November 2022
Invoices over £500 paid between 01/11/2022 and 30/11/2022
Body Name | Body | Service Area Categorisation | Service Division Categorisation | Responsible Unit | Expenses Type | Detailed Expenses Type | Expenses Code | Supplier Name | Supplier ID | Date Paid | Transaction Number | Amount | Narrative | Capital/Revenue |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Homefinders | 31332 | 03/11/2022 | 28530 | 1347 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Sundry Debtors Invoice Control | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Refunds | 8162 | Redacted Personal Information | 957600 | 03/11/2022 | 28543 | 4340 | OVERPAYMENT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Dars Scheme | 4802 | Diamond Estate Agents | 955655 | 03/11/2022 | 28544 | 840 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 10/11/2022 | 28587 | 3422 | Redacted Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Davies & Partners Solicitors | 957624 | 10/11/2022 | 28591 | 20 | LAND REGISTRY DISPERSMENTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Davies & Partners Solicitors | 957624 | 10/11/2022 | 28591 | 600 | PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - MONEY ON ACCOUNT RE DEED OF GRANT AT PHOENIX HOUSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Dcc Share | 8559 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | 103671 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr 1 Fire Share | 8556 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | 11519 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Dcc | 8522 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | -29849 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- Fire | 8519 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | -3317 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Non Domestic Rates Redist | Grants & Contributions | Top Up Or Tariff | 7629 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | 322426 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Plymouth City Council (Business Rates Pool) | 944594 | 17/11/2022 | 28619 | 72 | DEVON BUSINESS RATES POOL INSTALMENT 8 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Neighbourhood Planning Referen | Elections | Election Staffing Costs | 1807 | Hmrc | 946186 | 21/11/2022 | 28642 | 1766.85 | 070/M322 070PD00009834 INCOME TAX STAFF PLANNING REFERENDUM 17.11.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income | Dwelling Rents Inc | Genl Needs Housing Rents | Rents | Rents | 7501 | Treasurer Ssafa North Devon & Torridge | 957658 | 23/11/2022 | 28653 | 1200 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Central Gov Share | 8533 | Dclg | 934777 | 22/11/2022 | 28654 | 575947 | CENTRAL SHARE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 22/11/2022 | 28654 | -125960 | DEFECIT FOR 21/22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | Nndr Collection Fund C/Acct | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Nndr1 Prior Yr Est +/- C/Gov | 8517 | Dclg | 934777 | 22/11/2022 | 28654 | -39868 | DEFICIT FOR 20/21 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Income & Expenditure Account | N-Ringfenced Government Grants | Revenue Support Grant | Grants & Contributions | Revenue Support Grant | 7618 | Dclg | 934777 | 22/11/2022 | 28654 | -28 | RSG | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Police Precept | 8140 | Pcc Devon And Cornwall | 8607 | 23/11/2022 | 28657 | 768655.7 | INSTALMENT 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Fire Precept | 8148 | Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service | 33987 | 23/11/2022 | 28658 | 286342.1 | INSTALMENT 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Debtors | Debtors <1yr | C/Tax C/Fund Control A/C | 8101 - 8299 Debtors | Dcc Precept | 8138 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 23/11/2022 | 28659 | 4854307 | INSTALMENT 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | First Business Management | 946048 | 03/11/2022 | 234200 | 3024 | BY58847-SERVICE-CPC training - Module Health and Safety and V | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Airtech Environmental Systems | 15 | 03/11/2022 | 234372 | 1166.03 | E002303-SERVICE- Annual call off for PIV and MEV installation | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Xn Leisure Systems Ltd | 940874 | 28/11/2022 | 238728 | 2160 | BY58496-SERVICE-Supply and installation of Leisure Hub as quo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Nat West Bank Payments Operations | 35073 | 10/11/2022 | 239428 | 4037.31 | 02SEP A/C 72621192 30.09.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fire Defence Servicing Ltd | 950774 | 03/11/2022 | 239553 | 555.6 | BY57802-SERVICE-CARLU CLOSE - FIRE DEFENCE SYSTEM - ANNUAL MA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 03/11/2022 | 239562 | 327.6 | P007708-RS0072-SW1392 SQUIRTY FISH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 03/11/2022 | 239562 | 24.84 | DELIVERY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 03/11/2022 | 239562 | 138.6 | P007708-RS0653-SPINNING DIVE TOYS SPEEDO SEA SQUAD SW2716 (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | J P Lennard Ltd | 206 | 03/11/2022 | 239562 | 120.96 | P007708-RS0659-SWIM CAP SPEEDO ADULT (BLACK) MOULDED SILICON | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 03/11/2022 | 239565 | 1160.96 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Purchases | Communal Estates & Roads | 4514 | I-Civils Limited | 948188 | 10/11/2022 | 239571 | 4883.81 | BY60034-SERVICE-September works - small works gang | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 03/11/2022 | 239572 | 1113.6 | P007685-LC0067-067926 WIPEPOD - CASE OF 4 X 500 WIPES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Housing 1-4-1 Scheme - Project 2 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 03/11/2022 | 239632 | 565.74 | Redacted Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 03/11/2022 | 239638 | 7770.06 | BY59902-SERVICE-Veeam Backup & Replication Universal -Include | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 03/11/2022 | 239638 | 971.25 | BY59902-SERVICE-Veeam - Backup & Replication Universal Licenc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 03/11/2022 | 239638 | 95.22 | BY59902-SERVICE-Veeam Backup & Replication Universal License | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Fleet Management | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 03/11/2022 | 239643 | 725.04 | BY59259-SERVICE-Hire Transit 350 for 1 month hire plus delive | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 03/11/2022 | 239646 | 2.67 | E002309-SERVICE-August 2022 heating monthly materials call of | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 03/11/2022 | 239646 | 1144.91 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Pressure Washers S W | 556 | 07/11/2022 | 239648 | 2564.28 | BY59712-SERVICE-1 + ECO 20 /15 11 HP PETROL pressure wa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 07/11/2022 | 239649 | 1185.6 | BY59852-SERVICE-REF.MNI798 Supply & Install of temp mains col | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Mbh Industrial Services Lts | 948896 | 07/11/2022 | 239649 | 1185.6 | BY59852-SERVICE-REF.MNI798 Supply & Install of temp mains col | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 03/11/2022 | 239650 | 447.89 | S005503-SERVICE-Cat. 5218640 - White Gloss 2.5 Ltr (DE6107) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 03/11/2022 | 239650 | 427.13 | S005503-SERVICE-Cat. dulux 5091653 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Double Glazed Unit Replacement | 9057 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 03/11/2022 | 239655 | 24132 | BY59270-SERVICE-Double glazed unit replacement contract 2022- | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 03/11/2022 | 239656 | 2420 | LOWER SOUTHWOODS, CADBURY, EXETER SLG/22/00093/OOC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 07/11/2022 | 239658 | 2011.5 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Enforcement | Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 07/11/2022 | 239659 | 2020.75 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 07/11/2022 | 239660 | 1215 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 07/11/2022 | 239661 | 1368 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 07/11/2022 | 239662 | 1823.52 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 07/11/2022 | 239663 | 1139.93 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 07/11/2022 | 239663 | 42.66 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 03/11/2022 | 239665 | 2995 | Redacted Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Internal Audit | Internal Audit | Administration Costs | Partnership Working | 4450 | Devon Audit Partnership | 947137 | 07/11/2022 | 239678 | 28428 | BY58851-SERVICE-Devon Audit Partnership Fee 22/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 07/11/2022 | 239685 | 1338.55 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fullstop Fire & Security Ltd | 940399 | 07/11/2022 | 239724 | 804.66 | BY59892-SERVICE-Invoice No. 26982 - Old Road Depot, Tiverton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 07/11/2022 | 239731 | 1652.23 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 07/11/2022 | 239733 | 1005.24 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Green Forest Renewables | 956401 | 07/11/2022 | 239739 | 1837.5 | BY59833-SERVICE-Woodchip delivery Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 07/11/2022 | 239752 | 1434.07 | BY59830-SERVICE-VMware Basic Support/VMware Subscription for | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Securitas Security Services (Uk) Limited | 33891 | 03/11/2022 | 239754 | 681.82 | A000163-SERVICE-PHOENIX HOUSE - SECURITY SERVICES 01/11/22 TO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 07/11/2022 | 239765 | 24.98 | BY59874-SERVICE-Fluke AC Non-Contact Voltage Detector Pen 100 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 07/11/2022 | 239765 | 8.48 | BY59874-SERVICE-Luceco Rechargeable LED Head Torch Green 150l | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 07/11/2022 | 239765 | 590.01 | BY59874-SERVICE-Makita DLX6100PX1 18V 3 x 3.0Ah Li-Ion LXT Co | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Plant Expenditure | New Plant Purchases | 3508 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 07/11/2022 | 239765 | 72.98 | BY59874-SERVICE-Werner Fibreglass 4-Tread Swingback Stepladde | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 07/11/2022 | 239766 | 195.72 | S005516-SERVICE-Cat. S2238542 - 2135 X 2135mm Shower Curtain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 07/11/2022 | 239766 | 4352.76 | S005516-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Kompan Ltd | 21 | 07/11/2022 | 239775 | 672 | BY59796-SERVICE-Swing Hangers as per quotation SQ275156-1 -Di | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 07/11/2022 | 239813 | 1173.12 | S005504-SERVICE-Cat. 453167 - ERA 5 Lever mortice sashlock Fo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 07/11/2022 | 239813 | 216 | S005504-SERVICE-Cat. 726311 - Brass Door Chain 791-32 (CA3120 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 07/11/2022 | 239813 | 49.5 | S005504-SERVICE-Cat. NTXLH/370975/NP - Mortice Latch 76mm NP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 10/11/2022 | 239815 | 147.6 | S005488-SERVICE-Cat. 593263 - Carpenter Wood Saw (CA3018) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 10/11/2022 | 239815 | 63.6 | S005488-SERVICE-ERA 1450-51 Night Latch & cyl (CA3115) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 10/11/2022 | 239815 | 143.95 | S005488-SERVICE-ERA 1650-51 SC night latch & cyl (CA3117) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 10/11/2022 | 239815 | 228 | S005488-SERVICE-ERA gearbox/45/6045 for multipoint lock (CA31 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 10/11/2022 | 239818 | 869.38 | E002471-SERVICE-Call off number to supply Kitchens for void p | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 07/11/2022 | 239836 | 1092.72 | E002400-SERVICE-Call off order for October 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - District | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Shaw & Sons Ltd | 615 | 10/11/2022 | 239841 | 2480.4 | BY59898-SERVICE-Local Election PO stationary refill pack - Ma | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 10/11/2022 | 239842 | 1252.63 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Cromwell Polythene Limited | 951950 | 10/11/2022 | 239845 | 2943.36 | P007723-SERVICE-BK090A1 20KG CHSA Black refuse sacks 200 pc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Post Entry Training | 1404 | Cst Training Ltd | 957529 | 10/11/2022 | 239848 | 600 | BY59910-SERVICE-PRINCE2 6th edition foundation self paced lea | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 46.8 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 21CS102 - 2 Way pull switch (EL2035) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 19.2 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 4304 - Switched socket 13amp 1G C'tree ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 16.2 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 4827 - Connection unit switched fused C' | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 56.39 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y1 - 6242Y1 1mm T/E Drum 100M (EL201 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 173.4 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y510 - 6242Y510 10mm T/E 50M drum (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 41.4 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. 