May 2023
Invoices over £500 paid between 01/05/2023 and 31/05/2023
Body Name | Body | Service Area Categorisation | Service Division Categorisation | Responsible Unit | Expenses Type | Detailed Expenses Type | Expenses Code | Supplier Name | Supplier ID | Date Paid | Transaction Number | Amount | Narrative | Capital/Revenue |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Webbers Estate Agents | 958134 | 09/05/2023 | 29700 | 2584.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Seddons Lettings Ltd | 941290 | 02/05/2023 | 29724 | 1000 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | J D Wetherspoon Plc | 935493 | 02/05/2023 | 29725 | 1750 | DUPLICATE PAYMENT - REFUND | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Cullompton Cultural Consortia | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Costs | 8186 | Cullompton Arts House | 956827 | 02/05/2023 | 29727 | 5571 | CREATIVE CULLOMPTON GRANTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | H.R.A. Strategy | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958154 | 02/05/2023 | 29728 | 6640.39 | HOME LOSS PAYMENT - DECANT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958153 | 02/05/2023 | 29729 | 2611 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Direct Action & Appeals | 4605 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958159 | 02/05/2023 | 29737 | 648 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | East Devon District Council | 34019 | 04/05/2023 | 29747 | 6171.65 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Miscellaneous | Insurance Exp-Unins Losses | 4651 | Kennedys | 953096 | 09/05/2023 | 29765 | 537.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Env Health | Hmo Scheme 4 | Asset Aquisition | Building Acquisition | 9202 | Hmrc | 946186 | 09/05/2023 | 29775 | 4800 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Env Health | Hmo Scheme 3 | Asset Aquisition | Building Acquisition | 9202 | Hmrc | 946186 | 09/05/2023 | 29781 | 5550 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | C.I.S. Subcontractor Tax | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Cis Payments | 8513 | Inland Revenue-070 Px 00100419 | 649 | 15/05/2023 | 29793 | 10180.16 | SUBCONTRACTORS RETURN 06-04-23 TO 05-05-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Housing Rent Control | 8351 - 8359 Long Term Debtors | Refunds | 8399 | Redacted - Personal Information | 951681 | 15/05/2023 | 29795 | 833.27 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958179 | 15/05/2023 | 29796 | 666.91 | RETURNED PAYMENT MADE TO MDDC IN ERROR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958182 | 15/05/2023 | 29801 | 750 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958186 | 15/05/2023 | 29802 | 2680 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Thorne Carter & Aspen | 32517 | 23/05/2023 | 29803 | 3153 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958188 | 15/05/2023 | 29804 | 1615.38 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Community Development | Community Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Involve Central Offices | 16228 | 18/05/2023 | 29820 | 12000 | STRATEGIC GRANTS AWARD 2023/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Community Development | Community Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 18/05/2023 | 29821 | 12500 | STRATEGIC GRANTS AWARD 2023/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | S106 Expenditure | 4696 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958196 | 18/05/2023 | 29822 | 7500 | 23/00009/FUND:01 - THE PROVISION OF CHANGING AND TOILET FACILITIES FOR CRFC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Miscellaneous | Temp Accom Income - Own Stock | 7409 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958200 | 18/05/2023 | 29826 | 754.96 | REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT OF RENT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Community Development | Community Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Tiverton Museum Of Mid Devon | 34216 | 18/05/2023 | 29829 | 27500 | STRATEGIC GRANT AWARD 2023/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Community Development | Community Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Tiverton Museum Of Mid Devon | 34216 | 18/05/2023 | 29829 | 4000 | STRATEGIC GRANT AWARD 2023/24 - TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Community Development | Community Development | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Mid Devon Mobility | 954790 | 18/05/2023 | 29830 | 16400 | STRATEGIC GRANT AWARD 2023/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Homes For Ukraine | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Welden And Edwards | 21140 | 18/05/2023 | 29842 | 525 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 22/05/2023 | 29860 | 6910 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Redacted - Personal Information | 951866 | 22/05/2023 | 29863 | 500 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | H.R.A. Strategy | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958220 | 22/05/2023 | 29864 | 7426.75 | HOME LOSS PAYMENT & OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES - DECANT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Police Precept | 8140 | Pcc Devon And Cornwall | 8607 | 23/05/2023 | 29872 | 782613.1 | PCC - INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Fire Precept | 8148 | Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service | 33987 | 23/05/2023 | 29873 | 289478.9 | D&S FIRE & RESCUE INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Dcc Precept | 8138 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 23/05/2023 | 29874 | 4888702 | DCC INSTALMENT 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Your Sorted Nest | 958228 | 25/05/2023 | 29880 | 720 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Cullompton Walronds Preservation | 33786 | 30/05/2023 | 29890 | 25200 | GRANT PAYMENT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | 1101 - 1199 Salaries | Joint Funded Posts | 1123 | North Devon District Council | 950596 | 30/05/2023 | 29892 | 98311 | SHARE OF BUILDING CONTROL PARTNERSHIP COSTS 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Partnership Working | 4450 | North Devon District Council | 950596 | 30/05/2023 | 29892 | -374 | SHARE OF BUILDING CONTROL PARTNERSHIP COSTS 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Nndr1 Transitional Protection | 8167 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29896 | -208475 | DD 02.05.23 TR PAYMENTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29896 | 761470 | DD 02.05.23 CENTRAL SHARE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29896 | -9094 | DD 02.05.23 DEFICIT FOR 21/22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29896 | -11058 | DD 02.05.23 DEFICIT FOR 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Govern Tran Protection Pmt | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Nndr1 Transitional Protection | 8167 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29898 | -208475 | DD 22.05.23 TR PAYMENTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29898 | 761469 | DD 22.05.23 CENTRAL SHARE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29898 | -9093 | DD 22.05.23 DEFICIT FOR 21/22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29898 | -11059 | DD 22.05.23 DEFICIT FOR 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 31/05/2023 | 29898 | -8862 | DD 22.05.23 RSG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 356.4 | BY59515 - DELIVERY | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 2376 | BY59515-SERVICE-Concept II Rower Model D w/ PM5- Black | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 276 | BY59515-SERVICE-Concept II Ski Erg Stand - Black | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 948 | BY59515-SERVICE-Concept II Ski Erg w/ PM5 - Black | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 4407.45 | BY59515-SERVICE-Matrix Rower RXP WIFI RFID | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 3296.9 | BY59515-SERVICE-Matrix S-Force Performance Trainer | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 12570.91 | BY59515-SERVICE-Matrix Virtual Training Cycle CXV | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 26258.88 | BY59515-SERVICE-Performance Ascent Trainer with Touch Console | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 8533.29 | BY59515-SERVICE-Performance Hybrid Cycle with Touch Console / | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 4164.72 | BY59515-SERVICE-Performance Recumbent Bike with Touch Console | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc - Fitness Studio Equipmen | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Johnson Health Tech Uk Ltd | 951459 | 18/05/2023 | 245021 | 21097.58 | BY59515-SERVICE-Performance Suspension Elliptical with Touch | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 04/05/2023 | 246777 | 294 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 04/05/2023 | 246777 | 294 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 04/05/2023 | 246777 | 294 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 04/05/2023 | 246777 | 294 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 04/05/2023 | 246777 | 294 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 195 | BY61078-SERVICE-00-10813 y - 2xl Hi vis Bomber Jacket EN471 - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 15 | BY61078-SERVICE-00 10999H-B Customer logo heatseal to rear | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 319.2 | BY61078-SERVICE-01- 20141-10 Lightyear Pioneer Black Ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 159 | BY61078-SERVICE-01- 20141-11 Lightyear Pioneer Black Ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 63.6 | BY61078-SERVICE-01- 20141-6 Lightyear Pioneer Black Ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 159 | BY61078-SERVICE-01- 20141-8 Lightyear Pioneer Black Ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 159 | BY61078-SERVICE-01- 20141-9 Lightyear Pioneer Black Ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 63 | BY61078-SERVICE-0120222-8 Safety Trainer shoe | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 04/05/2023 | 247267 | 10.8 | BY61078-SERVICE-customer logo Heatseal to left breast | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 05/05/2023 | 247300 | 80505.6 | BY61460-SERVICE-MDDC PSDS 3 Works VALUATION No. 18 as at 13th | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 22/05/2023 | 247809 | 5760 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Tiverton Hotel Ltd | 768 | 11/05/2023 | 247815 | 1000 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 02/05/2023 | 247864 | 1079.28 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 02/05/2023 | 247867 | 2020.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 02/05/2023 | 247870 | 1239.16 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 02/05/2023 | 247874 | 1171.78 | S005715-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3028 - Ei3028 Aico multi sensor fire/c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Crown Decorating Centre | 937598 | 02/05/2023 | 247876 | 480 | S005725-SERVICE-Cat. 1CTCM10269 - White Obliterating matt emu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Crown Decorating Centre | 937598 | 02/05/2023 | 247876 | 460.8 | S005725-SERVICE-Cat. 5027073 - Crown PX3 alkali resistant p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/05/2023 | 247880 | 1137.55 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/05/2023 | 247882 | 1082.91 | E002589-SERVICE- Adaptations materials December 2022-End Marc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/05/2023 | 247884 | 257.96 | E002309-SERVICE-Addition Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 02/05/2023 | 247884 | 1260.93 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 02/05/2023 | 247890 | 683.84 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant Lease/Hire Payments | 3501 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 247892 | 309.6 | BY61369-SERVICE-Delivery | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant Lease/Hire Payments | 3501 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 247892 | 695.52 | BY61369-SERVICE-Rental 20.12.22 - 01.01.23 Forklift crosshire | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Management | It Projects | Equipment | Computer Hardware | 4103 | Dell Corporation Ltd | 15246 | 02/05/2023 | 247947 | 605.22 | BY60635-SERVICE-IT010 - ProDeploy Dell EMC SW Config of Disks | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248014 | 2901.84 | S005709-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248016 | 2901.84 | S005709-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 12.85 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. N3020001 - White tile edging strip 2.4 M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 3360 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. P6440995 - Whale shower pump 'instant ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 156.52 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. P6820611 - Eclipse raised c/c wc pan OL3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 78.3 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. P6820612 - Eclipse c/c lever cistern + f | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 148.77 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. P7004030 - 50mm Toilet Plinth (SN7026) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248017 | 108 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. S2238542 - 2135 X 2135mm Shower Curtain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248018 | 841.67 | BY61135-SERVICE-Supply Ultra max cordless Sprayer 25M614 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 02/05/2023 | 248022 | 549.99 | BY61272-SERVICE-MAKITA DLS714NZ 190MM TWIN 18V LI-ION LXT BRU | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248029 | 600 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. 173-D48 - 173-4 Single swivel EZI KLAMP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 02/05/2023 | 248029 | 180 | S005726-SERVICE-Cat. 198-D48 - 198-4 Fixing bracket EZI KLAM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 04/05/2023 | 248035 | 729.6 | BY61245-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre - Boiler Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 353.17 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 5095047 - 5L Dulux Buttermilk V/M Emulsi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 209.52 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 5218686 - V/S Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia (DE603 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 59.25 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 5583720 - Magnolia w/shield masonry pain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 88.88 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 5583723 - White W/shield paint 7.5L (DE6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 68.85 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 5623399 - Buttermilk tinted w/shield pai | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 412.39 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. 6188891 - Caulk Sealant (CA3128) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 02/05/2023 | 248036 | 33.04 | S005718-SERVICE-Cat. DCC Excellence - 12 Sheepskin roller sle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 775.21 | S005713-SERVICE-22mm Copper Pipe (PL4302) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 483.48 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. 5091647 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr White (DE6042) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 114.06 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. 608502 - Stirling board 2440 x 1220 x 11 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 79.2 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. 757474 - Multi tool blade set (CN1111) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 204.48 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. 