 124.7 | WE 05/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 6528.54 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1750.13 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 58.55 | WE 05/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1411.24 | WE 12/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1175.1 | WE 19/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 14.59 | WE 22/01/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 5315.9 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 57.97 | WE 29/01/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | -0.01 | AGE0201-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for BIN123 pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 963.91 | WE 12/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1664.39 | WE 19/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 1662.08 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | 362.21 | WE 26/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 20/03/2023 | 246260 | -0.01 | AGE0202-SERVICE-Agency crew (Jan to March 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 09/03/2023 | 246266 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 09/03/2023 | 246267 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 11.3 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 1205 - Bleach 5L (JA1042) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 10.92 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 2004 - Washing Up Liquid 1L (JA1014) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 25.08 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 304663 907 - XL Vinyl powder free gloves | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 29.52 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 4505 - 12 Soft Broom Head (JA1050) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 41.04 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 4522 - Yard broom head 13 (JA1049) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 505.16 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 5225 - Wipes (JA1030) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 27/03/2023 | 246268 | 66.09 | S005691-SERVICE-Cat. 83230 - Blue centre pull rolls (JA1038) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Americanino Ltd | 946812 | 06/03/2023 | 246269 | 1130.4 | BY60608-SERVICE-Dell PowerEdge R640 Upgrade | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 09/03/2023 | 246270 | 2491.2 | BY60923-SERVICE-1 College Green uffculme EX15 3EH internal | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Americanino Ltd | 946812 | 06/03/2023 | 246277 | 849.6 | BY60678-SERVICE-Dell PowerEdge R640 Upgrade 32GB DDR4 PC4-213 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Americanino Ltd | 946812 | 06/03/2023 | 246277 | 8.4 | BY60678-SERVICE-Testing, Packaging & Priority Dispatch | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246279 | 4032 | BY60823-SERVICE-Internal Painting of 15 Westgate, Lapford | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 23/03/2023 | 246279 | 0 | BY60823-SERVICE-INTERNAL PAINTING OF 15 WESTGATE, LAPFORD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Fleet Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Olmc Training Ltd | 952154 | 09/03/2023 | 246280 | 1262.88 | E002703-SERVICE-Audit & Review (Level of Compliance) 'O' Lice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Skinner Construction Ltd | 956887 | 09/03/2023 | 246327 | 23964.62 | BY58349-SERVICE-Beech Road Tiverton ¿ JCT Design and Build Co | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 23/03/2023 | 246330 | 812.11 | BY60955-SERVICE-Hire of Peugeot boxer 335 L2HW Hdi 140 reg MW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 23/03/2023 | 246331 | 570.19 | BY60956-SERVICE-Hire of Vauxhall Vivaro Sportif DV72 HFF 1/2/ | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 09/03/2023 | 246335 | 1633.86 | BUSINESS MAIL ADVANCED - 10/02/2023-16/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 246.42 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. 147480 - Victorian Scroll Satin Nickel L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 177.6 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. 341061 - 2'9 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 24 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. 341064 - 2'0 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 142.08 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 402.25 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 86.16 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. GIR0128 - Worktop end cap silver (CA307 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 138.14 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. SNK5172 - Single Bowl sinkLamona Drayton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 163.2 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. TAP2422 - Mixer Tap Lamona Arno (PL4359) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/03/2023 | 246342 | 67.75 | S005679-SERVICE-Cat. TLS5387 - Saw blade fine 40 teeth (6693V | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 27/03/2023 | 246343 | 2293.32 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for March 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 30/03/2023 | 246346 | 1511.08 | BY59153-SERVICE-Carry out removal of horse chestnut 5 Passmor | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 20/03/2023 | 246350 | 1716.96 | E002639-SERVICE-G4S Collection February 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 20/03/2023 | 246350 | 107.18 | E002475-SERVICE-WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FROM PHOENIX HOUSE TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 30/03/2023 | 246351 | 240 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - LORDS MEADOW LEISURE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 30/03/2023 | 246351 | 600 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - PANNIER MARKET | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246359 | 806.81 | FEB 23 DSO PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246359 | 5116.88 | FEB 23 PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | Share Of Corp And Dem | Share Of Corp And Dem | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246359 | 506.78 | FEB 23 HSG PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 09/03/2023 | 246367 | 2143.29 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 6.76 | S005686-SERVICE-25MM Trade paint brush 95583 (DE6001) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 187.75 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. box of 25 - White Silicone (CA3124) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 4.14 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. DART1003 - 4mm wood drill bit (CN1122) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 3.28 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. DART1004 - 5mm wood drill bit (CN1124) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 14.14 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. DART1009 - 10mm wood drill bit (CN1125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 4.99 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. DART2077 - 6mm x 100 SDS masonry drill 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 64.37 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. Geocell brown 12 box - Brown Silicone (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 12.04 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. PALMYRAH - Churn brush (PMCB001) (CN1129 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 37.01 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. PBT016 - 75MM Trade paint brush 68701 (D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 162.07 | S005686-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 30/03/2023 | 246368 | 41.72 | S005686-SERVICE-Sand paper asstd pack (DE6072) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Garden Village Project | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 27/03/2023 | 246369 | 7308 | BY60171-SERVICE-HYAS Support for Culm Garden Village for 12 m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Transport | Cullompton Town Cntr Relief Rd | Asset Construction | Consultancy | 9005 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 27/03/2023 | 246370 | 3612 | BY60172-SERVICE-Tiverton EUE | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 245.25 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1802 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKO - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 245.25 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1803 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKP - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 452.8 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1804 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLK - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 452.8 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1805 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLM - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 542 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1204 - Fixed Maintenance - WV17XYY - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1312 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFW - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1313 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFV - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 156.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1601 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXN - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 156.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1602 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXO - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 179.25 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1607 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGP - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 182.72 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1613 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPL - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 182.72 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1614 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 179.25 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1616 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGT - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 179.25 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1617 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGV - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 161.13 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1618 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGU - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1619 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAA - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1620 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAO - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1621 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFJ - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1622 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAE - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1623 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAC - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.19 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1624 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFN - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1625 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1626 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAP - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1627 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1628 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAY - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1629 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAJ - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1630 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EBA - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1631 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAF - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1632 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAW - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1633 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFH - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1634 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAG - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1635 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAM - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1636 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFM - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1637 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFL - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Caretaking Services | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 192.1 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1615 - Fixed Maintenance - AE14OZD - Proper | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1302 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFY - Recycl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 961.99 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1001 - Fixed Maintenance - GM18WPV - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 226.64 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1101 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWC - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 226.64 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1102 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWA - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 225.16 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1104 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19 DVW - Stree | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 225.16 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1105 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVY - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 580.45 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1201 - Fixed Maintenance - LT19AHK - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 2257.95 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0401 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXN - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 2257.95 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0402 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXL - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 2257.95 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0403 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXM - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 999.61 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0501 - Fixed Maintenance - LT67AEY - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 226.64 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1103 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVZ - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1301 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFZ - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 09/03/2023 | 246371 | 2035.27 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0301 - Fixed Maintenance- VU67HTE - Trade- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Private Sector Housing Grants | Private Sector Housing Team | Miscellaneous | Legal Consultants | 4606 | Parity Projects Ltd | 957919 | 30/03/2023 | 246373 | 3600 | BY60958-SERVICE-HHSRS tool for Pathways | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Learning Nexus | 950629 | 23/03/2023 | 246376 | 600 | BY60971-SERVICE-LMS course - Damp and Mould SCORM package - L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 