9047 - Moulded box 25mm 1G C'tree (EL200 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 479.88 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 1597.97 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3016 - Ei30169 Aico optical smoke alar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 88.77 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. FX20V - Dimplex 2Kw downflow heater FX20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 26.93 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. G06-1B06 - Basics 6A MCB (EL2254) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 26.93 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. G06-1B16 - Basics 16A MCB (EL2255) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 8.98 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. G06-1B32 - Basics 32A MCB (EL2257) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 279.84 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 143.88 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. RCBO3230SP 32A - Basics 32A 30MA SP RCBO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 16 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. SD6/3N - Flexi Ducting 6 (EL2044) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 18.54 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. SGRIL4/WHI - 4 Fixed Grill (EL2020) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 13.58 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. SGRIL6/WHI - 6 Fixed Grill (EL2036) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 10/11/2022 | 239851 | 3.64 | S005525-SERVICE-Cat. TE10GRY - 10mm T&E clips (CN1305) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 03/11/2022 | 239852 | 637.44 | A000179-SERVICE-Planning - Notification List - Mid Devon Gaze | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Whitham Mills Engineering Ltd | 946180 | 07/11/2022 | 239855 | 1244.4 | BY58578-SERVICE-Preventative Service Contract 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Repairs And Maintenance | 4121 | Whitham Mills Engineering Ltd | 946180 | 07/11/2022 | 239856 | 3724.98 | E002464-SERVICE-Leak on hydraulic pump | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 10/11/2022 | 239860 | 514.32 | BY59591-SERVICE-Vehicle hire - 7.5 tonne | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0135-STA STANLEY 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 49.26 | P007733-BA0136-STA STANLEY 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 115.08 | P007733-BA0137-STA STANLEY 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0138-STA STANLEY 6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0144-STA GOLDFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0145-STA GOLDFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0146-STA GOLDFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0147-STA ANGELFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0149-STA ANGELFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0187-STA 400m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0188-STA 600m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0189-STA 800m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 41.1 | P007733-BA0192-STA 2000m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 10 | P007733-BA0222-DELIVERY (over £150) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 07/11/2022 | 239873 | 127.8 | P007733-LC0066-FLEXIBEAM FUN NOODLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Regional Planning | Statutory Development Plan | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | The Carly Press Ltd | 944233 | 10/11/2022 | 239874 | 3826 | BY57987-SERVICE-300No. A4 Wire Bound Adopted Local Plan Docum | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 12.26 | S005505-SERVICE-4.5 x 50 YP wood screw box 200 17324 (CN1017) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 42 | S005505-SERVICE-5.0 x 100 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1028) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 46.5 | S005505-SERVICE-Cat. 6188891 - Caulk Sealant (CA3128) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 82.74 | S005505-SERVICE-Cat. ACZ85EB - ACZ85 EB Bosch GOP blade round | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 261 | S005505-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - Sanitary | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 22.8 | S005505-SERVICE-Cat. JB09 12MM GUIDE PIN - Pilot/locating gui | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 28.8 | S005505-SERVICE-Stanley knife blades (CN1057) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 432 | S005505-SERVICE-Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 10/11/2022 | 239875 | 13.92 | S005505-SERVICE-Taper pilot drill (CN1362) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Administration Costs | Valuation Fees | 4410 | Valuation Office Agency | 941956 | 10/11/2022 | 239876 | 899.7 | E002405-SERVICE-Dual Use Agreement Updated Valuation Report | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | The Association Of Electoral Administrators | 24849 | 07/11/2022 | 239877 | 2349 | BY59864-SERVICE-AEA conference Jan 29-31 2023- J Stoneman, D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 95.4 | BY59815-SERVICE-00-108320-L site safety trousers FN471 orange | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 95.4 | BY59815-SERVICE-00-108320-xl site safety trousers FN471 orang | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 318.01 | BY59815-SERVICE-01-20241 - 11 Lightyear pioneer black ankle b | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 95.4 | BY59815-SERVICE-01-20241 - 6 Lightyear pioneer black ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 127.2 | BY59815-SERVICE-01-20241 - 7 Lightyear pioneer black ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 318 | BY59815-SERVICE-01-20241 -8 Lightyear pioneer black ankle boo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 318 | BY59815-SERVICE-01-20241 - 9 Lightyear pioneer black ankle bo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Evolve Corporate Ltd T/A Pk Safety | 951326 | 03/11/2022 | 239882 | 35.98 | BY59815-SERVICE-20118 Dealer Boot S3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Development Training | 1402 | Cta Centre Ltd | 943807 | 03/11/2022 | 239884 | 1380 | BY59565-SERVICE-CPCS ¿ Mini Digger (Excavator 180) 2 x days | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 10/11/2022 | 239894 | 958.86 | E002309-SERVICE-August 2022 heating monthly materials call of | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 10/11/2022 | 239894 | 21.19 | E002309-SERVICE-September 2022 heating monthly materials call | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 79.2 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. 757474 - Multi tool blade set (CN1111) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 115.2 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. Black BM5/40 - Rhino flexi tub with hand | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 140 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0340 - P trap WC pan L/L) LEC ATLAS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 131.25 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. PPEBFC05 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 6mm (CA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 162.06 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 10/11/2022 | 239895 | 54.97 | S005519-SERVICE-Cat. W1000S - Lining Paper 1000 Grade (DE6077 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | I-Civils Limited | 948188 | 10/11/2022 | 239896 | 0 | BY59710-SERVICE-Lowman Green Tiverton Supply install bollard | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Parks & Open Spaces | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | I-Civils Limited | 948188 | 10/11/2022 | 239896 | 1615.2 | BY59710-SERVICE-Lowman Green Tiverton Supply install bollard | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 10/11/2022 | 239897 | 1266.98 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Wotton Printers | 948042 | 10/11/2022 | 239898 | 654 | BY59893-SERVICE-GARDEN WASTE PERMITS - GREY - NOVEMBER 2023 - | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Fire Safety Work | 9058 | Md Building Services Limited | 957527 | 07/11/2022 | 239901 | 7343.21 | BY59865-SERVICE-New fire safety upgrade to AICO system | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Community Safety - C.C.T.V. | Cctv Initiatives | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | Global Msc Security Ltd | 954781 | 03/11/2022 | 239903 | 2760 | BY57935-SERVICE-Code change additional line for remaining fig | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 14/11/2022 | 239909 | 3492 | BY59744-SERVICE-Carry out decorating works to 8 Blackmore Roa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Employee Counselling Costs | 1714 | Workout Ltd | 948941 | 14/11/2022 | 239910 | 1296 | BY57608-SERVICE-Workout Solutions Annual EAP order 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Enforcement | Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 14/11/2022 | 239922 | 2020.75 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 14/11/2022 | 239923 | 2025 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | Southern Asset Management Limited | 957458 | 14/11/2022 | 239944 | 9000 | BY59900-SERVICE-Structural integrity testing of street-lighti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 14/11/2022 | 239945 | 1812.29 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 14/11/2022 | 239946 | 1368 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 14/11/2022 | 239947 | 1089.38 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 14/11/2022 | 239947 | 17.28 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 14/11/2022 | 239948 | 1026 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Merrifield Motor Works Ltd | 956426 | 14/11/2022 | 239950 | 6456 | BY59869-SERVICE-Refurbishment of 2 x Recycling Banks and purc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 14/11/2022 | 239952 | 1106.4 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 14/11/2022 | 239954 | 1295.05 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 14/11/2022 | 239955 | 996.27 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Virus & Security | 4118 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 14/11/2022 | 240110 | 11158.56 | BY59903-SERVICE-Sophos End user Protection and Encryption (20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Virus & Security | 4118 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 14/11/2022 | 240110 | 5509.08 | BY59903-SERVICE-UTM SW FullGuard - Net/Web/Email/Webserver/Wi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.3 | P007746-BA0133-STA STANLEY 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.25 | P007746-BA0134-STA STANLEY 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0135-STA STANLEY 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0136-STA STANLEY 4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 84 | P007746-BA0137-STA STANLEY 5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0138-STA STANLEY 6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 43.68 | P007746-BA0139-STA STANLEY 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0144-STA GOLDFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0145-STA GOLDFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0146-STA GOLDFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0147-STA ANGELFISH 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0148-STA ANGELFISH 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0149-STA ANGELFISH 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0150-STA SHARK 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0151-STA SHARK 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0152-STA SHARK 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0156-STA KINGFISHER 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0157-STA KINGFISHER 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0158-STA KINGFISHER 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0159-STA DOLPHIN 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42 | P007746-BA0160-STA DOLPHIN 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.3 | P007746-BA0180-STA 15m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.3 | P007746-BA0189-STA 800m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.3 | P007746-BA0190-STA 1000m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 42.3 | P007746-BA0194-STA 3000m | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 10 | P007746-BA0222-DELIVERY (over £150) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Swimming Teachers Association | 935806 | 10/11/2022 | 240117 | 78 | P007746-LC0066-FLEXIBEAM FUN NOODLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Kone Plc | 33955 | 14/11/2022 | 240119 | 6096.1 | BY59366-SERVICE-Lift Maintenance Renewal - Phoenix House, Tiv | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Development Training | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | The Suzy Lamplugh Trust | 941623 | 14/11/2022 | 240123 | 1194 | BY59725-SERVICE-one day virtual lone working course 9th Novem | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Fire Safety Work | 9058 | Md Building Services Limited | 957527 | 14/11/2022 | 240124 | 10372.61 | BY59865-SERVICE-New fire safety upgrade to AICO system | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 14/11/2022 | 240130 | 23.23 | S005521-SERVICE-Cat. LDJEPF18 - Polyfilla (DE6008) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 14/11/2022 | 240130 | 354.61 | S005521-SERVICE-Cat. RFKLB050 - Klober universal vent tile (M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 14/11/2022 | 240130 | 308.64 | S005521-SERVICE-Cat. RFKLB065 - Klober univent adaptor (MA830 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Jewson T/A | 15474 | 14/11/2022 | 240130 | 165.02 | S005521-SERVICE-Filling Knife 2' 13020 (DE6074) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 14/11/2022 | 240159 | 835.2 | P007732-LC0067-067926 WIPEPOD - CASE OF 4 X 500 WIPES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Flowbird Smart City Uk Ltd | 950098 | 14/11/2022 | 240162 | 1105.56 | BY59924-SERVICE-Sept2022 transactions 9,213 transactions @ £0 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Courtship Limited | 30138 | 17/11/2022 | 240173 | 10128.76 | BY59223-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - main hall - Dee | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 24/11/2022 | 240175 | 218.41 | P007717-SP0046-HYDROCHLORIC ACID 36% [25LT/30KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 24/11/2022 | 240175 | 22.65 | P007717-SP0047-LOVIBOND DPD NO. 1 PHOTO/COMP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 24/11/2022 | 240175 | 22.65 | P007717-SP0048-LOVIBOND DPD NO. 3 PHOTO/COMP | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 24/11/2022 | 240175 | 22.65 | P007717-SP0049-LOVIBOND PHENOL RED PHOTOMETER | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 24/11/2022 | 240175 | 288 | P007717-SP0051-SODIUM BICARBONATE TECH POWDER [25KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 03/11/2022 | 240181 | 1004.1 | 1680834201 20.07.22-10.10.22 OLD ROAD DEPOT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 17/11/2022 | 240183 | 760.7 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 14/11/2022 | 240256 | 1088.24 | BY59658-SERVICE-Supply fencing as per quote 3036Q199090 19 Fi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 4.64 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 18.91 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Functions | Data Protection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 8.36 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 21.1 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 8.36 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Community Safety - C.C.T.V. | Cctv Initiatives | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 73.48 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 207.7 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 15.22 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Finance And Performance | Sales Ledger | Sales Ledger | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing Options Staff | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 110.64 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 79.65 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | General Tenancy | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 173.65 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Tenant Involvement | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 25.91 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance | General Maintenance | 2104 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 34.04 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 69.49 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Planned Maintenance Team | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 44.02 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 110.58 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 582.5 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Stores | Stores | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 8.36 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Health & Safety Officer | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 14.15 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Learning And Development | Learning & Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Digital Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 21.14 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 27.28 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Democratic Rep And Management | Committee Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 57.78 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Electoral Registration | Electoral Registration | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 8.36 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 89.43 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Building Regulations | Building Regulations | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 209.98 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 256.84 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 69.5 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 18.91 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | 3 Rivers Development | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 10.55 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 198.44 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 42.22 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 78.67 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leisure Management & Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 63.31 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 72.91 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 75.67 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Housing Benefit Admin | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 45.42 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 166.06 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 98.77 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 110.92 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 18.91 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Administration Costs | Mobile Telephones | 4403 | Ee Limited Airtime | 10948 | 03/11/2022 | 240257 | 41.63 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 14/11/2022 | 240258 | 672.48 | E002400-SERVICE-Call off order for October 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 17/11/2022 | 240261 | 47.52 | P007737-PC0319-**** PLEASE USE CODE PE6373 **** | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 17/11/2022 | 240261 | 472.32 | P007737-PE5933-MED - KeepSAFE HiVis SOFTSHELL SAFETY JACKET | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 17/11/2022 | 240261 | 78.24 | P007737-PE6118-LARGE POLYCOTTON CLASSIC CREW NECK SWEATSHIRT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 17/11/2022 | 240262 | 90 | S005533-SERVICE-Cat. P6828773 - Plastic 450 G/Rail (SN7011) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 17/11/2022 | 240262 | 2529.48 | S005533-SERVICE-Cat. P6831604 - IPS4 Carer screen (SN7009) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 17/11/2022 | 240262 | 139.8 | S005533-SERVICE-Cat. S2238542 - 2135 X 2135mm Shower Curtain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240266 | 1321.83 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240267 | 1034.9 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | The Knowledge Academy Ltd | 953536 | 10/11/2022 | 240278 | 600 | BY59975-SERVICE-Keith Ashton - 12 months extension plus exams | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 8.9 | S005520-SERVICE-3.5 x 50 Yp wood screw box 200 (CN1006) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 21.6 | S005520-SERVICE-4.5 x 30 YP wood screw box 200 (CN1014) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 22.03 | S005520-SERVICE-4.5 x 60 YP wood screw box 100 (CN1018) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 623.61 | S005520-SERVICE-Cat. BL1850 - Makita 18V Li-Ion battery 5Ah ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 652.5 | S005520-SERVICE-Cat. Everbuild Silicone 500 White - Sanitary | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 432.02 | S005520-SERVICE-Stixall (white) (CA3125) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Teknofix Limited | 938299 | 17/11/2022 | 240280 | 38.92 | S005520-SERVICE-White dome caps 10-12 (41706) (CN1045) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240282 | 1321.83 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240287 | 1088.15 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 17/11/2022 | 240288 | 372.96 | S005527-SERVICE-Cat. 5095047 - 5L Dulux Buttermilk V/M Emulsi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 17/11/2022 | 240288 | 279.84 | S005527-SERVICE-Cat. 5218665 - White Undercoat 2.5 Ltr (DE610 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 17/11/2022 | 240288 | 244.56 | S005527-SERVICE-Cat. 5218686 - V/S Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia (DE603 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 17/11/2022 | 240288 | 115.15 | S005527-SERVICE-Cat. 5583720 - Magnolia w/shield masonry pain | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Ici Contract Direct | 18503 | 17/11/2022 | 240288 | 31.63 | S005527-SERVICE-Cat. DCC Excellence - 12 Sheepskin roller sle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 650.79 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 907.6 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 1080 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 1692.76 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 3680.93 | WE 23/10/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 255.77 | WE 23/10/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 2606.56 | WE 23/10/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 646.46 | AGE0190-SERVICE-2 x agency Business Support Officers for Bin1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | 6543.24 | BY59708-SERVICE-Agency crew (October to December 2022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 03/11/2022 | 240291 | -6543.24 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 389.09 | S005522-SERVICE-Bath White 5' Roca 1500 TG AS With legs (PL42 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 797.44 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. B002984/B000498/B002989 - Bath White 5'6 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 17.13 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. EN81.0170 - Roth 22mm Pipeslice (CN1369) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 66.19 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. ES19.0010 - Suregraft 