848743 - Thistle Multi Finish 25Kg (MA82 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 127 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. AGSML004 - All in ballast 25KG (MA8261) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 45.64 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. AMIX1076 - SBR 5L (MA8005) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 198.54 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. CMDWC810 - Insta Stik 750ml Gun Grade (7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 558.56 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. dulux 5091653 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 462.91 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. Eart2007 - Spacesaver lite loft insulati | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 968.41 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. P006162 - 15mm Copper Pipe (PL4304) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 65.62 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. PPEBFC05 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 6mm (CA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 324.12 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 54.96 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. W1000S - Lining Paper 1000 Grade (DE6077 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 02/05/2023 | 248040 | 48.27 | S005713-SERVICE-Feb Foam Gun Grade (CA3123) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248041 | 988 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248042 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248044 | 676 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248046 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248047 | 1612 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248049 | 1092 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248050 | 780 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248053 | 1352 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 02/05/2023 | 248056 | 988 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 32.44 | S005722-SERVICE-15mm Single clips 75018 (CN1070) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 5.4 | S005722-SERVICE-3.5 x 20 YP wood screw box 200 12591 (CN1002) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 6.24 | S005722-SERVICE-4.0 x 60 YP wood screw box 200 (CN1012) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 12.26 | S005722-SERVICE-4.5 x 50 YP wood screw box 200 17324 (CN1017) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 18.76 | S005722-SERVICE-4.5 x 70 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1019) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 22.26 | S005722-SERVICE-5.0 x 60 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1024) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 14.73 | S005722-SERVICE-5.0 x 90 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1027) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 391.51 | S005722-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - Sanitary | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 10.75 | S005722-SERVICE-Masonery Drill 7.00mm x 160 (CA3152) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 12.09 | S005722-SERVICE-Masonery Drill 8mm x 160 (CA3153) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 38.89 | S005722-SERVICE-Plasterboard fixing Driva TF5 box (CN1030) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 04/05/2023 | 248060 | 1296.01 | S005722-SERVICE-Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 02/05/2023 | 248067 | 1737.54 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 04/05/2023 | 248080 | 45.12 | BY61229-SERVICE-Armbands 2-6 years 8069201288 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 04/05/2023 | 248080 | 20.3 | BY61229-SERVICE-Dive Balls Orange/Green 81224814669 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 04/05/2023 | 248080 | 189.5 | BY61229-SERVICE-Futura Classic Black 810898B572 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 04/05/2023 | 248080 | 189.51 | BY61229-SERVICE-Futura Classic Green/Clear 810898B568 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 04/05/2023 | 248080 | 162.43 | BY61229-SERVICE-Infant Spot goggles assorted 808382B971 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Hedgerow Print | 20478 | 04/05/2023 | 248085 | 1246.8 | BY60972-SERVICE-Bin Hangers as per quote | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 04/05/2023 | 248086 | 783.69 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Rlss Uk Enterprises Limited | 940604 | 02/05/2023 | 248094 | 5.95 | BY61259-SERVICE-Delivery charge - manuals | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Course Running Costs | 4411 | Rlss Uk Enterprises Limited | 940604 | 02/05/2023 | 248094 | 3150 | BY61259-SERVICE-Trainer Assessor course manuals x9. Course ID | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 09/05/2023 | 248095 | 2220 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 60 | S005710-SERVICE-45mm White PVC architrave 5M (CA3331) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 131.68 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. 1622X MIN OF 5 - Thumbturn profile cyl 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 15.12 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. EE-208400 - Espag 400mm 20mm backset 2ca | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 126 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. EIL-40WH - Universal window Handle (CA30 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 40.08 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. LWTD24WH - 24mm Trim white plastic (CA33 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 48.36 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. TC15R/WH - Cockspur Handle RH 15 (CA3035 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 48.36 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. TC21L/WH - Cockspur Handle LH 21 (CA3044 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Dgs S W Limited | 942062 | 09/05/2023 | 248102 | 48.36 | S005710-SERVICE-Cat. TC21R/WH - Cockspur Handle RH 21 (CA3045 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 09/05/2023 | 248107 | 2880 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 09/05/2023 | 248107 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Secure Scaffolding | 943734 | 09/05/2023 | 248108 | 1828.8 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248118 | 1815.65 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248119 | 1225.76 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248119 | 207.5 | AGE0209-SERVICE-Uplift for line 1 03/04/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248120 | 2.1 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248120 | 1818.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248120 | 46.98 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248121 | 1036.2 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248124 | 950.73 | E002309-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 837.52 | S005723-SERVICE-Bath White 5'3 Roca 1600mm (PL4251) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 394.88 | S005723-SERVICE-Bath White 5' Roca 1500 TG AS With legs (PL42 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 383.05 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. B002756 - Bath Panel White (PL4252) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 134.88 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. B041720 - 1 1/2 Combi Bath Waste' (PL415 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 435.89 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. BR11.0020 - 3/4 Bath Lever Tap Bristan ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 473.26 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. BR11.0070 - 1/2 Kitchen Lever Tap Brista | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 199.52 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 132.52 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. ES19.0080 - Suregraft shower kit (PL4209 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 55.53 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. GJ11.0010 - Plumblue jointing compound 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 56.53 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 52.68 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0350 - S Trap pan LEC UNI (PL4289) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 43.44 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P004096 - Speedfit 22x22x15 reducing Tee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 11.4 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P004116 - Speedfit 22mm pipe insert (PL4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 23.4 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P006625 - 1 1/4 Plastic Clip' MARLEY (PL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 39.12 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P006640 - 1 1/2 Screwed access plug S/W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 6.96 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P009558 - 1 1/2 Basin Plug' (PL4169) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 44.64 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P023.1710 - 1 1/2 Swept T S/W (PL5026) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 126.6 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. P027338 - Dudley hydroflo S/E ballvalve | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 138.24 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. PLB.B056417 - Suregraft 3 mode shower he | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 42.48 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. PO23.1650 - 1 1/2 Elbow S/W WWS16 (PL502 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 8.13 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. SK44 - Pan connector 104^ (PL4220) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 119.23 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. Triton T80Z - Triton T80Z 8.5kw (EL2088) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 154.37 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. WC-F26R - Flexi pan connector WC-F26R (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 56.64 | S005723-SERVICE-Cat. WWS18 - 1 1/2 Obtuse Bend 45^ S/W (PL501 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 74.88 | S005723-SERVICE-Lead free solder roll (77198) (CN1066) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 31.24 | S005723-SERVICE-Plumbers mait 14477 (CN1128) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 09/05/2023 | 248125 | 15.15 | S005723-SERVICE-Roth 15mm Pipeslice (CN1368) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 09/05/2023 | 248127 | 2020.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Management | It Projects | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Granicus-Firmstep Ltd | 956324 | 02/05/2023 | 248182 | 4680 | BY61323-SERVICE-Calendar Bookings - Up-to 50 resources - Char | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Management | It Projects | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Granicus-Firmstep Ltd | 956324 | 02/05/2023 | 248182 | 4800 | BY61323-SERVICE-Calendar Bookings - Up-to 50 resources - I & | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Equipment | Equipment Hire | 4112 | Cornwall Event Hire Ltd T/A Western Event | 955770 | 04/05/2023 | 248184 | 624 | E002786-SERVICE-Tables & chairs for count - May elections 3-8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Enforcement | Enforcement | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Vivid | 956600 | 04/05/2023 | 248188 | 14204.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 02/05/2023 | 248189 | 406.8 | BY61329-SERVICE-Knightswood Cullompton - Replacement swing jo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 02/05/2023 | 248189 | 721.2 | BY61329-SERVICE-Newcombes Meadow - Replacement works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Vision Techniques (Uk) Ltd | 954761 | 09/05/2023 | 248190 | 860.4 | BY60889-SERVICE-Vehicle repair VX69 YLE - CCTV cameras not w | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248193 | 1096.02 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Dell Corporation Ltd | 15246 | 09/05/2023 | 248195 | 898.5 | BY61273-SERVICE-Dell Pro Wireless Keyboard and Mouse - KM5221 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 173.4 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. 25DIBRBRFL5 - 6081YBU525 25mm Brown tail | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 173.4 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. 25DIBUBUFL5 - 6181BR525 25mm Blue tails | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 38.42 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. 4304 - Switched socket 13amp 1G C'tree ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 29.04 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. 4506 - Cooker connection (EL2053) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 92.4 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y56 - 6242Y56 6mm T/E 50M drum (EL20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 34.78 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. A3MX10M - 8 way met cons unit (EL2252) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 30 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. CENB2PY ESKI - Blue centre pull rolls (J | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 959.76 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 1597.96 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3016 - Ei30169 Aico optical smoke alar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 559.68 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 77.94 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. RCBO3230SP 32A - Basics 32A 30MA SP RCBO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 77.94 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. RCBO4030SP 40A - Basics 40A 30MA SP RCBO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 136.8 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. SA2 - YT2 S/A Trunking 25x16 (EL2226) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 93.42 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. SA4 - YT4 S/A Trunking 38x25 (EL2227) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 313.34 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. SFHBL20095W - Fern Howard LED light (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248197 | 215.95 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. SQF100HX5 - 4 humidistat fan. manrose IP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248198 | 1593.55 | BY61322-SERVICE-17 Barris Lapford - quote no - 0090545479 - r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Spurstone Heritage Ltd | 956899 | 09/05/2023 | 248200 | 3667.14 | BY61333-SERVICE-22/02374/MFUL - Site Visit and Assessment | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 09/05/2023 | 248222 | 1434 | E002668-SERVICE-Call off order for fencing works to decant pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 09/05/2023 | 248222 | 0 | E002668-SERVICE-CALL OFF ORDER FOR FENCING WORKS TO DECANT PR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | External Contractors | Recycling Kerbside Collection | 4207 | Straight Manufacturing Ltd | 939256 | 09/05/2023 | 248232 | 1757.28 | BY60927-SERVICE-23L Kerbside Blue Food Caddy with MDDC Artwor | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | External Contractors | Recycling Kerbside Collection | 4207 | Straight Manufacturing Ltd | 939256 | 09/05/2023 | 248232 | 10262.74 | BY60927-SERVICE-55L Black Grab Recycling Boxes with MDDC Artw | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | External Contractors | Recycling Kerbside Collection | 4207 | Straight Manufacturing Ltd | 939256 | 09/05/2023 | 248232 | 9329.76 | BY60927-SERVICE-55L Green Grab Recycling boxes with MDDC Artw | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 49.99 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. 100254 120 - Size 12 boot 487PT (PR5072) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 99.98 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. 2501396768 - Scruffs Trousers 36R 907KV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 37.45 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. 