09/03/2023 | 246381 | 611.82 | BY60980-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE & LIBRARY INVOICE 9764047 FIRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 23/03/2023 | 246389 | 846.28 | BY60980-SERVICE-EVLC - FIRE ALARM SERVICE INVOICE 9776660 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Pilat Europe Ltd | 952149 | 23/03/2023 | 246397 | 2100 | BY60766-SERVICE-Evaluator Training | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | Gradwell Communications Ltd | 956405 | 09/03/2023 | 246400 | 2710.94 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Pollution Reduction | Control Of Pollution | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Janet Wallace T/A Jweh | 955524 | 09/03/2023 | 246402 | 670 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Employee Costs | 1706 | Digital Id | 942794 | 30/03/2023 | 246403 | 500.4 | BY60532-SERVICE-HID Indala Flexiso Imageable Prox Cards 125Kh | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hydro Environmental Services Ltd | 13553 | 30/03/2023 | 246404 | 600 | BY60744-SERVICE-WATER RISK ASSESSMENT - LORDS MEADOW LEISURE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 30/03/2023 | 246405 | 13.32 | S005696-SERVICE-Cat. ATX72381 - Scrim tape 90M (DE6048) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 30/03/2023 | 246405 | 166.75 | S005696-SERVICE-Cat. CMDWC135 - Insta Stik Straw applied 750m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 30/03/2023 | 246405 | 23.23 | S005696-SERVICE-Cat. LDJEPF18 - Polyfilla (DE6008) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 30/03/2023 | 246405 | 422.64 | S005696-SERVICE-IG Letter Box Gold (132FR) (CA3059) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Datastox Limited | 18184 | 30/03/2023 | 246407 | 1934.4 | IT02529-SERVICE-SUP2, Annual Support Charge for DATAstoxMT We | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246408 | 63 | BY59866-SERVICE-Accounting Disclosures - Additional work | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246408 | 186 | BY59866-SERVICE-Accounting Disclosures - Auditor Queries | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 09/03/2023 | 246408 | 708 | BY59866-SERVICE-Accounting Disclosures ¿ Reports Prep of repo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Photocopying | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | The Copyright Licensing Agency Limited | 9883 | 30/03/2023 | 246411 | 1676.66 | BY60984-SERVICE-PUBLIC ADMIN LICENCE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 1855.34 | WE 05/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 1080 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 1841.72 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 6555.36 | WE 05/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 899.78 | WE 05/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 4756.99 | WE 05/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | 1470.84 | AGE0201-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for BIN123 pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/03/2023 | 246415 | -0.01 | AGE0202-SERVICE-Agency crew (Jan to March 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 30/03/2023 | 246416 | 1550.78 | BY60940-SERVICE-Supply Mirka Sanding Package for new starter | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246417 | 655.5 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246418 | 1384.85 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Peter Browning | 18194 | 16/03/2023 | 246422 | 750 | E002308-SERVICE- Annual call off order for attending aerial/d | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246424 | 1145.71 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 36 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0420 - Speedfit 15mm pipe insert (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 39.6 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. P006616 - Knuckle Bend 90^ 1 1/4 S/W WWS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 95.76 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. P022259 - Speedfit 15mm barrier pipe (PL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 69.72 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. P029.0590 POLYPIPE - 1 1/2 Shallow Bath | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 42.24 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. PO25.0040 - 3/4 Plastic Bend Overflow' ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246425 | 486.01 | S005688-SERVICE-Cat. WQ31.0240 - Wc Seat And Cover White (124 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/03/2023 | 246427 | 1138.9 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Procurement | Procurement | Administration Costs | Partnership Working | 4450 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 09/03/2023 | 246429 | 15720 | E002285-SERVICE-2022-23 Procurement Partnership | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 30/03/2023 | 246430 | 1087.97 | S005693-SERVICE-Cat. P6828692 - Drop down shower seat with le | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 23/03/2023 | 246436 | 6348 | BY59247-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - Fire Strategy R | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 13/03/2023 | 246438 | 1938 | BY60691-SERVICE-Law Society Gazette Adverts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 13/03/2023 | 246438 | 1128.6 | BY60691-SERVICE-Local Government Lawyer Adverts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 13/03/2023 | 246438 | 1373.7 | BY60847-SERVICE-Planning Adverts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Oracle Corporation Uk Ltd | 950364 | 30/03/2023 | 246441 | 4889.44 | BY57092-SERVICE-Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 - Processo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 27/03/2023 | 246450 | 891.55 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 13/03/2023 | 246459 | 670.8 | BY60992-SERVICE-2020/21 IAS 19 Assurance letters | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Expenses | 1406 | Everybody First Aid And Training | 956701 | 23/03/2023 | 246460 | 1250 | BY60880-SERVICE-NPLQ Tutor Fees - April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Camper Coffee Co Ltd | 946776 | 30/03/2023 | 246462 | 4800 | BY61002-SERVICE-PURCHASE OF COFFEE BAR , SEATING AND TABLES L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Tpas Limited | 24847 | 13/03/2023 | 246515 | 1525 | P008001-SERVICE-Landlord Membership - 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Plant Expenditure | Plant Sinking Fund | 3590 | Vincent Tractors Ltd | 957949 | 23/03/2023 | 246517 | 3840 | BY60994-SERVICE-Ifor Williams GH94BT Plant Trailer As per quo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Post Hill Tiverton Development | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Ashfords | 12216 | 13/03/2023 | 246518 | 2268 | BY61005-SERVICE-`Post Hill development¿ s106 agreement for ed | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Thirsty Work Limited | 5886 | 23/03/2023 | 246522 | 513.48 | BY61007-SERVICE-WATER FOUNTAIN RENTAL CHARGES LMLC 02/02/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Thirsty Work Limited | 5886 | 23/03/2023 | 246525 | 959.52 | BY61007-SERVICE-WATER FOUNTAIN PHOENIX H Rental Chgs - From 0 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 2520 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - Core WAN Costs + PS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 234 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - CREDC013 - Renewal of Existing NGA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 450 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - CULLO009-Renewal of Existing EFM10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 648 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER020-Renewal of Existing LA EAD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 450 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER037 - Renewal of Existing EFM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 234 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER046-Renewal of Existing NGA20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 13/03/2023 | 246529 | 1638 | BY60551-SERVICE-SERVICE - Unit 3 - Unit 3 - EX15 3FG - Servic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 23/03/2023 | 246532 | 5373.6 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 23/03/2023 | 246532 | 0 | BY58395-SERVICE-ASBESTOS CONTRACT WORKS 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 27/03/2023 | 246543 | 2856 | BY60403-SERVICE-new tarrifs PS/42/1197 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 27/03/2023 | 246543 | 24 | BY60403-SERVICE-NEW TARRIFS PS/42/1197 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 13.14 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 7.12 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 111.73 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 15.43 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 59.15 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 26.15 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 32.86 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 9.38 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 0 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom ID | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 98.56 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 0 | BY60996-SERVICE-ID Connection Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 0 | BY60996-SERVICE-Man Down Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | -0.01 | BY60996-SERVICE-Multi Network Sim | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 65.8 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | -0.01 | BY60996-SERVICE-Safe Check Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 16.19 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 42.46 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Standby | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 105.16 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Standby | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 40.78 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Finance And Performance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 9.77 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 19.72 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 39.43 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 9.94 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 78.86 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 21.53 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 85.44 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 22.08 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 10.8 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 138.61 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 85.44 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 13.08 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 52.57 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 23.65 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 19.72 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 19.72 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 6.58 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 19.72 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 2.76 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 19.73 | BY60996-SERVICE-Alertcom Service & Monitoring | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Lone Working | 1704 | Alertcom Ltd | 952286 | 23/03/2023 | 246574 | 3.86 | BY60996-SERVICE-MULTI NETWORK SIM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 13/03/2023 | 246577 | 1420 | BY60485-SERVICE-- Repairs and maintenance on various play are | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 13/03/2023 | 246578 | 2094.3 | BY61025-SERVICE-CHAT HS3 February 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 13/03/2023 | 246579 | 838.62 | BY61024-SERVICE-CHAT HS to 28th Feb 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Navigate | 953261 | 13/03/2023 | 246580 | 6887 | BY61026-SERVICE-HS3 March 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Fees & Charges | Fees & Charges | 7201 | Inform Cpi Ltd | 956193 | 27/03/2023 | 246581 | 1428 | BY61004-SERVICE-Analyse Local NDR fees | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 13/03/2023 | 246583 | 1220 | BY60701-SERVICE-Carry out Play Area inspections - January 202 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Social Landlords Crime & Nuisance Group | 22553 | 27/03/2023 | 246593 | 1394.4 | P008002-SERVICE-RESOLVE membership 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 13/03/2023 | 246603 | 73571.12 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | External Audit Fees | 4421 | Grant Thornton Uk Llp | 944127 | 13/03/2023 | 246605 | 13269.6 | BY60659-SERVICE-2022/23 Audit Fee - Scale Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 13/03/2023 | 246614 | 2143.29 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 16/03/2023 | 246615 | 2025 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 34.28 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 524.45 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 352.76 | APR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 272.94 | AUG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 51.04 | DEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 558.41 | JUL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 313.93 | JUN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 459.22 | MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 120.29 | NOV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 65.52 | OCT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 323.92 | SEP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1080 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 512.42 | APR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 816.49 | AUG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 681.73 | DEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 548.61 | JUL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 549.68 | JUN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 612.63 | MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1224.97 | NOV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1788.18 | OCT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1100.1 | SEP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 85.92 | APR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 32.4 | AUG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 37.45 | DEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 32.4 | JUL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 150.37 | JUN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 112.8 | MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 81.42 | NOV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 143.34 | OCT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 207.04 | APR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 622.65 | AUG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 402.54 | DEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 2714.65 | FEB | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1686.35 | JAN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 686.84 | JUL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 306.22 | JUN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 215.99 | MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 831.39 | NOV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 1262.48 | OCT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 652.94 | SEP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 0 | AGE0201-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for BIN123 pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 105.3 | DEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 469.43 | FEB | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 7.01 | JAN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 198.53 | NOV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 285.58 | OCT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 247.46 | SEP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 15/03/2023 | 246622 | 0 | AGE0202-SERVICE-Agency crew (Jan to March 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | External Contractors | Abandoned Vehicle Recovery | 4214 | Highfield Garage & Recovery Ltd | 956965 | 13/03/2023 | 246623 | 336 | E002485-SERVICE-14 Days Storage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | External Contractors | Abandoned Vehicle Recovery | 4214 | Highfield Garage & Recovery Ltd | 956965 | 13/03/2023 | 246623 | 180 | E002485-SERVICE-Removal Fee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 20/03/2023 | 246699 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 20/03/2023 | 246701 | 1998 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 13/03/2023 | 246703 | -73571.1 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 13/03/2023 | 246704 | 73571.13 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 20/03/2023 | 246719 | 4364.66 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 20/03/2023 | 246720 | 3298.75 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 20/03/2023 | 246721 | 1856.4 | BY60973-SERVICE-Carry out works as per quote to 8 Crofts San | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Democratic Rep & Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 30/03/2023 | 246723 | 795.26 | BY60945-SERVICE-Council Tax Public Notice 2023/2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 30/03/2023 | 246726 | 628.44 | A000179-SERVICE-Planning - Notification List - Mid Devon Gaze | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | J & J Crump & Son Ltd | 947073 | 16/03/2023 | 246732 | 1000 | E002446-SERVICE-Insulation works associated with LAD2 BEIS pr | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Greenslade Taylor Hunt | 940208 | 30/03/2023 | 246734 | 780 | BY60883-SERVICE-Valuation of 16 High Street, Silverton. | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Greenslade Taylor Hunt | 940208 | 30/03/2023 | 246734 | 780 | BY60883-SERVICE-Valuations of 5 Marshall Close, Tiverton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 23/03/2023 | 246737 | 7221.07 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Natwest Payment Card | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Payment Card Payment | 8407 | National Westminster Bank Llp | 949451 | 14/03/2023 | 246745 | 18675.06 | DD 07/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 563.42 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 1135.18 | AGENCY CREW W/E 12.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 1080 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 589.68 | AGENCY CREW W/E 05.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 5963.52 | AGENCY CREW W/E 12.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 1594.67 | AGENCY CREW W/E 12.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 3784.8 | AGENCY CREW W/E 12.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 637.92 | AGENCY CREW W/E 26.02.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 687.52 | AGE0201-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for BIN123 pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | 13705.76 | AGE0202-SERVICE-Agency crew (Jan to March 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 27/03/2023 | 246764 | -13705.8 | AGE0202-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (JAN TO MARCH 2023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Nova Surveyors Limited | 951814 | 23/03/2023 | 246765 | 1200 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Nova Surveyors Limited | 951814 | 23/03/2023 | 246765 | 1200 | BY60568-SERVICE-Garden-v-MDDC - Meeting other sides expert an | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | J28 Feasability | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 23/03/2023 | 246766 | 111543.2 | BY60563-SERVICE-Junction 28 works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Local Land Charges | Local Land Charges | Administration Costs | Dcc Land Search | 4420 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 20/03/2023 | 246768 | 1501.44 | A000167-SERVICE-Fees for Searches 01.02.23 to 28.02.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Fitzpro Av Ltd | 953027 | 20/03/2023 | 246781 | 650.7 | BY58558-SERVICE-Speakers - Quote Ref: 2204-07/Culm Valley spe | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Fitzpro Av Ltd | 953027 | 20/03/2023 | 246781 | 420 | BY57812-SERVICE-Engineer site attendance ( Inc test equipment | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 11 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246784 | 6640.57 | BY61052-SERVICE-Planning works required for College Green Uff | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 15 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246785 | 21687.91 | BY61057-SERVICE-Planning works for School Close Bampton | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 9 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246786 | 9427.11 | BY61055-SERVICE-Planning works - Beech road Tiverton | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 10 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246787 | 17460.61 | BY61056-SERVICE-Planning works - Sycamore Road Tiverton | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 18 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246788 | 8875.99 | BY61054-SERVICE-Planning works - Eastlands Hemyock | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing Scheme (Hca) - Project 14 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246789 | 10245.49 | BY61053-SERVICE-Planning works - Crofts Estate Sandford | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246790 | 9277.38 | BY61050-SERVICE-Additional survey costs - Shapland Place Tive | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246791 | 9252.67 | BY61049-SERVICE-Additinal survey costs - St Andrews estate | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246792 | 374826 | BY61051-SERVICE-Zed Pods works for St Andrews Estate Cullompt | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 41 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 15/03/2023 | 246793 | 132652.4 | BY61058-SERVICE-60% fee for unit & planning Fir Close willand | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 16/03/2023 | 246804 | 523.07 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 246805 | 36000 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 20/03/2023 | 246806 | 5245.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 16/03/2023 | 246825 | 1800 | BY61059-SERVICE-ASHP install (labour only) at Units 1&2 Sidda | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | J & J Crump & Son Ltd | 947073 | 16/03/2023 | 246832 | -1000 | E002446-SERVICE-Insulation works associated with LAD2 BEIS pr | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 1742.79 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 03/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 528.3 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 03/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 171.3 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 10/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 544.36 | PREMIER INN HONITON, 10/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 777.85 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 10/03/2023, 11 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 1930.55 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 10/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 376.29 | PREMIER INN EXETER CENTRAL ST. DAVIDS, 07/03/2023, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 82.45 | PREMIER INN EXETER CENTRAL ST. DAVIDS, 