1.5m shower hose ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 82.44 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0060 - Speedfit 15mm equal Tee (PL4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 284.41 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. JG12.0100 - Speedfit 15mm cxc Elbow (PL4 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 53.28 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P006617 - 1 1/4Obtuse Bend 45^ S/W WWS1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 179.53 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P006631 - 1 1/2 Wastepipe S/W 3m Length | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 112.32 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P007011 - 22mm Overflow Pipe (PL4301) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 39.36 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P007012 - 3/4 Plastic Connector Overflow | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 22.08 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P007022 - O/F reducer 32 WS415 (PL4308) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 38.64 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P018692 - 12 Basin Chain' (PL4168) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 95.76 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P022259 - Speedfit 15mm barrier pipe (PL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 172.92 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P024115 - F/Master B/E fillvalve Pro45B | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 118.68 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P027338 - Dudley hydroflo S/E ballvalve | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 14.78 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. P031973 - Close Coupled kit SG C/C kit ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 124.56 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. PLB.B056417 - Suregraft 3 mode shower he | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 37.92 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. PO25.0040 - 3/4 Plastic Bend Overflow' ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 7.65 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. SK44 - Pan connector 104^ (PL4220) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 66.76 | S005522-SERVICE-Lead free solder roll (77198) (CN1066) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 94.08 | S005522-SERVICE-Low Level Syphon 2 Part (PL4031) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 17/11/2022 | 240292 | 30.31 | S005522-SERVICE-Roth 15mm Pipeslice (CN1368) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Business Development | Administration Costs | Local Projects/Initiatives | 4442 | Tiverton Museum Of Mid Devon | 34216 | 07/11/2022 | 240298 | 1000 | BY59968-SERVICE-Support work for VMD partnership 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Grant | Capital Grants Gf Housing | Dfg'S - Mandatory - P Sector | Grant Payments | Grant Payments | 9300 | Dolphin Stair Lifts South West Ltd | 11839 | 17/11/2022 | 240301 | 5755 | Redacted Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 21/11/2022 | 240307 | 328.15 | AGE0184-SERVICE-Extra Hours in hours | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Enforcement | Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 21/11/2022 | 240307 | 1692.6 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 21/11/2022 | 240308 | 1890 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 21/11/2022 | 240311 | 1043.78 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 21/11/2022 | 240311 | 32.4 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 21/11/2022 | 240312 | 1368 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 21/11/2022 | 240313 | 1147.5 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 21/11/2022 | 240316 | 1808.35 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240320 | 980.05 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240321 | 1197.78 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240325 | 1560 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240327 | 1560 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240328 | 1560 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240329 | 1560 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240330 | 1612 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240332 | 936 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 21/11/2022 | 240337 | 1144 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Pilat Europe Ltd | 952149 | 21/11/2022 | 240340 | 1794 | BY59731-SERVICE-Gauge System | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Development Training | 1402 | Cta Centre Ltd | 943807 | 07/11/2022 | 240343 | 13.2 | BY59565-SERVICE-CITB Touch screen health & safety Certificati | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Development Training | 1402 | Cta Centre Ltd | 943807 | 07/11/2022 | 240343 | 690 | BY59565-SERVICE-CPCS ¿ Mini Digger (Excavator 180) Day 3 Exa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 03/11/2022 | 240348 | 1442.37 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Mi-Space (Uk) Ltd | 943016 | 03/11/2022 | 240400 | 14396.39 | BY55432-SERVICE-Mi-Space modernisations works contract | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Kompan Ltd | 21 | 14/11/2022 | 240401 | 3390.14 | BY59772-SERVICE-Kirton Drive, Crediton - Play Area repairs | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 21/11/2022 | 240403 | 48 | S005535-SERVICE-Cat. 341061 - 2'9 x 6'6 4 Panel Grained Int | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 21/11/2022 | 240403 | 240.01 | S005535-SERVICE-Cat. DIC2060 - 2'6' x 6'6 4 Panel Grained In | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 21/11/2022 | 240403 | 120 | S005535-SERVICE-Cat. SNK5172 - Single Bowl sinkLamona Drayton | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 21/11/2022 | 240403 | 89.92 | S005535-SERVICE-Cat. TAP2422 - Mixer Tap Lamona Arno (PL4359) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Howdens Joinery Co | 23367 | 21/11/2022 | 240403 | 947.88 | S005535-SERVICE-Cat. WKP3960 - Charcoal worktop 3M length (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 21/11/2022 | 240411 | 24 | P007725-DELIVERY SP0052-PURECHLOR 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 21/11/2022 | 240411 | 507.45 | P007725-SP0052-PureChlor 15 [25LT/31KG] | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 24.3 | BY59884-SERVICE-715f ladies v neck cardgian black size 8/xs z | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 48.6 | BY59884-SERVICE-715f ladies v neck cardigan black size 12/m z | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 24.3 | BY59884-SERVICE-715f ladies v neck cardigan black size 14/lg | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 48.6 | BY59884-SERVICE-715f ladies v neck cardigan black size 16/xl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 74.7 | BY59884-SERVICE-90000 mens black v neck jumper size large z10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 49.8 | BY59884-SERVICE-90000 mens black v neck jumper size medium z1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 7.68 | BY59884-SERVICE-fitness instructor black print back of red to | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 19.2 | BY59884-SERVICE-fitness instructor print - white for back of | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 19.18 | BY59884-SERVICE-jh101 Red hoody size large z10238376 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 10 | BY59884-SERVICE-K966 gamegear ladies cooltex t shirt red/whit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 21 | BY59884-SERVICE-k991 mens red cooltex short sleeve t shirt si | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 9 | BY59884-SERVICE-mid devon leisure logo- blk print lb for rs12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 22.5 | BY59884-SERVICE-mid devon leisure logo white print lb for s17 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 148.5 | BY59884-SERVICE-mid devon leisure white emb for lb-blk shirts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 42.7 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr202 mens black short sleeve shirt size 15.5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 55.78 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr300 black ladies long sleeve shirt size 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 13.94 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr300 black ladies long sleeve shirt size 16 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 43.1 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr302 black ladies short sleeve shirt size 12 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 32.33 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr302 black ladies short sleeve shirt size 14 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 21.55 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr302 black ladies short sleeve shirt size 16 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 21.55 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr302 black ladies short sleeve shirt size 18 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 21.55 | BY59884-SERVICE-pr302 black ladies short sleev shirt size 8 z | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 17.58 | BY59884-SERVICE-rg628 ladies black softshell jacket size larg | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 30.78 | BY59884-SERVICE-rs122f ladies red with white piping softshell | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Protective Clothing | 1701 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240414 | 34.08 | BY59884-SERVICE-s178x unisex training top red with black/whit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Air Spectrum Environmental Ltd | 950786 | 21/11/2022 | 240416 | 3816 | BY59994-SERVICE-Service Agreement - Carlu Close, Uffculme, EX | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Nicobond International Ltd | 449 | 21/11/2022 | 240417 | 1450.92 | S005516-SERVICE-Cat. S8050203 - Mira Advance Flex 8.7Kw 1.178 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Rg Pools & Leisure Ltd | 949845 | 21/11/2022 | 240418 | 943.2 | BY59942-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - carry out works | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Rg Pools & Leisure Ltd | 949845 | 21/11/2022 | 240419 | 516 | BY59701-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre, - Eyelets, straps | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240421 | 1078.54 | E002309-SERVICE-October 2022 heating monthly materials call o | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Purchases | Communal Estates & Roads | 4514 | Enerveo | 653 | 21/11/2022 | 240425 | 2162.88 | BY58864-SERVICE-Amory Park, Tiverton - replacement column 677 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 703.75 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 14/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 100 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 06/10/2022, 8 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 2626.91 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 14/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 79.6 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 17/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 52.4 | BRISTOL TEMPLE MEADS - SWINDON (WILTS) (ANYTIME DAY RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240453 | 65.7 | EXETER ST DAVID'S - SWINDON (WILTS) (ANYTIME RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 07/11/2022 | 240457 | 2025 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Grounds Maintenance Depot | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 14/11/2022 | 240459 | 618 | E002526-SERVICE-PARK NURSERY TIVERTON - ASBESTOS REMOVAL AS P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240462 | 669.05 | BY59945-SERVICE-NBV.190/1.NX.RED.BLACK.2 SPEED.36V BRUSHLESS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 39.8 | S005534-SERVICE-25MM Trade paint brush 95583 (DE6001) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 49.8 | S005534-SERVICE-50MM Trade paint brush 91240 (DE6003) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 35.79 | S005534-SERVICE-Cat. 234HP - 6.5mm SDS+ masonry 210 234HP (CA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 40.28 | S005534-SERVICE-Cat. 806HP - 25mm x 460mm SDS drill bit (806H | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 