944GT - Roll of 30 Rubble Sacks 944GT (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 359.82 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. B026553 - 1/2 Basin Lever taps (52504) ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 49.9 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. (order min 5) 5448K - 40mm Single Euro c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 7.14 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. SPOZ8721 - 3.5 x 30 YP wood screw box 20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 09/05/2023 | 248245 | 399.8 | S005730-SERVICE-Cat. THMLK541 - Masterlock keysafe (77908) (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.11 | P008046-BA0134-STA STANLEY 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0136-STA STANLEY 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0137-STA STANLEY 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0138-STA STANLEY 6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0139-STA STANLEY 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0144-STA GOLDFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0145-STA GOLDFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0150-STA SHARK 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0151-STA SHARK 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0159-STA DOLPHIN 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 41.1 | P008046-BA0186-STA 200m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 12 | P008046-BA0222-DELIVERY (over £150) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 09/05/2023 | 248261 | 275.49 | P008046-LC0066-FLEXIBEAM FUN NOODLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Shaw & Sons Ltd | 615 | 11/05/2023 | 248330 | 68.4 | BY61326-SERVICE-Ballot box security seals -BBSV3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Shaw & Sons Ltd | 615 | 11/05/2023 | 248330 | 720 | BY61326-SERVICE-Grass skirts - packs up to 10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/05/2023 | 248334 | 427.13 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. dulux 5091653 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/05/2023 | 248334 | 222.04 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. tinted Mag mildew proof - MagnoPerma whi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 09/05/2023 | 248334 | 222.05 | S005713-SERVICE-Cat. White mildew proof - White PermaWhite pa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 11/05/2023 | 248360 | 868.01 | BY61246-SERVICE-MD72 ORK of hire damage as per second notice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 11/05/2023 | 248361 | 1004.88 | BY61246-SERVICE-DV72 HFF Of hire damage as per second notice | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 09/05/2023 | 248363 | 159.84 | S005717-SERVICE-Cat. ATX72381 - Scrim tape 90M (DE6048) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 09/05/2023 | 248363 | 4.52 | S005717-SERVICE-Cat. LDNB3532 - 3.5 x 32mm Drywall screws bug | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 09/05/2023 | 248363 | 6.32 | S005717-SERVICE-Cat. LDNB3550 - 3.5 x 50mm Drywall screws bug | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 09/05/2023 | 248363 | 22.8 | S005717-SERVICE-Cat. LDNB3560 - 3.5 x 60mm drywall screws bug | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 09/05/2023 | 248363 | 417.48 | S005717-SERVICE-Cat. PRTBG697 - Gyproc Easifill 45 (DE6052) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 02/05/2023 | 248365 | 720 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 11/05/2023 | 248366 | 599.88 | S005729-SERVICE-Cat. ACR60 - 230v Extract Fan ACR60 Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248432 | 783.69 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248434 | 1050.74 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 63.48 | BY61358-SERVICE-FA286 HYPACLEAN STERILE MOIST WIPES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 178.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SE236 Soft Rescue Tube | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 55.18 | BY61358-SERVICE-SE237 Safety Throw Bag | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 59.76 | BY61358-SERVICE-SE899 HYPACLEAN MANIKIN WIPES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 104.4 | BY61358-SERVICE-SE92 Aluminium Reach Pole | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 196.34 | BY61358-SERVICE-SE987 PXB Restraint Straps Full Set (5) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU01 Wrist Band RED | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU02 Wrist Band GREEN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU03 Wrist Band BLUE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU04 Wrist Band YELLOW | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU05 Wrist Band WHITE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 51.48 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU080 Wrist Band PURPLE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU081 Wrist Band ORANGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU084 Wrist Band BLACK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU085 Wrist Band PINK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU086 Wrist Band SKY BLUE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 34.32 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU087 Wrist Band SILVER | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 56.28 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU1321 Tyvek Disposable Wristband PINK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 56.28 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU1322 Tyvek Disposable Wristband PURPLE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 40.8 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU239 Lanyards | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 21.6 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU308 Fastime 01 Stopwatch | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 56.28 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU372 Tyvek Disposable Wristband GREEN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 40.8 | BY61358-SERVICE-SU557 BLACK Plastic Whistle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 11/05/2023 | 248439 | 70.05 | BY61358-SERVICE-SW3403 Huggies Little Swimmers Multi Pack | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 11/05/2023 | 248440 | 836.28 | BY61322-SERVICE-17 Barris Lapford - quote no - 0090545479 - r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 32.64 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. 340116 - 726 X 2040 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 65.28 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. 787043 - 926 x 2040 int 4 Panel Door (CA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 97.92 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2040 - 2'3' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 326.4 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 86.16 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. GIR0128 - Worktop end cap silver (CA307 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 69.07 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. SNK5172 - Single Bowl sinkLamona Drayton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 130.56 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. TAP2422 - Mixer Tap Lamona Arno (PL4359) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 67.75 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. TLS5387 - Saw blade fine 40 teeth (6693V | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 15/05/2023 | 248452 | 929.88 | S005711-SERVICE-Cat. WKP3960 - Charcoal worktop 3M length (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 09/05/2023 | 248465 | 2944.83 | E002795-SERVICE- Annual Call off order 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248467 | 1084.99 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 09/05/2023 | 248467 | 34.02 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248468 | 1616.28 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248469 | 1805.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248473 | 1197.9 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Visitor Insights Ltd | 957984 | 02/05/2023 | 248498 | 6600 | BY61109-SERVICE-Town Centre Footfall Analysis | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248499 | 1139.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 15/05/2023 | 248499 | 26.46 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Accountancy Services | Accountancy Services | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Cipfa - Publication Dept | 22 | 09/05/2023 | 248500 | 3954 | BY61315-SERVICE-CIPFAstats+ subscription 01/04/23-31/03/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 99.98 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 2501396768 - Scruffs Trousers 36R 907KV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 44.97 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 52450 - Makita Reversible TCT Planer Bla | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 32.88 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 652GT - HD rubble sack (652GT) (CN1099) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 61.92 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 883178 - Duck tape - silver 88497 (CN107 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 56.94 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 923757 - Bathroom/WC lock furniture 4943 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 19.92 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. 966908 - 9 x 3 Hit & miss vent, white, ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 49.92 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. (order min 5) 5448K - 40mm Single Euro c | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 59.94 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. tembe hippo lth18602 - Carpet protector | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 179.88 | S005731-SERVICE-Cat. WQ31.0240 - Wc Seat And Cover White (124 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 11/05/2023 | 248502 | 159.84 | S005731-SERVICE-Dust sheet cotton/plastic 12' x 9' (89591) (D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 11/05/2023 | 248504 | 1041.72 | P008013-SERVICE-ArchiPEL transactions Feb 23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248512 | 1043.01 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248513 | 886.77 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Faac Entrance Solutions Uk Ltd | 937939 | 15/05/2023 | 248520 | 1246.94 | E002769-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre, Meadow Lane, Cullo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Employee Counselling Costs | 1714 | Workout Ltd | 948941 | 04/05/2023 | 248521 | 504 | A000193-SERVICE-Workout Solutions Annual EAP order 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Akw Medicare Ltd | 948258 | 15/05/2023 | 248526 | 3300.25 | S005738-SERVICE-Cat. 23864 - Geberit AquaClean Mera Care floo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Astutis Ltd | 953698 | 11/05/2023 | 248593 | 1242 | BY61008-SERVICE-NEBOSH Fire Certificate 22-26 May 2023 Keith | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 15/05/2023 | 248602 | 156126.4 | BY60204-SERVICE-Exe Valley PSDS3 M+E works | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 15/05/2023 | 248602 | 0 | BY60204-SERVICE-EXE VALLEY PSDS3 M+E WORKS | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Securitas Security Services (Uk) Limited | 33891 | 09/05/2023 | 248604 | 754.56 | BY61404-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE LOCK UP CHARGE MAY 23 S-SIN1383 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Industrial Units | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | J V Lee Electrical | 34757 | 09/05/2023 | 248614 | 1440.05 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Industrial Units | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | J V Lee Electrical | 34757 | 09/05/2023 | 248614 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 8.78 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 129360 - Cutting Disc 12 Stone' 300 x 3. | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 18.64 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 152494 - Router bit 1/4 x 10mm double fl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 72.81 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 540979 - Wheelbarrow 90L puncture free | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 160.51 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 665983 - Diamond tipped saw blade 12 20m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 60.6 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 763980 - Door Stop 33 X 12 Finish Pse in | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 228.16 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 780943 - Polythene cover roll. 4M x 25M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 2.61 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 844597 - Sugar Soap 500ML (DE6073) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 11.88 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 879438 - Mortar plasticiser 5L (MA8004) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 394.6 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 923756 - Lever Latch Furniture satin Nic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 213.84 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 923757 - Bathroom/WC lock furniture 4943 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 7.2 | S005721-SERVICE-Cat. 981446 - Wire Brush (CN1108) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 11/05/2023 | 248615 | 32.16 | S005721-SERVICE-Grout sponge 1127F (CN1110) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 15/05/2023 | 248619 | 30.84 | BY61402-SERVICE-delivery | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 15/05/2023 | 248619 | 496.66 | BY61402-SERVICE-SU1379 TITAN Expander Barrier | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 04/05/2023 | 248627 | 29137.43 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 02/05/2023 | 248631 | 561.79 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 02/05/2023 | 248632 | 752.86 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Stoneman Engineering (Sw) Ltd | 954445 | 15/05/2023 | 248657 | 2122.2 | BY61291-SERVICE-EVLC Buffer Vessel Support modify tank suppor | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 15/05/2023 | 248662 | 1090.44 | BY61209-SERVICE-Trouser Ballistic Orange C/w Hivis Panels Reg | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248671 | 1172.85 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Fleet Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Licence Check Limited | 954068 | 15/05/2023 | 248672 | 1692 | A000232-SERVICE-Licence checks credit from Apr to Jun 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hanovia Ltd | 26689 | 15/05/2023 | 248675 | 660 | BY60655-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre - Annual Contract 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Hanovia Ltd | 26689 | 15/05/2023 | 248678 | 660 | BY60655-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - Annual Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Wotton Printers | 948042 | 15/05/2023 | 248684 | 654 | BY61361-SERVICE-GARDEN WASTE PERMITS - MAY 2024 - SOLID ROYAL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Altula Ltd | 948897 | 18/05/2023 | 248686 | 847.2 | BY61382-SERVICE-OrgPlus 750 Support & Maintenance Renewal on | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248687 | 2603.54 | A000213-SERVICE-MD0201 - Contract Hire - VX69YLD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248687 | 2131.72 | A000213-SERVICE-MD0201 - Maintenance - VX69YLD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 30/05/2023 | 248690 | 150.86 | P008044-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 30/05/2023 | 248690 | 422.88 | P008044-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Solar - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Sungift Solar Limited | 954801 | 30/05/2023 | 248698 | 9015.17 | BY60465-SERVICE-PSDS3 EXE VALLEY LEISURE CENTRE SOLAR PV INST | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Industrial Units | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 18/05/2023 | 248784 | 2170.8 | BY61113-SERVICE- Tiverton Dramatic Society, Re-Routing of Exi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Industrial Units | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 18/05/2023 | 248784 | 0 | BY61113-SERVICE- TIVERTON DRAMATIC SOCIETY, RE-ROUTING OF EXI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Hqn Limited | 33769 | 02/05/2023 | 248793 | 711 | P007984-SERVICE-Communal area and block inspections - MO, CM, | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 15/05/2023 | 248794 | 1602.91 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Dean Crook | 165455 | 09/05/2023 | 248796 | 1393.2 | BY61422-SERVICE-Insurance repair to WG20 RYO as per job numbe | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 4130.