08/03/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Expenses | 1406 | Click Travel | 951733 | 23/03/2023 | 246836 | 562.4 | PREMIER INN LONDON CITY (TOWER HILL), 05/03/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 16/03/2023 | 246886 | 73571.12 | BY60793 CIS CORRECTION | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 16/03/2023 | 246887 | -73571.1 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 16/03/2023 | 246888 | 73571.15 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 16/03/2023 | 246888 | 0 | BY60793-SERVICE-SITE WORKS ST ANDREWS ESTATE CULLOMPTON - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 16/03/2023 | 246890 | -73571.1 | BY60793 CORRECTION CIS | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 23/03/2023 | 246899 | 2167.63 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 23/03/2023 | 246899 | 1039.36 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING- CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 23/03/2023 | 246903 | 593.92 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 23/03/2023 | 246903 | 209.98 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING- CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246912 | 2569.66 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0101 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246912 | 1944.91 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0101 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246913 | 2569.66 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0102 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246913 | 1944.91 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0102 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246914 | 2603.53 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0202 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246914 | 1993.81 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0202 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246915 | 1903.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0604 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246915 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0604 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246916 | 1903.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0603 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZX - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246916 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0603 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZX - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246917 | 1906.81 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0607 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYP - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246917 | 1337.41 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0607 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYP - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246918 | 1483.41 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA69AXC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246918 | 420.9 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1701 - MAINTENANCE - WA69AXC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246919 | 2047.59 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0901 - CONTRACT HIRE - DX69RKY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246919 | 1427.6 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0901 - MAINTENANCE - DX69RKY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246920 | 649.82 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1901 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246920 | 195.32 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1901 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246921 | 649.82 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1902 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246921 | 195.32 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1902 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246925 | 499.64 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1108 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246925 | 215.13 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1108 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246926 | 484.03 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1106 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNL - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246926 | 214.53 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1106 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNL - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246927 | 484.03 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1107 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNM - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246927 | 214.53 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1107 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNM - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246928 | 450.43 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1112 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWF - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246928 | 213.19 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1112 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWF - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246929 | 1906.81 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0606 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYO - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246929 | 1337.41 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0606 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYO - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246930 | 1670.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1702 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA21EOK - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246930 | 209.06 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1702 - MAINTENANCE - WA21EOK - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246931 | 889.2 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1501 - CONTRACT HIRE - WF71ZDN - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246931 | 268.93 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1501 - MAINTENANCE - WF71ZDN - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246932 | 673.21 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0801 - CONTRACT HIRE - LP71BFA - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246932 | 211.77 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0801 - MAINTENANCE - LP71BFA - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246933 | 398.4 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1610 - Contract Hire - Peugeot Expert Stand | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246933 | 240 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1610 - Maintenance - Peugeot Expert Standar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246934 | 398.4 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1611 - Contract Hire - Peugeot Expert Stand | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246934 | 240 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1611 - Maintenance - Peugeot Expert Standar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246935 | 398.4 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1640 - Contract Hire - Peugeot Expert Stand | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 23/03/2023 | 246935 | 240 | P007350-SERVICE-MD1640 - Maintenance - Peugeot Expert Standar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First Management | 1101 - 1199 Salaries | Standby | 1111 | Somerset West And Taunton Council | 2977 | 27/03/2023 | 246938 | 3167.45 | BY58087-SERVICE-OUT OF HOURS MONITORING - APRIL 2022 - MARCH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works 3 | 2108 | Earlsman Limited | 943236 | 20/03/2023 | 246951 | 85076.68 | BY60490-SERVICE-LED Pitch Lighting