29.43 | S005534-SERVICE-Cat. DART2077 - 6mm x 100 SDS masonry drill 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 65.79 | S005534-SERVICE-Cat. PBT016 - 75MM Trade paint brush 68701 (D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Screwfix - Trade Uk A/C No 6331640018224683 | 939639 | 21/11/2022 | 240463 | 299.79 | S005534-SERVICE-Dust sheet cotton/plastic 12' x 9' (89591) (D | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 03/11/2022 | 240464 | 1080.74 | E002500-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL SEP/DEC 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Transport | Tiverton Eue A361 Phase 2 | Asset Construction | Consultancy | 9005 | Hyas Associates Limited | 950493 | 10/11/2022 | 240466 | 1200 | BY56290-SERVICE-Cashflow update for HIF (Tiverton A361 juncti | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 03/11/2022 | 240467 | 2159.52 | S005540-SERVICE-Cat. SP-Gloss/White - Gloss White 1000X2400 S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Exeter Window Store | 937285 | 03/11/2022 | 240467 | 1079.76 | S005540-SERVICE-Cat. SP-MARBLE/GR - Grey Marble1000X2400 Show | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Equipment | Equipment | 4101 | Abfallbehalter & Container Weber Uk Ltd | 946216 | 14/11/2022 | 240469 | 6540 | BY59544-SERVICE-660 lt wheeled bin in green, flat lid, with l | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Target Applications Limited | 957547 | 21/11/2022 | 240470 | 5400 | BY59964-SERVICE-TSM Pilot | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 03/11/2022 | 240478 | 1470 | BY60005-SERVICE-G4S invoice 2022090244 sept 1th - 30th , not | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 03/11/2022 | 240478 | 133.98 | E002475-SERVICE-WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FROM PHOENIX HOUSE TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Atkins Ltd | 948354 | 21/11/2022 | 240549 | 10895.29 | BY58289-SERVICE-Beech Road Project¿ Employers Agent Project C | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Communications | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Granicus-Firmstep Ltd | 956324 | 21/11/2022 | 240564 | 7398.22 | BY59952-SERVICE-- Granicus - Communications Solution GovDeliv | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 21/11/2022 | 240565 | 733.17 | P007717 PURECHLOR CREDITED IN FULL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240566 | 1404.23 | E002309-SERVICE-November 2022 heating monthly call off | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240567 | 980.05 | E002309-SERVICE-November 2022 heating monthly call off | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Painting & Repairs | 4232 | Novus Property Solutions Ltd | 947849 | 21/11/2022 | 240568 | 22189.88 | BY58385-SERVICE-Painting & Repairs before Painting 2021 ¿ 202 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 21/11/2022 | 240570 | 664.63 | BY59837-SERVICE-- Pug Boxer Van 2weeks at £141 a week | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240573 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 19 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIVE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240573 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIVE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240573 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 9-11 WESTEXE SOUTH, TI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 21/11/2022 | 240574 | 725.14 | BY59881-SERVICE-Vehicle Hire 7.5 tonne (until end of November | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 21/11/2022 | 240575 | 749.31 | BY59880-SERVICE-Hire of transit van (until end of November) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Hire | 3409 | Vms (Fleet Management) Ltd | 956388 | 21/11/2022 | 240577 | 526.01 | E002389-SERVICE- Vehicle Hire 2022-23 ¿ Housing Service | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Preefence Ltd | 554 | 21/11/2022 | 240582 | 1110 | BY59954-SERVICE-Burlescombe Chain Link Fence - Ref: KJP/Q3063 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Zenith Doors | 949388 | 09/11/2022 | 240600 | 1434 | BY59853-SERVICE-Old Road Depot, Tiverton - Quote Ref: ZDRE 25 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 44.4 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 305601901 - Fleece small + logo (PR5178) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 66.6 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 305601903 + logo - Fleece mens Black Med | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 67.18 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 342579903 + LOGO £4.00 - M Jacket Waterp | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 67.18 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 342579907 + LOGO - XL Jacket Waterproof | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 67.18 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 342579909 + logo £4.00 - XXL Jacket Wate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 198 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 380285903 + Logo £4.50 - Polo Shirt Blac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 99 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 380285907 - Polo Shirt Black XL + logo ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 59.52 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 380289901 - Sweatshirt Small + Logo (PR5 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 117.6 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 380289903 - Sweatshirt Black Med + logo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 56.07 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 384067 903 - Hi Viz W/coat Med MDDC logo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Greenham Trading Ltd | 271 | 21/11/2022 | 240601 | 56.04 | S005515-SERVICE-Cat. 384067 905 - Hi Viz W/coat Large MDDC lo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240606 | 594 | BY59985-SERVICE-Site visits to perform Hep B Vaccinations | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Occupational Health | 4649 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240606 | 132 | BY59988-SERVICE-Telephone consultation, report and correspond | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Occupational Health | 4649 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240607 | 132 | BY59986-SERVICE-Telephone consultation, report and correspond | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240607 | 748.8 | BY59985-SERVICE-Hep B Vaccinations | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Miscellaneous | Occupational Health | 4649 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240607 | 594 | A000161-SERVICE-Occupational Health Services site visit Oct 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Human Resources | Human Resources | Miscellaneous | Occupational Health | 4649 | Split Dimension Ltd | 941047 | 07/11/2022 | 240607 | 594 | A000161-SERVICE-Occupational Health Services site visit Sep 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Modernisation Works | 9044 | Bell Decorating Group Limited | 940434 | 21/11/2022 | 240613 | 26759.57 | BY59315-SERVICE-Modernisations contract Kitchens & bathroom 2 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | South West Councils | 35718 | 03/11/2022 | 240615 | 2808 | BY60021-SERVICE-INVESTIATION CONDUCTED BY SWC FOR 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | South West Councils | 35718 | 03/11/2022 | 240615 | 1755 | BY60021-SERVICE-INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY SWC FOR 1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | South West Councils | 35718 | 03/11/2022 | 240615 | 243.6 | BY60021-SERVICE-Note taking for investigation x1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Leadership Team | Leadership Team | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | South West Councils | 35718 | 03/11/2022 | 240615 | 495.6 | BY60021-SERVICE-Note taking for investigation x2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 21/11/2022 | 240616 | 741 | E002400-SERVICE-Call off order for October 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 07/11/2022 | 240620 | 473.62 | E002296-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 07/11/2022 | 240620 | 73.44 | E002296-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240631 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1109 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240632 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1110 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWD - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240633 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0704 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYU - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240634 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0601 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZV - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240635 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0703 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYT - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240637 | 216.25 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1111 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240638 | 511.56 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1202 - MAINTENANCE - BT71XUG - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 21/11/2022 | 240641 | 980.05 | E002309-SERVICE-November 2022 heating monthly call off | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Purchases | Materials And Chemicals | 4502 | Brenntag Uk Ltd | 953119 | 21/11/2022 | 240642 | -733.17 | P007717 PURECHLOR CREDIT IN FULL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240647 | 1484.8 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0701 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYR - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240648 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0605 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZZ - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 240649 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0602 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZW - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 93.36 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 2167 - 50amp shower pull switch C'tree ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 47.88 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 2500551379 - 4 circ air vent (EL2204) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 477.6 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 2501005055 - LED 9.5 Watt Bulb (EL2201) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 9.12 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 4170 - Light switch 1G 2W C'tree (EL2015 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 115.2 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 4306 - Switched socket 13 amp 2G C'tree | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 151.17 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. 