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 7095.97 | BY61381-SERVICE-Carry out 1st and 2nd fix carpentry works 54 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 0 | BY61381-SERVICE-CARRY OUT 1ST AND 2ND FIX CARPENTRY WORKS 54 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 957.61 | BY61381-SERVICE-carry out electrical works as per quote 25 Ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 02/05/2023 | 248801 | 0 | BY61381-SERVICE-CARRY OUT ELECTRICAL WORKS AS PER QUOTE 25 MA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Shared Prosperity Fund | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | The Crediton Community Bookshop Ltd | 958059 | 18/05/2023 | 248802 | 13237.34 | BY61221-SERVICE-UKSPF - Work Hub Grant Programme Fund | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 1646.69 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD0301 FW567877 VU67HTE Welding-steam clean-r | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 429.77 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD0301 FW568328 VU67HTE 2.5 hours defect repa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 195.86 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD0502 FW568148 LT67AEW Service, brake test | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 524.65 | BY61403-SERVICE- MD1303 FW576559 WJ61KVG ALL 4 TYRES 1-2MM F | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 120.24 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD2002 FW578213 GM2 7 inspect trailer-fit new | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 99.52 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD2101 FW577754 GM101 inspect brakes clean & | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 214.83 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1702 FW564669 WA21EOK Wear and cracks | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 566.56 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1803 FW570515 WA18CKP Assess for repair- mo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 4419.41 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1902 FW574330 MDFORKLIFT2 Battery replaceme | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 34.16 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD0604 FW576971 WA20GZY straighten pins | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 61.59 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1611 FW566584 WN12UWY Replace o/s/r tail li | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 633.88 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1303 FW569772 WJ61KVG Diagnose noisy releas | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 144 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1306 FW562535 WF61JXY Air/fuel/oil filter | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 02/05/2023 | 248829 | 2.4 | BY61403-SERVICE-MD1306 FW570029 WF61JXY Amend costs from FW56 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 02/05/2023 | 248832 | 7770 | BY61349-SERVICE-Renew flooring complete at Easy life Shop in | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 02/05/2023 | 248832 | 0 | BY61349-SERVICE-RENEW FLOORING COMPLETE AT EASY LIFE SHOP IN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Repairs & Maintenance | Vandalism | 2102 | Computerised & Digital Security Systems Ltd | 955629 | 18/05/2023 | 248834 | 1759.2 | BY60947-SERVICE-Market Walk - remove a PTZ and reinstall a V | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 18/05/2023 | 248835 | 1061.71 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Post Entry Training | 1404 | Petroc | 9881 | 22/05/2023 | 248843 | 1956 | BY61170-SERVICE-CMI Level 5 diploma in Management and Leaders | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Shared Prosperity Fund | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Petroc | 9881 | 22/05/2023 | 248844 | 30000 | BY61199-SERVICE-UKSPF - Petroc Innovation Project - Capital | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 1080 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 7030.85 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 23.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 599.51 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 16.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 884.52 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 23.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 65.86 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 16.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 3314.34 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 23.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 2684.3 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 23.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 2684.3 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | -2684.3 | BY61387-SERVICE-AGENCY BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER FOR BIN 123 P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 345.98 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 23.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 633.22 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | 12241.05 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 04/05/2023 | 248845 | -12241.1 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 18.17 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 47.95 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 63.44 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 31.18 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 16.78 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 253.13 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 641.8 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Private Sector Housing Grants | Private Sector Hsg Team Rechar | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 31.12 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 363.41 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 179.59 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 561.73 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Warden Service Expenditure | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 18.08 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance | General Maintenance | 2104 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 18.08 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 158.25 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Planned Maintenance Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 196.1 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | -717.34 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 1550.9 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Stores | Stores | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 16.78 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 31.16 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 34.78 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Digital Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 55.3 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 64.73 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Committee Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 73.01 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 16.78 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 168.67 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 552.29 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 422.52 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 206.2 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 47.95 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | 3 Rivers Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 31.7 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 622.86 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 155.87 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 222.77 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 175.6 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 162.58 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 175.02 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 87.48 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 430.01 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 217.01 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 231.98 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 47.95 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 04/05/2023 | 248851 | 120.96 | Mar-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Shared Prosperity Fund | Grants & Contributions | Grants | 4701 | Petroc | 9881 | 18/05/2023 | 248852 | 16750 | BY61199-SERVICE-UKSPF - Petroc Innovation Project - - Revenue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 04/05/2023 | 248853 | 6495.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 04/05/2023 | 248853 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 04/05/2023 | 248854 | 8236.12 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 04/05/2023 | 248854 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 18/05/2023 | 248855 | 1194 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 18/05/2023 | 248856 | 2340 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/05/2023 | 248857 | 1475.77 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 11/05/2023 | 248858 | 643.2 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 11/05/2023 | 248858 | 0 | BY61380-SERVICE-ASBESTOS CONTRACT WORKS 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Equipment | Equipment Maintenance | 4110 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 30/05/2023 | 248870 | 7084.8 | P007991-SERVICE-4G Modem & Antenna Kit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 30/05/2023 | 248870 | 120 | P007991-SERVICE-Carriage | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 18/05/2023 | 248876 | 870.44 | E002799-SERVICE- Annual call off PIVs and MEVs ¿ 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 18/05/2023 | 248876 | 0 | E002799-SERVICE- ANNUAL CALL OFF PIVS AND MEVS ¿ 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248877 | 1225.75 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248878 | 1084.99 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248878 | 17.28 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248879 | 1886.98 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248880 | 32.4 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 22/05/2023 | 248880 | 2065.5 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Cosmic | 939208 | 22/05/2023 | 248890 | 4987.44 | E002700-SERVICE-12 x digital skills workshops in 3 towns + tr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 8.64 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 21BP1 - Blank plate single (EL2054) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 46.8 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 21CS102 - 2 Way pull switch (EL2035) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 47.89 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 2500276395 - JUNCTION BOX 3 TERMINAL MAI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 47.88 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 2500551379 - 4 circ air vent (EL2204) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 477.6 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 2501005055 - LED 9.5 Watt Bulb (EL2201) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 9.12 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. 4170 - Light switch 1G 2W C'tree (EL2015 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 155.88 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. RCBO1630SP 16A - Basics 16A 30MA SP RCBO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248899 | 91.17 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. SF6ASWN - 6' window/wall fan SF6ASW (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | District Councils Network | 942826 | 22/05/2023 | 248900 | 2774.4 | BY61312-SERVICE-DCN annual membership 2023/24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 11/05/2023 | 248957 | 561.6 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 22/05/2023 | 248959 | 4428 | E002668-SERVICE-Call off order for fencing works to decant pr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 22/05/2023 | 248959 | 0 | E002668-SERVICE-CALL OFF ORDER FOR FENCING WORKS TO DECANT PR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 18/05/2023 | 248960 | 1152.72 | BY61379-SERVICE-Archipel Transactions Quarterly Start April - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 22/05/2023 | 248962 | 695.88 | S005751-SERVICE-Cat. HVHT/P remote humidistat - Remote stat H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248965 | 2192.4 | BY58546-SERVICE-210l drums | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248966 | 360 | BY60398-SERVICE-deposit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248966 | 1968 | BY60398-SERVICE-IBC Container Ad Blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 314.75 | P008060-LI0017-HARD PLATE SIZE 12H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 332.57 | P008060-LI0020-MDDC HC LPR SIZE 12H FACE PREPRINT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 332.57 | P008060-LI0021-MDDC PHV LPR SIZE 12H FACE PREPRINT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 55.32 | P008060-LI0025-WALLET, HEAT SEAL, SIZE 1E, 98X98 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 67.26 | P008060-LI0030-HOLOGRAM LABEL S/A 20mm CIRCLE GEN WAVE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 32.46 | P008060-LI0031-MDDC HPD CARD BASE 2X1E 1/2 A4 LONG PREPRINT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Vip System Ltd | 940267 | 22/05/2023 | 248967 | 55.69 | P008060-LI0032-MDDC PHV CARD BASE 1/2 A4 INSERT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248968 | 180 | BY59430-SERVICE-container deposit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248968 | 1104 | BY59430-SERVICE-IBC container of ad blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248968 | 60 | BY59430-SERVICE-Uplift | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/05/2023 | 248969 | 1605.96 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Transplant Mastertrain | 939591 | 22/05/2023 | 248970 | 1885.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Transplant Mastertrain | 939591 | 22/05/2023 | 248970 | -39.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248971 | 180 | BY59678-SERVICE-Container Deposit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248971 | 1080 | BY59678-SERVICE-IBC container of ad blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248972 | 240 | BY60769-SERVICE-deposit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248972 | 1584 | BY60769-SERVICE-IBC Container ad blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248973 | 180 | BY59909-SERVICE-Deposit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248973 | 1044 | BY59909-SERVICE-IBC container of ad blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 15/05/2023 | 248974 | 2030.11 | BY61237-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL APR/MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248983 | 240 | BY61234-SERVICE-2 containers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 02/05/2023 | 248983 | 1392 | BY61234-SERVICE-IBC Container of ad blue | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 513.83 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 14/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 623.95 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 21/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 70.1 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 17/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 254.4 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 18/04/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 71.05 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 21/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 1680.89 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 21/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 58.6 | TRAVELODGE HIGHBRIDGE BURNHAM-ON-SEA, 21/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 38.5 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 14/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 178.58 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 19/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Travel | 1407 | Click Travel | 951733 | 04/05/2023 | 248991 | 84 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS LONDON HEATHROW T5, 12/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 22/05/2023 | 248992 | 667.32 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | City West Commercials | 958101 | 02/05/2023 | 248993 | 3502.08 | BY61348-SERVICE-SFS003 KS67FLK - repairs to vehicle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 7 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | South West Water | 1343 | 09/05/2023 | 248994 | 2496.4 | BY61186-SERVICE-NEW WATER CONNECTION - NON CONSTRUCTION COST | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 7 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | South West Water | 1343 | 09/05/2023 | 248994 | 0 | BY61186-SERVICE-New water connection - Work request 3734397 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Crown Decorating Centre | 937598 | 22/05/2023 | 248995 | 614.4 | S005749-SERVICE-Cat. 5094753 - Crown PX4 Stain Block primer 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 22/05/2023 | 248998 | 654.06 | E002799-SERVICE- Annual call off PIVs and MEVs ¿ 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 22/05/2023 | 248998 | 0 | E002799-SERVICE- ANNUAL CALL OFF PIVS AND