at Exe Valley Leisure Cent | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 20/03/2023 | 246958 | 4693.59 | 01/04/2023-31/03/2024 - COMMON ROOMS WESTFIELD ROAD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 1419.99 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 24/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 71.1 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 23/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 549.92 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 24/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 71.1 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 27/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 623.95 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 03/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 560.3 | PREMIER INN HONITON, 03/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 374.1 | PREMIER INN HONITON, 27/02/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 2871.6 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 03/03/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Expenses | 1406 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246960 | 368.4 | TIVERTON PARKWAY - LEEDS (OFF-PEAK RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Airey Consultancy Services Ltd | 942791 | 20/03/2023 | 246973 | 3060 | BY61085-SERVICE-DRBOG, CTR, NDR, EHF work | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Airey Consultancy Services Ltd | 942791 | 20/03/2023 | 246974 | 1140 | BY61085-SERVICE-Policy and heat network relief work | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Income Collection | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 17/03/2023 | 246975 | 130 | DD 16/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Hmcs | 938392 | 17/03/2023 | 246975 | 1351 | DD 16/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 17/03/2023 | 246975 | 5 | DD 16/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 17/03/2023 | 246975 | 138 | DD 16/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 1079.86 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 17/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 249.3 | LEONARDO HOTEL EXETER, 21/02/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 91 | PREMIER INN EXETER CENTRAL ST. DAVIDS, 20/02/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 606.83 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 10/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 615.4 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 24/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 342.76 | PREMIER INN HONITON, 20/02/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 248.6 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 10/02/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 2359.75 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 10/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 514.7 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 17/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 20/03/2023 | 246982 | 3755.86 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 24/02/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 1046.2 | BY61069-SERVICE-Rental of 13 King Place April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 52.3 | BY61069-SERVICE-Rental of 13 King Place Service Charge April | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 14682.91 | BY61069-SERVICE-Rental of 3 Carlu Close APRIL 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 2272.4 | BY61069-SERVICE-Rental of Parking Area - Carlu Close April 20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 733.51 | BY61069-SERVICE-Service Charge @ 5% of Carlu Close - April 20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rent | Rent | 2402 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 27/03/2023 | 246990 | 113.61 | BY61069-SERVICE-Service Charge @ 5% Rental of parking area - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 20/03/2023 | 247000 | 762.14 | 1676543401 16.10.22-20.02.23 TOILETS BAMPTON STREET, TIVERTON | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 20/03/2023 | 247001 | -73571.1 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 20/03/2023 | 247001 | 0 | BY60793-SERVICE-SITE WORKS ST ANDREWS ESTATE CULLOMPTON - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Modular Housing - St Andrews Cullompton (6) | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 20/03/2023 | 247003 | 73571.12 | BY60793-SERVICE-Site works St Andrews Estate Cullompton - ZED | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 27/03/2023 | 247076 | 2315.14 | E002728-SERVICE-Carry out repairs and maintenance on play are | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 27/03/2023 | 247076 | 1400 | E002728-SERVICE-Inspection of play areas February 2023 - Quot | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 27/03/2023 | 247076 | 1040 | E002728-SERVICE-Spare parts (Swing seats) - Quote: 198 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 27/03/2023 | 247076 | 2137.68 | E002728-SERVICE-Supply and install fence posts at play areas/ | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Development Plan Costs | 4489 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 23/03/2023 | 247079 | 9824.06 | BY58561-SERVICE-Service level agreement for Forward Planning- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | Gradwell Communications Ltd | 956405 | 23/03/2023 | 247082 | 6150 | BY57873-SERVICE-3CX 128SC Enterprise Edition Annual (Annual c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 23/03/2023 | 247086 | 1260 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Nat West Bank Payments Operations | 35073 | 22/03/2023 | 247088 | 3994.71 | BANK CHARGES 30.12.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Aib Merchant Services | 950403 | 22/03/2023 | 247096 | 744.86 | AIBMS DD 20.10.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247104 | 1135.81 | 1673162801 01.04.23-31.03.24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247105 | 1087.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247106 | 981.53 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247108 | 981.63 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247109 | 981.53 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247110 | 981.53 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247111 | 1087.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 23/03/2023 | 247114 | 1836 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Nec Software Solutions (Uk) Ltd | 11836 | 27/03/2023 | 247119 | 1800 | BY61087-SERVICE-NEC Subsidy Workbook 23/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 23/03/2023 | 247121 | 2142.72 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Repairs & Maintenance | Vandalism | 2102 | Ken White Signs | 766 | 27/03/2023 | 247133 | 1041.6 | BY60489-SERVICE-Pannier Market tariff board replacement - as | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 90 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 400 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 165 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 165 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 200 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 23/03/2023 | 247134 | 3600 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | The South West Research Company | 948975 | 27/03/2023 | 247135 | 686.4 | BY61098-SERVICE-Mid Devon District Tourism Data 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 27/03/2023 | 247140 | 360 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 27/03/2023 | 247140 | 360 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 27/03/2023 | 247140 | 360 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 27/03/2023 | 247140 | 360 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 23/03/2023 | 247147 | 4503 | BY60900-SERVICE-Director of Operations Advert | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 23/03/2023 | 247147 | 1373.7 | BY60897-SERVICE-Planning Advert - The Planner | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247153 | 1135.81 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247155 | 1087.