6242Y2.5 - 6242Y2.5 2.5mm T/E drum 100M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 32.38 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. A3MX08M - 6 way met cons unit (EL2253) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 15.07 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. BSCBSP - Single Pole Link (EL2202) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 30 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. CLC28W4PIN - 28w 4 pin 2D lamp (EL2146) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 959.76 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. Ei3000MRF - Smartlink module Ei3000MRF ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 489.72 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. Lineo100T - Vortice Lineo 100 VO fan (E | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 1490.31 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. QM100 - Quantum heater 1000W (EL2317) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 115.2 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. SA2 - YT2 S/A Trunking 25x16 (EL2226) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 93.42 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. SA4 - YT4 S/A Trunking 38x25 (EL2227) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 41.11 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. SF6ASWN - 6' window/wall fan SF6ASW (EL2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Denmans Electrical Wholesalers | 355 | 21/11/2022 | 240652 | 95.97 | S005542-SERVICE-Cat. SRG1VCU LEWD - Surge arrester 1 mod 1PH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Osmosis Promotional Products Ltd | 944779 | 21/11/2022 | 240653 | 1404 | BY59208-SERVICE-Grey Bottles with Red Lids Quotation 19072203 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Link Asset Services | 951375 | 03/11/2022 | 240654 | 11100 | BY59572-SERVICE-Treasury services 01/10/2022 to 30/09/2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 531.74 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 907.58 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 1080 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 2004.25 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 784.6 | W/E 23.10.22 AGENCY STAFF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 3801.22 | W/E 30.10.22 AGENCY STAFF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 556.92 | W/E 30.10.22 AGENCY STAFF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 512.26 | W/E 23.10.22 AGENCY STAFF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 3432.05 | W/E 30.10.22 AGENCY STAFF | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | 646.46 | AGE0190-SERVICE-2 x agency Business Support Officers for Bin1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 10/11/2022 | 240657 | -0.01 | BY59708-SERVICE-Agency crew (October to December 2022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Fire Safety Work | 9058 | Md Building Services Limited | 957527 | 21/11/2022 | 240658 | 12273.17 | BY59865-SERVICE-New fire safety upgrade to AICO system | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | C/Hse Build Queensway Tiverton | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Skinner Construction Ltd | 956887 | 07/11/2022 | 240660 | 27302.89 | BY58349-SERVICE-Beech Road Tiverton ¿ JCT Design and Build Co | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Miscellaneous | Lmlc Woodchip | 2803 | Green Forest Renewables | 956401 | 21/11/2022 | 240661 | 1837.5 | BY60020-SERVICE-Lords Meadow Leisure Centre - woodchip delive | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Lda Design Consulting Ltd | 956272 | 21/11/2022 | 240670 | 1800 | BY59191-SERVICE-East Devon, Exeter, Mid Devon and Teignbridge | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 39.6 | BY60001-SERVICE-Armbands | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 84.48 | BY60001-SERVICE-Solid leis 16" black shorts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 116.16 | BY60001-SERVICE-Spinning dive toys | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 68.64 | BY60001-SERVICE-Squirty toys | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 205.92 | BY60001-SERVICE-Turtle printed floats | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240671 | 58.08 | BY60001-SERVICE-Water balls | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240672 | 183.3 | BY60001-SERVICE-Colourblock spiritback | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240672 | 228.06 | BY60001-SERVICE-Plastisol laneback swimming costume | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Equipment | Equipment For Resale | 4124 | Speedo International Ltd | 948978 | 21/11/2022 | 240672 | 234 | BY60001-SERVICE-Sport printed 16" watershorts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240678 | 8040 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240679 | 3060 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 J | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240680 | 2520 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 S | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240681 | 2220 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 A | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240682 | 2520 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 J | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 03/11/2022 | 240683 | 1260 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 O | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 07/11/2022 | 240684 | 25219.1 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 07/11/2022 | 240684 | 25219.09 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING LMLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Bpr Ltd T/A Lean And Agile | 952293 | 21/11/2022 | 240685 | 8640 | BY59920-SERVICE-Gold Licence renewal from 1/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Double Glazed Unit Replacement | 9057 | Double Glazing Repairs | 944563 | 28/11/2022 | 240691 | 720 | BY59971-SERVICE-Replacement of failed units & works - 3 Prows | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Licensing | Licensing Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240692 | 1140 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240693 | -0.61 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240693 | 1181.73 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240693 | 29.16 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240694 | 1856.09 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | The Oyster Partnership Ltd | 947057 | 28/11/2022 | 240695 | 1215 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 28/11/2022 | 240697 | 1188 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Enforcement | Enforcement | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Vivid | 956600 | 28/11/2022 | 240698 | 2020.75 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Equipment | Repairs And Maintenance | 4121 | Vulcanising South West Limited | 940447 | 21/11/2022 | 240701 | 3540 | BY59922-SERVICE-Supply flighted incline belt and 3 man fittin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | P.M. Specific Revenue Projects | 2121 | Vita Play Ltd | 953395 | 10/11/2022 | 240702 | 27632.4 | BY59729-SERVICE-Newcombes Meadow (Toddler) Play Area - Credit | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | A R Davey Ltd | 348 | 21/11/2022 | 240706 | 3192 | BY59931-SERVICE-Carry out decoration to void as per quote 125 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Other Admin Costs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Baker & Baker Chartered Surveyors | 952692 | 21/11/2022 | 240712 | 504 | BY59896-SERVICE-Market valuation/rental cost | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 11 WESTEXE NORTH - THE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE NORTH - CLA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 23 WESTEXE NORTH - JOL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT- 32 FORE STREET, TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 34 FORE STREET, TIVERT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 5-7 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 588 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 9 WESTEXE NORTH - VACA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Unit 7 Market Walk, Ti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Units 5 & 6 Market Wal | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 240713 | 294 | BY59592-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - Units 8 & 9 Market Wal | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240718 | 980.05 | E002309-SERVICE-November 2022 heating monthly call off | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240719 | 1106.11 | E002309-SERVICE-November 2022 heating monthly call off | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Repairs & Maintenance | Waste Transfer Station Costs | 2125 | Leppitt Associates | 948642 | 21/11/2022 | 240720 | 3118.85 | BY60011-SERVICE-EA permit variation-update plans/application/ | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 441 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - BRIDGWATER, 16/09/2022, 5 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 580.93 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 09/09/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 1523.9 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 16/09/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 81.5 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 15/09/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 674.3 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 16/09/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 547 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 17/09/2022, 6 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 69.34 | TRAVELODGE TAUNTON, 15/09/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 2971.86 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 16/09/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 484.43 | TRAVELODGE WELLINGTON SOMERSET, 16/09/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 03/11/2022 | 240723 | 146.4 | LONDON PADDINGTON - TIVERTON PARKWAY (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 359.22 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 459.45 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 2808 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 4439.3 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 66 | BY59320-SERVICE-Fortnightly Market Walk Communal clean | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 1919.6 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 2508.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 240775 | 792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Other Admin Costs | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Baker & Baker Chartered Surveyors | 952692 | 21/11/2022 | 240777 | 705.6 | E002490-SERVICE-Property Valuations | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Expenses | 1406 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 145.4 | MARYLEBONE UND - TIVERTON PARKWAY (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Training Expenses | 1406 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 72.7 | TIVERTON PARKWAY - MARYLEBONE UND (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 72.7 | TIVERTON PARKWAY - MARYLEBONE UND (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 589.5 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - BRIDGWATER, 14/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 610.2 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - BRIDGWATER, 21/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 1161.86 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 14/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 82.99 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 17/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 248.98 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 18/10/2022, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 1161.86 | HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EXETER, 21/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 194.56 | PREMIER INN EXETER (M5 J29), 21/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 338.95 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 03/10/2022, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 91 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 18/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 438.5 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 21/10/2022, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 1569.75 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 21/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 787.36 | PREMIER INN TIVERTON, 24/10/2022, 11 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 59.84 | TRAVELODGE OKEHAMPTON SOURTON CROSS, 26/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 50.34 | TRAVELODGE OKEHAMPTON WHIDDON DOWN, 24/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 63.64 | TRAVELODGE OKEHAMPTON WHIDDON DOWN, 25/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 428.38 | TRAVELODGE OKEHAMPTON WHIDDON DOWN, 27/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 401.8 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 01/10/2022, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 112.58 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 02/11/2022, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 81.84 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 10/10/2022, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 572.52 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 14/10/2022, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 1503.8 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 14/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 59.64 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 