MEVS ¿ 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Tree Maintenance Works | 2105 | Devon Tree Services Ltd | 954469 | 18/05/2023 | 249000 | 6942 | BY60692-SERVICE-Churchyard Area of All Saints Church, Culmsto | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 22/05/2023 | 249002 | 816.42 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/05/2023 | 249013 | 907.16 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/05/2023 | 249014 | 896.3 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Penna Plc | 957759 | 22/05/2023 | 249020 | 8340 | BY60470-SERVICE-Cost for BC Manager | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 22/05/2023 | 249021 | 810.45 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 22/05/2023 | 249025 | 513.41 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 02/05/2023 | 249039 | 516.38 | SEWAGE CHRG 18-01-23 TO 17-04-23 LIBARY @ PH HOUSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 02/05/2023 | 249039 | 336.36 | WATER CHRG 18-01-23 TO 17-04-23 LIBARY @ PH HOUSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Legal Consultants | 4606 | Mr Peter Wadsley | 937046 | 02/05/2023 | 249041 | 1980 | BY61459-SERVICE-Fees of Peter Wadsley - Drafting PAP response | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Peake (Gb) Limited | 937613 | 22/05/2023 | 249042 | 2567.46 | E002770-SERVICE-Supply & delivery - clinical waste containers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Sscl (Environment Agency) | 950229 | 04/05/2023 | 249043 | 4170 | BY61236-SERVICE-ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - PERMIT CROSSPARKS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 25/05/2023 | 249045 | 1046.2 | BY61496-SERVICE-Rental of 13 King Place June 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 25/05/2023 | 249045 | 2272.4 | BY61496-SERVICE-Rental of Parking Area June 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 25/05/2023 | 249045 | 14682.31 | BY61496-SERVICE-Rental of Unit 3 Carlu Close June 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 25/05/2023 | 249045 | 734.11 | BY61496-SERVICE-Service Charge 3 Carlu Close @ 5% | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Hitchcocks Business Park Limited | 956606 | 25/05/2023 | 249045 | 165.91 | BY61496-SERVICE-Service Charge @ 5% June 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 12.84 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. N3020001 - White tile edging strip 2.4 M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 156.53 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. P6820611 - Eclipse raised c/c wc pan OL3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 78.3 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. P6820612 - Eclipse c/c lever cistern + f | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 83.26 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. P6833804 - Advanced wc seat & cover (SN7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 108 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. S2238542 - 2135 X 2135mm Shower Curtain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 22/05/2023 | 249047 | 238.31 | S005744-SERVICE-Cat. S2239620 - 2.5Mtr Flexi Shower Track (SN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Craemer Uk Ltd | 948066 | 22/05/2023 | 249052 | 6720 | BY61157-SERVICE-360 2 green wheeled bins with locks as per qu | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Craemer Uk Ltd | 948066 | 22/05/2023 | 249052 | 180 | BY61157-SERVICE-One off printing plate as per quote CR-50100- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 22/05/2023 | 249054 | 667.32 | BY61297-SERVICE-Remove trees + rough cut hedges 11 School Clo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 15/05/2023 | 249058 | 39.6 | S005734-SERVICE-Cat. FRAMECL6 - PVCU solvent frame cleaner 1L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 15/05/2023 | 249058 | 2149.9 | S005734-SERVICE-Cat. SP-Gloss/White - Gloss White 1000X2400 S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 15/05/2023 | 249058 | 1079.76 | S005734-SERVICE-Cat. SP-MARBLE/GR - Grey Marble1000X2400 Show | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 15/05/2023 | 249058 | 2159.53 | S005734-SERVICE-Cat. SP-PERGAMON - Pergamon 1000X2400 Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fire Defence Servicing Ltd | 950774 | 22/05/2023 | 249063 | 610.8 | BY60921-SERVICE-Carlu Close Annual Maintenance Contract 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | 30-38 Fore Street | Miscellaneous | Professional Fees | 4626 | Seddons Lettings Ltd | 941290 | 04/05/2023 | 249066 | 2340 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 01-03-23 M214 H8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-01-23 M213 DZ | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 5654.04 | BT BILL 30-03-22 M215 L5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-08-22 M208 S2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-09-22 M209 W5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-10-22 M210 1K | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-11-22 M211 58 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 1906.76 | BT BILL 30-12-22 M212 9Z | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | British Telecom Plc | 112 | 02/05/2023 | 249069 | 420 | BT BILL PENALTY FEE CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 18/05/2023 | 249119 | 1023.76 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 18/05/2023 | 249119 | 723.09 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 09/05/2023 | 249124 | 841.12 | BY61468-SERVICE-MD72 OHC 3 Weekly van hire 2 Mar 2023 to 31 M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 18/05/2023 | 249126 | 582.78 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 18/05/2023 | 249126 | 125.09 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249128 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0704 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249128 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0704 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249132 | 1903.14 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0602 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249132 | 1438.42 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0602 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249133 | 498.51 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1110 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249133 | 237.7 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1110 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249134 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYR - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249134 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0701 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYR - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249135 | 860.4 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1202 - CONTRACT HIRE - BT71XUG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249135 | 552.72 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1202 - MAINTENANCE - BT71XUG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249136 | 1911.72 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0703 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249136 | 1586.7 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0703 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249137 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0605 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249137 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0605 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249138 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0601 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249138 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0601 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249140 | 498.52 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1109 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249140 | 237.69 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1109 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249141 | 498.51 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1111 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 11/05/2023 | 249141 | 237.7 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1111 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 25/05/2023 | 249142 | 610.92 | E002389-SERVICE- Vehicle Hire 2022-23 ¿ Housing Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 1080 | E002111-SERVICE-Locum support for Legal Services - June - Sep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 6829.77 | Apr-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 1022.76 | Apr-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 4964.2 | Apr-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 23.11 | Jun-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 172.99 | Apr-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 629.67 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 3.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 11/05/2023 | 249146 | 0 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249147 | 1404 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249148 | 936 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249149 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249150 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249151 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249152 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249153 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249154 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249155 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 30/05/2023 | 249156 | 1560 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 25/05/2023 | 249159 | 1135.22 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 25/05/2023 | 249165 | 913.32 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 15/05/2023 | 249166 | 1512 | AGE0216-SERVICE-W/E 14.04.2023 - James Clements - PPO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249171 | 5431.69 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249171 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 22/05/2023 | 249172 | 2179.8 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Bell Decorating Group Limited | 940434 | 25/05/2023 | 249173 | 92173.87 | BY59315-SERVICE-Modernisations contract Kitchens & bathroom 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Bell Decorating Group Limited | 940434 | 25/05/2023 | 249173 | 0 | BY59315-SERVICE-MODERNISATIONS CONTRACT KITCHENS & BATHROOM 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 04/05/2023 | 249174 | 500.74 | BY61469-SERVICE-DV72 HFF 3 weekly 1 Mar 2023 to 24 March 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 18/05/2023 | 249175 | 556.04 | BY61462-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE CONTRACT 1645852 APR 23 - APR 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 18/05/2023 | 249176 | 1341.5 | BY61462-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE APRIL 23 - APRIL 24 INTRUDER AL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 18/05/2023 | 249179 | 1362.69 | BY61462-SERVICE-EVLC ALARM RENTAL AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 00 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 18/05/2023 | 249180 | 591.98 | BY61462-SERVICE-LMLC CONTRACT 1131369 APR 23 - APR 24 MAINTEN | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Chubb Fire & Security Ltd | 225 | 18/05/2023 | 249182 | 556.04 | BY61462-SERVICE-UNIT 3 CARLU CLOSE CCTV 1645909 APRIL 23 - AP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Fees & Charges | Reimbursed Costs | 7202 | Herridge Property Consulting Ltd | 956313 | 30/05/2023 | 249184 | 2400 | BY61479-SERVICE-22/01901/MFUL - Valuation Report - Padbrook P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Flood Defence And Land Drain | Flood Defence And Land Drain | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | R J Brooks & Son | 7929 | 25/05/2023 | 249185 | 1477.44 | BY61461-SERVICE-Newt¿s Hill and St Aubyns Tiverton - Grid an | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | A J Sands Ltd | 948017 | 18/05/2023 | 249187 | 16380 | BY61542-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Swimming Pool Crediton INV-2439 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Employee Counselling Costs | 1714 | Workout Ltd | 948941 | 04/05/2023 | 249188 | 504 | A000193-SERVICE-Workout Solutions Annual EAP order 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Leppitt Associates | 948642 | 11/05/2023 | 249190 | 899.5 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 30/05/2023 | 249191 | 870.12 | BY61470-SERVICE-MD72 OHC 3 weekly 1 Apr 2023 to 31 Apr 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 04/05/2023 | 249192 | 806.81 | APR 23 DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 04/05/2023 | 249192 | 5378.03 | APR 23 NON DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | Share Of Corp And Dem | Share Of Corp And Dem | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 04/05/2023 | 249192 | 506.78 | APR 23 HSG (VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 359.04 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 475.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 2808 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 4423.28 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 1919.6 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 2508.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 30/05/2023 | 249193 | 792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 30/05/2023 | 249197 | 1973.7 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 30/05/2023 | 249197 | 31.32 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 30/05/2023 | 249198 | 1392.9 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 30/05/2023 | 249199 | 1902.7 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Faac Entrance Solutions Uk Ltd | 937939 | 11/05/2023 | 249205 | 990 | BY60584-SERVICE-Phoenix House Slider Doors Contract 2023-2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 30/05/2023 | 249206 | 1621.76 | E002698-SERVICE-Call off order for kitchens | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249209 | 758.21 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249210 | 473.43 | S005752-SERVICE-Cat. BR11.0070 - 1/2 Kitchen Lever Tap Brista | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249210 | 299.27 | S005752-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249210 | 100.8 | S005752-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0100 - Speedfit 15mm cxc Elbow (PL4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249210 | 39.36 | S005752-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0230 - Speedfit 15mm CXC stem elbow | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249210 | 52.68 | S005752-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0350 - S Trap pan LEC UNI (PL4289) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Wolseley Centres Ltd (Plumcentre) | 792 | 04/05/2023 | 249220 | 600.01 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 04/05/2023 | 249222 | 1532.03 | BY60665-SERVICE-2023-24 PA/ Travel | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 04/05/2023 | 249223 | 128191 | BY60660-SERVICE-2023-24 Commercial Combined | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 04/05/2023 | 249224 | 144940.5 | BY60661-SERVICE-2023-24 Combined Liability | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 18/05/2023 | 249225 | 6851.44 | BY60662-SERVICE-2023-24 Engineering Inspection | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 18/05/2023 | 249225 | 1538.33 | BY60663-SERVICE-2023-24 Engineering Insurance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Insurance Premium Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | General Insurance - Paid | 8262 | Gallagher | 950980 | 04/05/2023 | 249226 | 126968.8 | BY60664-SERVICE-2023-24 Motor Fleet | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Llg Legal Training | 9167 | 09/05/2023 | 249229 | 610 | BY61433-SERVICE-LLG 2023 - 2024 Membership Renewal | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Quality Marking Services Ltd | 22175 | 30/05/2023 | 249230 | 5040 | BY59633-SERVICE-Willand Waste Transfer Station - Line marking | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Quality Marking Services Ltd | 22175 | 30/05/2023 | 249230 | 0 | BY59633-SERVICE-WILLAND WASTE TRANSFER STATION - LINE MARKING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Repairs & Maintenance | General Maintenance | 2104 | Whitham Mills Engineering Ltd | 946180 | 25/05/2023 | 249232 | 1244.4 | BY61077-SERVICE-Service Contract (Baler) Mid Devon District C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 