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247156 | 1178.36 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247157 | 1135.81 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 23/03/2023 | 247159 | 981.53 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 23/03/2023 | 247161 | 625.68 | POSTAGE 17.02.23-23.02.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 23/03/2023 | 247162 | 807.91 | POSTAGE 24.02.23-02.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 27/03/2023 | 247163 | 588.79 | POSTAGE 26.02.23-09.03.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 27/03/2023 | 247167 | 864 | BY61146-SERVICE-February 2023 Hire BUH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 27/03/2023 | 247167 | 1620 | BY61146-SERVICE-February 2023 Hire CRF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 27/03/2023 | 247167 | 720 | BY61146-SERVICE-February 2023 Hire KVL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | External Contractors | Waste Disposal Chrgs - Rejects | 4241 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 23/03/2023 | 247181 | 1083.96 | E002346-SERVICE-Gate Fee for Trade Recycling April 2022 - Mar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Navigate | 953261 | 23/03/2023 | 247182 | 6486 | BY61132-SERVICE-provide day 2 training of the money maze for | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Traffic Enforcement Centre | 938835 | 27/03/2023 | 247189 | 1160 | TEC FEES FOR DEBT REG AND WARRANTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Miscellaneous | Service Charge | 2801 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 27/03/2023 | 247276 | 616.6 | 1225016 01.01.23-31.1.23 7 MARKET WALK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Miscellaneous | Service Charge | 2801 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 27/03/2023 | 247277 | 1426.37 | 1225016 01.12.22-31.12.22 7 MARKET WALK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 27/03/2023 | 247281 | 784.8 | BY60752-SERVICE-Knightswood, Cullompton - Works to Basket Swi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 27/03/2023 | 247281 | 868.8 | BY60752-SERVICE-Newcombes Meadow Crediton - Works to Roundabo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247286 | 8446.04 | BY61150-SERVICE-MDDC/RHH extras (MDD2 - 1222) - Dec'22 (final | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247286 | 0 | BY61150-SERVICE-MDDC/RHH EXTRAS (MDD2 - 1222) - DEC'22 (FINAL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247302 | 1698.05 | BY60222-SERVICE-STR truck and bale E20 Electric | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247302 | 2.11 | BY60222-SERVICE-STR TRUCK AND BALE E20 ELECTRIC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247303 | 1543.68 | BY60222-SERVICE-STR truck and bale E20 Electric | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247303 | 1.92 | BY60222-SERVICE-STR TRUCK AND BALE E20 ELECTRIC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Development Plan Costs | 4489 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 27/03/2023 | 247304 | 1472.58 | BY58551-SERVICE-Service level agreement for Forward Planning- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Decarbonisation Works 3 | 2108 | Earlsman Limited | 943236 | 27/03/2023 | 247312 | 35732.6 | BY60490-SERVICE-LED Pitch Lighting at Lords Meadow Leisure Ce | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Dan Dyson Magdelen Chambers | 958003 | 27/03/2023 | 247313 | 600 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247325 | 224.05 | BY61022-SERVICE-MD0705 FW572865 LM64NAA WINCH VEHICLE FROM L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247325 | -224.05 | BY61022-SERVICE-MD0705 FW572865 LM64NAA Winch vehicle from lo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247325 | -330 | BY61022-SERVICE-MD1639 FW567810 HY70PHZ Recover vehicle -cam | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 30/03/2023 | 247325 | -224.05 | FW567810 HY70PCREDIT LINE FOR PARTS NOT USED | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 27/03/2023 | 247329 | 2025 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 27/03/2023 | 247334 | 2091.16 | E002672-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL FEB/MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Aib Merchant Services | 950403 | 27/03/2023 | 247339 | 699.02 | DD 20/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 27/03/2023 | 247342 | 0 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 27/03/2023 | 247342 | 148.37 | DD 21/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 27/03/2023 | 247342 | 623.67 | DD 21/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 27/03/2023 | 247342 | 416.19 | DD 21/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 27/03/2023 | 247370 | 49352.9 | LASER MARCH 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 27/03/2023 | 247371 | 2190.81 | LASER MARCH 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Laser Energy | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Laser Energy Invoices | 8410 | Laser Energy Buying Group | 949052 | 27/03/2023 | 247372 | 65336.92 | LASER MARCH 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 27/03/2023 | 247374 | 1135.81 | 01/04/2023-31/03/2024 - 3 THURLOW CLOSE CREDITON | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Estate Caretaking | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Cobwebs | 948204 | 30/03/2023 | 247459 | 3595.2 | BY61178-SERVICE-Cobwebs Cleaning - Communal Cleaning Feb 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Ashfords | 12216 | 30/03/2023 | 247505 | 1029.6 | BY60161-SERVICE-Instructions for transfer of land to DCC at C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247514 | -10267.7 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247514 | 0 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC COMBINED HEATING SERVICES - SERVICIN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247515 | -36000 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247516 | 36000 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/03/2023 | 247516 | 0 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC COMBINED HEATING SERVICES - SERVICIN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Capita Business Services | 35323 | 30/03/2023 | 247537 | 5532.94 | DD 27/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Internet | 4115 | Eclipse Networking | 11817 | 30/03/2023 | 247547 | 2544.32 | DD 29/03/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Mitsubishi Electric | 957313 | 30/03/2023 | 247559 | 37707.77 | DD 08/02/2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Pl1 Happy Energy Solutions Limited | 953188 | 30/03/2023 | 247562 | 95593.56 | E002465-SERVICE-ASHP installations (multiple sites) - LAD2 Wo | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Pl1 Happy Energy Solutions Limited | 953188 | 30/03/2023 | 247562 | 469.59 | E002465-SERVICE-ASHP INSTALLATIONS (MULTIPLE SITES) - LAD2 WO | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 30/03/2023 | 247570 | 6463.97 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 30/03/2023 | 247571 | -6463.97 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 30/03/2023 | 247572 | 6463.97 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Mitsubishi Electric | 957313 | 31/03/2023 | 247635 | 29992.51 | DD 22/08/2022 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Mitsubishi Electric | 957313 | 31/03/2023 | 247638 | 43675.85 | FP 24/01/2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Mitsubishi Electric | 957313 | 31/03/2023 | 247638 | 40691.81 | FP 24/01/2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Mitsubishi Electric | 957313 | 31/03/2023 | 247662 | 1560 | FP 31/03/2023 | CAPITAL |