17/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 71.24 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 18/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 135.83 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 18/10/2022, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 64.6 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 19/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 120.64 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 19/10/2022, 2 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 56.04 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 20/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 56.04 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 20/10/2022, 4 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 830.75 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 21/10/2022, 10 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 965.97 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 21/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 71.8 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 24/10/2022, 1 NIGHT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 277.12 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 25/10/2022, 3 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 457.09 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 26/10/2022, 6 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 1356.32 | TRAVELODGE TIVERTON, 28/10/2022, 7 NIGHTS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 31.7 | LONDON PADDINGTON - TIVERTON PARKWAY (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 31.7 | LONDON PADDINGTON - TIVERTON PARKWAY (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 28.8 | LONDON TRAVELCARD ZONES 1-4 (ANYTIME DAY TRAVELCARD) 18-11-2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 28.8 | LONDON TRAVELCARD ZONES 1-6 (OFF-PEAK DAY TRAVELCARD) 19-11-2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous Expenses | 4602 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 97.6 | TIVERTON PARKWAY - LONDON PADDINGTON (ADVANCE SINGLE) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Forward Planning | Forward Planning Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Click Travel | 951733 | 10/11/2022 | 240778 | 5 | BRISTOL TEMPLE MEADS - SWINDON (WILTS) (ANYTIME DAY RETURN) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 07/11/2022 | 240780 | 3528.82 | BY58688-SERVICE-Carry out Responsive Flooring for the year 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 07/11/2022 | 240781 | 6440.35 | BY58719-SERVICE-Carry out Adaptations Flooring for the year 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Parking Associates Ltd | 957017 | 28/11/2022 | 240783 | 588 | BY60057-SERVICE-Notice of processing level 3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Roofing Programme | 9055 | Davies Roofing | 34994 | 07/11/2022 | 240787 | 74569.51 | BY58562-SERVICE-Replacement Roofing plan - 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Disabled Adaptations | Disabled Adaptations | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240795 | 677.3 | E002310-SERVICE-Adaptations annual materials call off 2022-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 07/11/2022 | 240798 | 912 | BY59987-SERVICE-Team Leader Advert - EHN Jobs | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 07/11/2022 | 240798 | 564.3 | BY59719-SERVICE-LGL Advert Cost - Planning Lawyer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 07/11/2022 | 240798 | 564.3 | BY59719-SERVICE-LGL Advert Cost - Property Lawyer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 07/11/2022 | 240798 | 60 | BY59479-SERVICE-Dasjobs | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Economic Development | Cullompton Haz | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Somerset County Council | 633 | 07/11/2022 | 240798 | 125.4 | BY59479-SERVICE-Devon Jobs | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Garages Refurb Programme | 9041 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 21/11/2022 | 240799 | 749.66 | Redacted Personal Information | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Astutis Ltd | 953698 | 28/11/2022 | 240800 | 714 | BY60040-SERVICE-IOSH Managing Safely Virtual Classroom - 9th | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 50 | BY58717-SERVICE-Carry out grass cutting to hedge line 16-18 W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 200 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 250 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 150 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 400 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 75 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 240 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 150 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 250 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 150 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 245 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 295 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 350 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 185 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 300 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 100 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 265 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 90 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Richard Lewis Outside Contractor | 957040 | 10/11/2022 | 240801 | 90 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | House Exchange - T/A Clarion Housing | 952411 | 28/11/2022 | 240821 | 1560 | BY59953-SERVICE-House Exchange Annual Subscription | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Complete Window Replace Prog | 9042 | Anglian Building Products | 950445 | 07/11/2022 | 240822 | 1587.55 | BY58494-SERVICE-Anglian Window contract 2022 - 2023 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 2520 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - Core WAN Costs+PS - Service Charges | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 234 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - CREDC013 - Renewal of Existing NGA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 450 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - CULLO009-Renewal of Existing EFM10 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 648 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER020-Renewal of Existing LA EAD | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 450 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER037 - Renewal of Existing EFM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 234 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - TIVER046-Renewal of Existing NGA20 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Updata Infrastructure Uk Ltd | 951061 | 28/11/2022 | 240823 | 1638 | BY59995-SERVICE-SERVICE - Unit 3 - Unit 3 - EX15 3FG - Servic | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Peake (Gb) Limited | 937613 | 21/11/2022 | 240825 | 2567.99 | BY58595-SERVICE-Supply & delivery -clinical waste containers | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 353.28 | S005546-SERVICE-22mm Copper Pipe (PL4302) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 20.95 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. 303029100 - Nitrile coated knitted glove | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 483.48 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. 5091647 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr White (DE6042) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 96.6 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. ABEA1200 - Galv' thin coat plaster angle | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 492.84 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. dulux 5091653 - V/M Emul 5 Ltr Magnolia | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 694.36 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. Eart2007 - Spacesaver lite loft insulati | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 919.46 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. P006162 - 15mm Copper Pipe (PL4304) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 162.06 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. PPSBFC12 - Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 12mm (C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 252 | S005546-SERVICE-Cat. PSEU0415 - Timber 25 X 50 P.S.E. (CA3318 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Rawle Gammon And Baker Holdings | 939071 | 28/11/2022 | 240826 | 53.64 | S005546-SERVICE-Feb Foam Gun Grade (CA3123) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 17/11/2022 | 240828 | 2386.94 | E002500-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL SEP/DEC 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240830 | 85.65 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240830 | 49.78 | S005522-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240830 | 470.46 | S005522-SERVICE-Low Level Syphon 2 Part (PL4031) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 28/11/2022 | 240831 | 718.93 | BY60056-SERVICE-VMware Basic Support/VMware Subscription for | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Software Support & Maint. | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Phoenix Software Limited | 2061 | 28/11/2022 | 240832 | 1422.12 | BY60055-SERVICE-VMware Basic Support/VMware Subscription for | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Navigate | 953261 | 07/11/2022 | 240833 | 3365 | BY59774-SERVICE-5 courses (including translator) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Payments Made | 8512 | Navigate | 953261 | 07/11/2022 | 240833 | 3000 | BY59774-SERVICE-Development | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 456.49 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. BR11.0070 - 1/2 Kitchen Lever Tap Brista | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 120.01 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. EA12.0795 - E/B PVC ext corner profile ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 90 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. EA12.0800 - E/B PVC end cap profile (SN7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 45.76 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. EN81.0280 - Roth super mat (CN1127) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 256.97 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. ES14.0160 - c/c toilet pack and seat Atl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 99.57 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0060 - 2TH basin + pedestal Atlas ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 45.24 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. LE21.0350 - S Trap pan LEC UNI (PL4289) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 65.4 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. P029.0590 POLYPIPE - 1 1/2 Shallow Bath | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 39.96 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. PO23.1650 - 1 1/2 Elbow S/W WWS16 (PL502 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 18.48 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. PO24.4750 - 1 1/4Screwed access plug S/W | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 101.64 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. PO29.0490 - Sink Washing Machine Trap (P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 55.44 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. PO29.0710 - Angled Polypipe W/M nozzle ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 67.68 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. PO30.0020 - Pan connector No 1 (PL4214) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Uk Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 751 | 28/11/2022 | 240834 | 5.65 | S005541-SERVICE-Cat. WQ41.0140 - 1 1/4 Basin Waste' (PL4167) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Post Hill Tiverton Development | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Ashfords | 12216 | 10/11/2022 | 240836 | 2160 | BY59889-SERVICE-legal work on the tender documentation for th | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Intergrator Housing Solutions Limited | 14 | 07/11/2022 | 240838 | 1260 | IT02507-SERVICE-3 Notus Pocket Surveyor Licences, maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Intergrator Housing Solutions Limited | 14 | 07/11/2022 | 240838 | 11016 | IT02507-SERVICE-Annual