04/05/2023 | 249233 | -29137.4 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 15/05/2023 | 249235 | 0 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Space Engineering Services | 957642 | 15/05/2023 | 249235 | 29137.43 | BY60205-SERVICE-LMLC M&E PSDS3 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 04/05/2023 | 249237 | 675.42 | 1680834201 18.01.23-21.04.23 MDCS COUNCIL DEPOT OLD ROAD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 04/05/2023 | 249238 | 4770.5 | 1677021001 10.01.23-24.04.23 EXE VALLEY LEISURE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Devon Surface Care Ltd | 952404 | 15/05/2023 | 249241 | 1008 | BY61491-SERVICE-Cleaning schedule 2022/2023 - Crediton skate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Les Mills Fitness Uk Ltd | 951046 | 30/05/2023 | 249281 | 180 | BY61128-SERVICE-les mills - RPM and SPRINT May | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Les Mills Fitness Uk Ltd | 951046 | 30/05/2023 | 249281 | 324 | BY61128-SERVICE-les mills - THE TRIP May | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 30/05/2023 | 249282 | 720 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Devon Surface Care Ltd | 952404 | 15/05/2023 | 249284 | 1224 | BY61491-SERVICE-Cleaning schedule 2022/2023 - Cullompton Skat | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Nominet Uk | 955364 | 30/05/2023 | 249285 | 666.9 | BY61486-SERVICE-PSN230 ON Backs payment Qtr 3 - Lot 1 DNS Ser | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249293 | 1182.09 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 30/05/2023 | 249294 | 1259.49 | BY61605-SERVICE-Annual call off for materials - heating | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Ken White Signs | 766 | 09/05/2023 | 249300 | 723.6 | BY60636-SERVICE-Replacement Board Panel for Crediton Welcome | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 09/05/2023 | 249304 | 1124.36 | AGE0200-SERVICE-Hire of as and when agency staff | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Other Admin Costs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Baker & Baker Chartered Surveyors | 952692 | 22/05/2023 | 249305 | 1176 | E002794-SERVICE-Property Valuations | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 121.44 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 2555D - J' Cloths (JA1022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 18.12 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 4530 - Brush/Mop Handle 1.2M x 24mm (JA1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 18.48 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 4631A - Dust Pan & Brush (JA1020) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 501.98 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 5225 - Wipes (JA1030) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 273.6 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 6711 - Black Refuse Bags 200g (JA1102) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | -0.23 | S005728-SERVICE-CAT. 6711 - BLACK REFUSE BAGS 200G (JA1102) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 11/05/2023 | 249308 | 301.24 | S005728-SERVICE-Cat. 8326 - Blue centre pull rolls (JA1038) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 30/05/2023 | 249310 | 4008 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Multi-Factor Authentication | 4167 | Switchshop Limited | 956529 | 30/05/2023 | 249311 | 6216 | BY60913-SERVICE-IT008 - Switchshop Services - Senior Switchsh | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Penna Plc | 957759 | 22/05/2023 | 249313 | -2779.2 | BY60470-SERVICE-Cost for BC Manager | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Lacey Hickie Caley Ltd | 957962 | 22/05/2023 | 249316 | 3360 | E002802-SERVICE-Crediton Town Centre Masterplan | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 05/05/2023 | 249322 | -80505.6 | BY61460-SERVICE-MDDC PSDS 3 Works VALUATION No. 18 as at 13th | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 09/05/2023 | 249324 | 80505.6 | BY61460-SERVICE-MDDC PSDS 3 Works VALUATION No. 18 as at 13th | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | The Housing Ombudsman | 950788 | 09/05/2023 | 249325 | 17796.25 | BY61512-SERVICE-Housing Ombudsman membership 23-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Walter Beaumont Limited | 935004 | 09/05/2023 | 249326 | 588 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 09/05/2023 | 249327 | 405.43 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 09/05/2023 | 249327 | 361.33 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 30/05/2023 | 249334 | 16.29 | S005766-SERVICE-Cat. 4522 - Yard broom head 13 (JA1049) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 30/05/2023 | 249334 | 501.98 | S005766-SERVICE-Cat. 5225 - Wipes (JA1030) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Spot-On-Supplies | 666 | 30/05/2023 | 249334 | 14.34 | S005766-SERVICE-Universal Cleaner 5 Ltr (JA1029) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Best Connection Group Ltd | 956294 | 30/05/2023 | 249337 | 802.36 | AGE0212-SERVICE-Hire as and when staff (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Skinner Construction Ltd | 956887 | 11/05/2023 | 249338 | 11194.76 | BY58349-SERVICE-Beech Road Tiverton ¿ JCT Design and Build Co | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249339 | 360 | S005661-SERVICE-Cat. EVC080 WHITE - 2.5 M Captile strips whit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249339 | 654.72 | S005661-SERVICE-Floorwise gold Liquid 5 Ltr (MA8010) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249339 | 470.4 | S005661-SERVICE-Floorwise gold Powder (MA8011) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249340 | 324.43 | S005719-SERVICE-Cat. P51 - P51 Primer & bonding agent (MA8269 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249340 | 671.04 | S005719-SERVICE-Floorwise gold Liquid 5 Ltr (MA8010) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249340 | 500.16 | S005719-SERVICE-Floorwise gold Powder (MA8011) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249341 | 3658.8 | BY58688-SERVICE-Carry out Responsive Flooring for the year 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 09/05/2023 | 249342 | 11997.35 | BY58719-SERVICE-Carry out Adaptations Flooring for the year 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Global Media Group Services Ltd | 958060 | 09/05/2023 | 249344 | 5832 | BY61200-SERVICE-Railway Adverts & production - 11 x 4 sheets | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 15/05/2023 | 249346 | 1944 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 2520 | BY61443-SERVICE-Core WAN Costs + PS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 234 | BY61443-SERVICE-CREDC013-Renewal of Existing NGA 20Mb-EX17 1E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 450 | BY61443-SERVICE-CULLO009- Renewal of Existing EFM10 Culm Vall | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 648 | BY61443-SERVICE-TIVER020-Renewal of Existing LA EAD 100Mb at | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 450 | BY61443-SERVICE-TIVER037-Renewal of Existing EFM 10Mb-EX16 6S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 234 | BY61443-SERVICE-TIVER046-Renewal of Existing NGA20 Old Road D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Capita Business Services Ltd | 22101 | 15/05/2023 | 249347 | 1638 | BY61443-SERVICE-Unit 3 - Unit 3 - EX15 3FG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 30/05/2023 | 249406 | 890.76 | BY60358-SERVICE-Call off order for May 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 22/05/2023 | 249408 | 400 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Utilities | Septic Tank Emptying | 2311 | Cleansing Service Group | 256 | 22/05/2023 | 249408 | 400 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 15/05/2023 | 249411 | 1989.72 | BY61237-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL APR/MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 9.38 | S005735-SERVICE-4.5 x 70 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1019) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 42 | S005735-SERVICE-5.0 x 100 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1028) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 547.2 | S005735-SERVICE-Cat. BL1850 - Makita 18V Li-Ion battery 6Ah ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 234.91 | S005735-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - Sanitary | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 35.71 | S005735-SERVICE-Hex adaptor 250mm long (CN1360) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 37.34 | S005735-SERVICE-Red rawlplugs box 1000 (CN1040) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 28.8 | S005735-SERVICE-Stanley knife blades (CN1057) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249412 | 13.92 | S005735-SERVICE-Taper pilot drill (CN1362) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249413 | 432 | S005747-SERVICE-Cat. 2501510569 - Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249413 | 18.77 | S005747-SERVICE-Cat. 45070SOLOC - 4.5 x 70 YP wood screw box | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249413 | 216 | S005747-SERVICE-Cat. DETMMR750 - Dettol Mould And Mildew Remo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249413 | 261 | S005747-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - BOND IT X | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | United Fixings Exeter (Teknofix) | 938299 | 30/05/2023 | 249413 | 81.79 | S005747-SERVICE-PU Foam Cleaner 500ml (CA3131) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 45.36 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 305601901 - Fleece small + logo (PR5178) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 136.08 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 305601903 + logo - Fleece mens Black Med | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 68.04 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 305601905 + logo - Fleece mens Black Lar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 63.3 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 342579903 + LOGO £4.00 - M Jacket Waterp | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 126.6 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 342579905 - L Jacket Waterproof Breathab | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 63.32 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 342579909 + logo £4.00 - XXL Jacket Wate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 54 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 380266901 + £4.50 logo - Small T Shirt N | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 81.88 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 380285901 - Polo Shirt Black Small + Log | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 204.72 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 380285905 + logo £4.50 - Polo Shirt Blac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 65.76 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 380289901 - Sweatshirt Small + Logo (PR5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 131.52 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. 380289903 - Sweatshirt Black Med + logo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 30/05/2023 | 249428 | 16.05 | S005724-SERVICE-Cat. SS6 - T shirt WHITE med + Logo (PR5128) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249432 | 21169.2 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Bartlett Refrigeration Ltd | 76 | 22/05/2023 | 249434 | 676.8 | BY61482-SERVICE-CVSC - Air Conditioning Maintenance Gold Cont | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Bartlett Refrigeration Ltd | 76 | 22/05/2023 | 249434 | 1898.4 | BY61482-SERVICE-EVLC - Air Conditioning Maintenance Gold Cont | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Bartlett Refrigeration Ltd | 76 | 22/05/2023 | 249434 | 1026 | BY61482-SERVICE-LMLC - Air Conditioning Maintenance Gold Cont | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 11/05/2023 | 249436 | 47394.87 | BY61458-SERVICE-30,000 litres of diesel for Carlu Close | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Walter Beaumont Limited | 935004 | 11/05/2023 | 249437 | 1344 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 76.32 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 15KG. 398471 - Tile Adhesive Wall W/proo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 1173.12 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 453167 - ERA 5 Lever mortice sashlock Fo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 9.6 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 803157 - BJ254 Hand Rail Bracket 63mm ZP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 493.2 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. 923756 - Lever Latch Furniture satin Nic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 210 | S005739-SERVICE-Cat. tembe hippo lth18602 - PACKEXE CARPET PR | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 30/05/2023 | 249443 | 34.74 | S005739-SERVICE-Grout sponge 1127F (CN1110) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 25/05/2023 | 249448 | 502.27 | A000228-SERVICE-Planning - Notification List - Mid Devon Gaze | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 1080 | E002111-SERVICE-Locum support for Legal Services - June - Sep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 4132.38 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 07.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 876.92 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 07.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 715.57 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 07.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 972.17 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 30.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 616.14 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 07.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 694.47 | AGENCY STAFF W/E 30.04.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 1310.62 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | -1310.62 | BY61387-SERVICE-AGENCY BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER FOR BIN 123 P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 633.27 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | 6697.04 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 18/05/2023 | 249453 | -6697.04 | BY61277-SERVICE-AGENCY CREW (APR TO JUNE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 11/05/2023 | 249456 | -2724 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 11/05/2023 | 249459 | 2724 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Pollution Reduction | Control Of Pollution | Miscellaneous | Compensation Payments | 4666 | Janet Wallace T/A Jweh | 955524 | 15/05/2023 | 249460 | 505 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -4693.94 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -5010.24 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -5534.55 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -2540.3 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -6116.13 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249461 | -5830.56 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 4693.94 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 5010.24 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 5534.55 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 2540.3 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 6116.13 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 11/05/2023 | 249462 | 5830.56 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Park Now | 943678 | 30/05/2023 | 249463 | 1554.83 | A000229-SERVICE-Parknow Annual Order April 23 - March 24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Advantage South West Llp | 954881 | 22/05/2023 | 249466 | 15171.53 | BY61440-SERVICE-ASW Procurement Consortium Subscription 2023- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | South West Geotechnical Lts | 950304 | 15/05/2023 | 249468 | 3540 | BY61514-SERVICE-Engineering Report - Barons Wood - 20/00126/R | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 15/05/2023 | 249475 | 5769.67 | E002592-SERVICE-Call off order for voids March 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249477 | 444 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249477 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249477 | 444 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249477 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 15/05/2023 | 249480 | 667.09 | BY61551-SERVICE-MD72 ORK Vehicle Hire 02.03.2023 to 24.03.202 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 22/05/2023 | 249487 | 4882.96 | E002592-SERVICE-Call off order for voids April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 15/05/2023 | 249489 | 806.81 | MAR 23 DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 15/05/2023 | 249489 | 5083.68 | MAR 23 NON DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | Share Of Corp And Dem | Share Of Corp And Dem | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 15/05/2023 | 249489 | 506.78 | MAR 23 HSG(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 22/05/2023 | 249496 | -5760 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | 30-38 Fore Street | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/05/2023 | 249497 | 876 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | 30-38 Fore Street | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/05/2023 | 249497 | -36 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | 30-38 Fore Street | External Contractors | Kennelling & Vet Fees | 4202 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 22/05/2023 | 249497 | 36 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 15/05/2023 | 249498 | 70701.2 | BY61530-SERVICE-Roofing Contract 2023 - 2024 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sscl (Environment Agency) | 950229 | 18/05/2023 | 249507 | 987.24 | BY61536-SERVICE-ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - WEST EXE PADDLING POOL W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 15/05/2023 | 249548 | 5143.34 | BY61566-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC - extras Feb'23 - MDD2 223 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249551 | 3399.6 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Legal Consultants | 4606 | Landmark Chambers (Matthew Dale Harris ) | 958176 | 25/05/2023 | 249556 | 1440 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 22/05/2023 | 249559 | 3744 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Walter Beaumont Limited | 935004 | 15/05/2023 | 249560 | 816 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Walter Beaumont Limited | 935004 | 15/05/2023 | 249560 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1779.54 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1325.81 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1791.99 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1514.32 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 975.93 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1166.86 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1397.37 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 1076.53 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 18/05/2023 | 249562 | 949.57 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 7 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | National Grid Electricity Distribution (Sw) | 957583 | 18/05/2023 | 249563 | 1183.41 | BY61187-SERVICE-Electricity Connection Works NGED Reference: | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Miscellaneous | Legal Consultants | 4606 | Redacted - Personal Information | 958152 | 15/05/2023 | 249566 | 3600 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 231.87 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD1903 FW575030 Q831JTT Loler test | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 68.32 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD2002 FW579232 GM2 assess trailer for off si | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 23.56 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD0301 FW579972 VU67HTE n/s top mirror cover | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 105.15 | BY61552-SERVICE- SP2003 FW580147 DG63FYS fit indicator repeat | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 561.88 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD0703 FW580306 WG20RYT Fit new n/s window gl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 102.49 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD0901 FW579042 DX69RKY SFS engineer attendan | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 214.9 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD1310 FW573431 WG11OUH Recovered to DNH for | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 567.08 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD1314 FW576531 HK20KWR Replacement rental f | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 2425.66 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD0403 FW578817 VU67HXM Diagnostic box-panels | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249574 | 302.18 | BY61552-SERVICE-MD0403 FW580289 VU67HXM rotary switch replace | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 15/05/2023 | 249578 | 976.78 | ROYAL MAIL INV 9067337492 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 22/05/2023 | 249583 | 5940 | BY60198-SERVICE-Culm Valley Sports Centre, Cullompton-Fire Sa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249587 | 252.6 | A000214-SERVICE-MD1802 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249587 | 252.6 | A000214-SERVICE-MD1803 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKP - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249587 | 466.38 | A000214-SERVICE-MD1804 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249587 | 466.38 | A000214-SERVICE-MD1805 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249590 | 2109.26 | A000218-SERVICE-MD0301 - Fixed Maintenance- VU67HTE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 2334.96 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0401 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 2334.93 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0402 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 2334.93 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0403 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 1033.99 | A000217-SERVICE-MD0501 - Fixed Maintenance - LT67AEY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 235.35 | A000217-SERVICE-MD1103 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249591 | 172.26 | A000217-SERVICE-MD1301 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFZ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 560.89 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1204 - Fixed Maintenance - WV17XYY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.26 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1312 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.28 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1313 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 161.96 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1601 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 161.96 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1602 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 185.76 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1607 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGP -2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 188.4 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1613 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 188.4 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1614 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 185.72 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1616 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGT - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 185.72 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1617 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 167.06 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1618 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGU - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1619 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1620 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1621 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFJ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1622 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1623 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1624 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1625 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1626 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAP -2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1627 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAK - H2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1628 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1629 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAJ - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1630 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EBA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1631 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1632 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1633 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFH - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1634 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAG - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1635 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1636 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249592 | 172.27 | A000215-SERVICE-MD1637 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 994.7 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1001 - Fixed Maintenance - GM18WPV - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 235.35 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1101 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 235.35 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1102 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 233.84 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1104 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19 DVW - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 233.84 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1105 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 15/05/2023 | 249593 | 602.6 | A000216-SERVICE-MD1201 - Fixed Maintenance - LT19AHK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 25/05/2023 | 249609 | 1890 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Rose Removals And Storage | 532 | 22/05/2023 | 249610 | 733.92 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | Rose Removals And Storage | 532 | 22/05/2023 | 249610 | -12.32 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 25/05/2023 | 249677 | 5760 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 25/05/2023 | 249677 | 0 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 18/05/2023 | 249685 | 1930.32 | BY61237-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL APR/MAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Torridge,North Devon Mid Devon & Bude Cab | 937193 | 18/05/2023 | 249686 | 6845 | BY61580-SERVICE-Help For Ukraine families 1april 23 and 31st | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 30/05/2023 | 249689 | 928.8 | BY61380-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2023 - 2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249699 | 499.63 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1108 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249699 | 236.58 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1108 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249700 | 484.04 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1106 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249700 | 235.47 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1106 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNL - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249701 | 649.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1901 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249701 | 220.68 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1901 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249702 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0604 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249702 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0604 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249703 | 1903.15 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0603 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA20GZX - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249703 | 1438.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0603 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZX - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249704 | 484.04 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1107 - CONTRACT HIRE - LN70ZNM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249704 | 235.47 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1107 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNM - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249705 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1640 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249705 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1640 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/05/2023 | 249710 | 521.88 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/05/2023 | 249710 | 111.48 | E002752-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/05/2023 | 249718 | 408.06 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 22/05/2023 | 249718 | 118.68 | E002750-SERVICE-HOUSING - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249729 | 450.43 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1112 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA70ZWF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249729 | 233.1 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1112 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWF - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249730 | 1670.8 | A000211-SERVICE-MD1702 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA21EOK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249730 | 265.46 | A000211-SERVICE-MD1702 - MAINTENANCE - WA21EOK - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249731 | 889.2 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1501 - CONTRACT HIRE - WF71ZDN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249731 | 303.67 | A000207-SERVICE-MD1501 - MAINTENANCE - WF71ZDN - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249732 | 2603.54 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0202 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249732 | 2131.72 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0202 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLE - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249733 | 1906.81 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0606 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249733 | 1434.75 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0606 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYO - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249736 | 1906.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0607 - CONTRACT HIRE - WG20RYP - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249736 | 1434.74 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0607 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYP - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249737 | 1483.41 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1701 - CONTRACT HIRE - WA69AXC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249737 | 478.03 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1701 - MAINTENANCE - WA69AXC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249738 | 2569.67 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0102 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249738 | 2080.33 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0102 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLC - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249741 | 2047.6 | A000210-SERVICE-MD0901 - CONTRACT HIRE - DX69RKY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249741 | 1531.84 | A000210-SERVICE-MD0901 - MAINTENANCE - DX69RKY - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249742 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1610 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249742 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1610 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249743 | 407.32 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1611 - CONTRACT HIRE - HV72 YWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249743 | 250.23 | A000208-SERVICE-MD1611 - MAINTENANCE - HV72 YWD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249744 | 2569.67 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0101 - CONTRACT HIRE - VX69YLB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249744 | 2080.33 | A000211-SERVICE-MD0101 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLB - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249745 | 2603.53 | A000213-SERVICE-MD0201 - Contract Hire - VX69YLD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249745 | 2131.73 | A000213-SERVICE-MD0201 - Maintenance - VX69YLD - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249746 | 649.82 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1902 - CONTRACT HIRE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249746 | 220.68 | A000212-SERVICE-MD1902 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Finance Lease Liability <1yr | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249747 | 673.2 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0801 - CONTRACT HIRE - LP71BFA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 25/05/2023 | 249747 | 238.32 | A000212-SERVICE-MD0801 - MAINTENANCE - LP71BFA - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 113.37 | E002111-SERVICE-Locum support for Legal Services - June - Sep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 966.64 | E002843-SERVICE-Ongoing Locum support for Legal Services | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 880.44 | W/E 07/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 4608.56 | W/E 14/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 147.42 | W/E 07/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 589.68 | W/E 14/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 772.51 | W/E 07/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 3555.11 | W/E 14/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | -0.01 | BY61387-SERVICE-Agency Business Support Officer for Bin 123 p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 616.13 | W/E 14/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 692.42 | W/E 30/04/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | 512.65 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 30/05/2023 | 249759 | -0.01 | BY61277-SERVICE-Agency crew (Apr to June) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 25/05/2023 | 249762 | 5762.14 | BY61559-SERVICE-Carry out carpentry works as per quote 49 Sho | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 18/05/2023 | 249765 | 568.8 | E002707-SERVICE-NOVA SURVEYORS ¿ carry out property condition | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 1 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 18/05/2023 | 249767 | 2400 | BY61565-SERVICE-Flood risk assessment for Wingfield Close dev | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 2 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Xl Planning Ltd | 944462 | 18/05/2023 | 249769 | 1200 | Redacted - Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 22/05/2023 | 249771 | 6957.49 | BY58719-SERVICE-Carry out Adaptations Flooring for the year 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 22/05/2023 | 249771 | 0 | BY58719-SERVICE-CARRY OUT ADAPTATIONS FLOORING FOR THE YEAR 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249779 | 21.12 | BY61568-SERVICE-MD1601 FW577136 HX18AXN replace o/s small mir | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249779 | 284.3 | BY61568-SERVICE-SFS002 FW580686 BX15HXG Replace o/s mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249779 | 987.04 | BY61568-SERVICE-MD0402 FW579875 VU67HXL Pirtek fitter attend- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249779 | 62.74 | BY61568-SERVICE-MD0601 FW575312 WA20GZV N/S Door handle repla | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 539.45 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD1618 FW575304 AF63UGU replace n/s mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 300 | BY61567-SERVICE-SFS003 FW566292 KS67FLK Recovery from Old Roa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 156.1 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD1306 FW578638 WF61JXY replace n/s front str | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 760.25 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0102 FW577611 VX69YLC replacement gear sele | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 61.02 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0102 FW578315 VX69YLC replacement reflector | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 536.81 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0202 FW574236 VX69YLE n/s mirror glass-mirr | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 317.98 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0202 FW576223 VX69YLE Reverse light bracket | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 53.4 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0605 FW579554 WA20GZZ fit replacement n/s m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 31.21 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0701 FW574844 WG20RYR replace number plate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 510 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0701 FW574872 WG20RYR Recovery from Nomansl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 135.56 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD1103 FW578557 HX19DVZ replacement n/s mirro | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 43.33 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD1106 FW579108 LN70ZNL Replacement n/s/r/ st | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 22/05/2023 | 249780 | 200.86 | BY61567-SERVICE-MD0502 FW575967 LT67AEW Fit new tyre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249784 | 474.23 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 28/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249784 | 89.1 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 02/05/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249784 | 174.6 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 03/05/2023, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249784 | 71.05 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 05/05/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249784 | 1529.85 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 05/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 42.75 | ANGEL GUESTHOUSE, 25/04/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 286.61 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 21/04/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 516.08 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 21/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 287.52 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 25/04/2023, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 329.45 | PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 28/04/2023, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 6 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 28/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 1552.65 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 28/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 554.07 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 20/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 18/05/2023 | 249785 | 473.53 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 21/04/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 25/05/2023 | 249789 | 1220 | BY61385-SERVICE-PLAY AREA INSPECTIONS MARCH 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 22.1 | S005712-SERVICE-4.0 x 40 YP wood screw box 200 16159 (CN1009) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 9.57 | S005712-SERVICE-5.0 x 40 YP wood screw box 200 12698 (CN1022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 12.57 | S005712-SERVICE-5.0 x 50 YP wood screw box 200 16497 (CN1023) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 227.77 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. 1700P - Brass Door Lock Furniture 1700P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 80.64 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. 33178 - 50mm screwdriver bit for impact | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 62.71 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. 62700 - Reciprocating Metal Saw Blade (6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 32.88 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. 652GT - HD rubble sack (652GT) (CN1099) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 179.77 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. 9600G - Bathroom mortice lock 64mm (9600 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 103.97 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. EQHEAVWG. 224 - MAYPOLE UNIVERSAL VAN S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 18/05/2023 | 249799 | 399.88 | S005712-SERVICE-Cat. THMLK541 - Masterlock keysafe (77908) (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Tiverton Hotel Ltd ** Use 956972**** | 768 | 18/05/2023 | 249802 | -1000 | E002767-SERVICE-Room damage costs for Lisa Artes 03/04/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 22/05/2023 | 249879 | 764.96 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 22/05/2023 | 249894 | 603.37 | 1676543401 21/02/23-06/04/23 TOILET BAMPTON STREET, TIVERTON | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 30/05/2023 | 249897 | 6238.78 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 25/05/2023 | 249911 | 39.6 | S005772-SERVICE-Cat. FRAMECL6 - PVCU solvent frame cleaner 1L | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 25/05/2023 | 249911 | 1070.15 | S005772-SERVICE-Cat. SP-PERGAMON - Pergamon 1000X2400 Shower | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 30/05/2023 | 249917 | 935.04 | BY61645-SERVICE-Supply of playground parts for maintenance re | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Sj Surfacing Solutions | 949377 | 25/05/2023 | 249918 | 740 | BY61646-SERVICE-Play area inspections April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Natwest Payment Card | 8401 - 8499 Bank And Cash | Payment Card Payment | 8407 | National Westminster Bank Llp | 949451 | 22/05/2023 | 249920 | 17022.38 | NATWEST ONECARD DD 05.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Aib Merchant Services | 950403 | 22/05/2023 | 249927 | 686.62 | AIBMS DD 22-05-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 30/05/2023 | 250008 | 13437.22 | BY61642-SERVICE-St Andrews Estate - Variation - Hoarding addi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Zed Pods Ltd (Cis) | 955784 | 30/05/2023 | 250008 | 0 | BY61642-SERVICE-ST ANDREWS ESTATE - VARIATION - HOARDING ADDI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 25/05/2023 | 250010 | 1512 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 25/05/2023 | 250019 | 108 | BY61656-SERVICE-GN07 BUH Hire for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 25/05/2023 | 250019 | 864 | BY61656-SERVICE-SN10 DSY Hire for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 25/05/2023 | 250019 | 1980 | BY61656-SERVICE-VK62 CRF Hire for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Glenspray Motors Ltd | 947984 | 25/05/2023 | 250019 | 720 | BY61656-SERVICE-WA15 KVL Hire for April 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 25/05/2023 | 250023 | 1500 | BY61330-SERVICE-Devon Home Choice subscription 2023/2024 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Nova Surveyors Limited | 951814 | 30/05/2023 | 250041 | 1140 | E002455-SERVICE-Attendance of Shaun Watts for future trial - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Reply Paid Postage | 4437 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 25/05/2023 | 250042 | 3237.89 | 9067422241-RESPONSE PLUS SERVICE W/E 15/04/23 - W/E 22/04/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 30/05/2023 | 250043 | 795.06 | 9067511447-BUSINESS MAIL ADVANCED 2C UNSORTED-05/05/23-11/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Reply Paid Postage | 4437 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 30/05/2023 | 250044 | 1544.35 | 9067529941-RESPONSE PLUS SERVICE W/E 06/05/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | British Gas Business | 34089 | 25/05/2023 | 250045 | 406.13 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | British Gas Business | 34089 | 25/05/2023 | 250045 | 146.55 | Redacted - Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 952.97 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 05/05/2023, 13 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 107.35 | PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 10/05/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 684.95 | PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 11/05/2023, 8 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 3.6 | PREMIER INN FEE - PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 10/05/2023, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 3.6 | PREMIER INN FEE-PREMIER INN EXETER CITY CENTRE, 11/05/2023, 8 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 3.6 | PREMIER INN FEE - PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 12/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 3.6 | PREMIER INN FEE -PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 12/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 3.6 | PREMIER INN FEE-PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 12/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 1487.7 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 12/05/2023, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 15 | EXETER ST DAVID'S - PLYMOUTH (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 5 | PLYMOUTH - EXETER ST DAVID'S (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Travel | 1407 | Click Travel | 951733 | 25/05/2023 | 250051 | 553.6 | TIVERTON PARKWAY - LONDON PADDINGTON (SUPER OFF-PEAK RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Devon Surface Care Ltd | 952404 | 25/05/2023 | 250063 | 1404 | BY61491-SERVICE-Cleaning schedule 2022/2023 - Tiverton Skatep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 25/05/2023 | 250080 | 35043 | BY61640-SERVICE-Involvement in the Ukraine support 6 Months | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | External Contractors | Waste Disposal Chrgs - Rejects | 4241 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 25/05/2023 | 250088 | 1244.99 | E002803-SERVICE-Gate Fee for Trade Recycling April 2023 - Mar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Solar - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | W & E Electrical Services | 958109 | 25/05/2023 | 250093 | 6832.64 | BY61388-SERVICE-Solar PV at Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Solar - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | W & E Electrical Services | 958109 | 25/05/2023 | 250096 | 11640 | BY61388-SERVICE-Solar PV at Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/05/2023 | 250191 | 36000 | A000235-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC annual servicing - main order (MDD1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/05/2023 | 250191 | 0 | A000235-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC ANNUAL SERVICING - MAIN ORDER (MDD1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/05/2023 | 250192 | 5332.19 | BY61691-SERVICE-MDDC/RHH extras 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 30/05/2023 | 250192 | 0 | BY61691-SERVICE-MDDC/RHH EXTRAS 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Phoenix House Printing | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Concorde Copiers Ltd | 280 | 30/05/2023 | 250223 | 953.42 | DD 03-05-23 - BLACK PRINTING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Phoenix House Printing | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Concorde Copiers Ltd | 280 | 30/05/2023 | 250223 | 59.15 | DD 03-05-23 - COLOUR PRINTING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Concorde Copiers Ltd | 280 | 30/05/2023 | 250223 | 0.05 | DD 03-05-23 - BLACK PRINTING | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Phoenix House Printing | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Concorde Copiers Ltd | 280 | 30/05/2023 | 250224 | 785.7 | DD 03.05.23 BLACK CHIEF EXCEC | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Local Government Association | 937043 | 30/05/2023 | 250225 | 10006.04 | DD 05.05.23 LGA MEMBERSHIP SUB 2023-24 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 30/05/2023 | 250226 | 545 | DD 17.05.23 MOJ HMCTS CENTRA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 30/05/2023 | 250228 | 133.33 | DD 19.05.23 BANK CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 30/05/2023 | 250228 | 603.66 | DD 19.05.23 BANK CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 30/05/2023 | 250228 | 419.81 | DD 19.05.23 BANK CHARGES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Administration Costs | Finance Lease Interest Charges | 4415 | Eclipse Networking | 11817 | 30/05/2023 | 250231 | 2544.32 | 26.05.23 DD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Capita Business Services | 35323 | 30/05/2023 | 250232 | 7705.69 | DD 26.05.23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | H.R.A. Strategy | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 31/05/2023 | 250348 | 615 | DD 24.05.23 MOJ HMCTS CENTRA | REVENUE |