Licence for Integrator Asset Managemen | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Repairs Management | Equipment | Computer Software | 4105 | Intergrator Housing Solutions Limited | 14 | 07/11/2022 | 240838 | 4200 | IT02507-SERVICE-Annual Licence for Notus Portal, maintenance | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 14/11/2022 | 240842 | 405 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 14/11/2022 | 240842 | 810 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 14/11/2022 | 240842 | 810 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 07/11/2022 | 240844 | 582.59 | 22/07/2022-27/10/2022 - PARK LODGE & PUBLIC CONVENIENCES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Staff Unit | 1301 - 1399 Recruitment Costs | Recruitment Advertising | 1301 | Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited | 955846 | 28/11/2022 | 240847 | 4977.98 | BY59999-SERVICE-Recruitment costs for Callum Stovell | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Pollution Reduction | Control Of Pollution | Miscellaneous | General Consultancy | 4604 | Janet Wallace T/A Jweh | 955524 | 10/11/2022 | 240849 | 625 | BY58679-SERVICE-Janet W - Oct 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 07/11/2022 | 240852 | 0.24 | BY58762-SERVICE-Void flooring call off to void properties Ju | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 07/11/2022 | 240852 | 9478.28 | BY58762-SERVICE-Void flooring call off to void properties Sep | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 28/11/2022 | 240911 | 1722.6 | E002400-SERVICE-Call off order for November 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 10/11/2022 | 240912 | 718.66 | BY59894-SERVICE-fitting, disposal and call out of 4 new tyres | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 10/11/2022 | 240913 | 658.66 | BY59944-SERVICE-2nd Forklift at Carlu Close. Fitting, disposa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Lettings & Waiting Lists | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 10/11/2022 | 240918 | 1054 | BY59919-SERVICE-Devon Home Choice in Q2 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Wasteology Limited | 942367 | 28/11/2022 | 240931 | 1017.9 | E002400-SERVICE-Call off order for November 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | External Contractors | Waste Disposal Chrgs - Rejects | 4241 | Exeter City Council | 21220 | 14/11/2022 | 240935 | 1041.38 | E002346-SERVICE-Gate Fee for Trade Recycling April 2022 - Mar | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Central Telephones | Administration Costs | Line Rental Maint&Calls 255255 | 4491 | Gradwell Communications Ltd | 956405 | 10/11/2022 | 240939 | 2682.59 | NOVEMBER CALLS | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Utility Costs Void Properties | Utilities | Electricity Communal | 2307 | British Gas Business | 34089 | 10/11/2022 | 240940 | 871.45 | 02/08/2022-31/10/2022 PALMERSTON PARK LANDLORD SUPPLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240943 | 158.82 | BY60069-SERVICE-MD0604 replace all door bump stops | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240943 | 885.75 | BY60069-SERVICE-Inner and outer tyres | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240943 | 147.03 | BY60069-SERVICE-Supply and fit a replacement bumper corner | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240943 | 133.58 | BY60069-SERVICE-investigate and replace tyres | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 245.24 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1802 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKO - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 245.24 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1803 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18CKP - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 452.79 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1804 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLK - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 452.79 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1805 - Fixed Maintenance - WA18HLM - Ground | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 541.99 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1204 - Fixed Maintenance - WV17XYY - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1312 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFW - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1313 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFV - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 156.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1601 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXN - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 156.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1602 - Fixed Maintenance - HX18AXO - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 179.24 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1607 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGP - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 182.71 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1613 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPL - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 182.71 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1614 - Fixed Maintenance - WN62YPK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 179.24 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1616 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGT - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 179.24 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1617 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGV - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 161.13 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1618 - Fixed Maintenance - AF63UGU - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1619 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAA - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1620 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAO - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1621 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFJ - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1622 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAE - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1623 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAC - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1624 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFN - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1625 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1626 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAP - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1627 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAK - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1628 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAY - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1629 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAJ - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1630 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EBA - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1631 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAF - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1632 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAW - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1633 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFH - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1634 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAG - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1635 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EAM - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1636 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFM - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.18 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1637 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFL - Housin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Caretaking Services | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 192.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1615 - Fixed Maintenance - AE14OZD - Proper | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1302 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFY - Recycl | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 961.98 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1001 - Fixed Maintenance - GM18WPV - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 226.63 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1101 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWC - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 226.69 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1102 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DWA - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 225.15 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1104 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19 DVW - Stree | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 225.21 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1105 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVY - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 580.5 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1201 - Fixed Maintenance - LT19AHK - Street | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 2257.94 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0401 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXN - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 2257.94 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0402 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXL - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 2257.94 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0403 - Fixed Maintenance - VU67HXM - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 999.6 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0501 - Fixed Maintenance - LT67AEY - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 226.69 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1103 - Fixed Maintenance - HX19DVZ - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 166.09 | A000166-SERVICE-MD1301 - Fixed Maintenance - HX17EFZ - Waste | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 14/11/2022 | 240944 | 2035.26 | A000166-SERVICE-MD0301 - Fixed Maintenance- VU67HTE - Trade- | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 128.92 | BY60068-SERVICE-MD1702 Labour Wear Edge broken reverse side O | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 420 | BY60068-SERVICE-MD0501 - removed bent RAM, renewed seals by P | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 137.59 | BY60068-SERVICE-MD0301 Supply and fit two button finger guard | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 168.62 | BY60068-SERVICE-MD1306 Replacement windscreen ref no. 411665 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 33.16 | BY60068-SERVICE-MDO straightened bent pins recharge labour | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 132.69 | BY60068-SERVICE-Labour to remove and replace | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240945 | 56.76 | BY60068-SERVICE-MD0501 SUPPLY 20L OF TYPE 32 HYDRAULIC OIL T | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Postage | 4409 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 14/11/2022 | 240946 | 1599.11 | BUSINESS MAIL AVANCED - 02/10/2022-12/10/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Reply Paid Postage | 4437 | Royal Mail S Wales/S West Div | 562 | 14/11/2022 | 240947 | 755.14 | RESPONSE PLUS SERVICE - 24/09/2022-08/10/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 21/11/2022 | 240948 | 622.8 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Zenith Doors | 949388 | 09/11/2022 | 240951 | -1434 | BY59853-SERVICE-Old Road Depot, Tiverton - Quote Ref: ZDRE 25 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240954 | 945.7 | BY59658-SERVICE-Supply fencing as per quote 3036Q199090 19 Fi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Garages Refurb Programme | 9041 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240955 | 7020.53 | BY58623-SERVICE-Materials required for Sunningbrook Road work | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 35.46 | S005532-SERVICE-22mm stitcher screws c/w 16mm bonded washer ( | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 47.28 | S005532-SERVICE-32mm screws/19mm bonded washer (RO1002) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 418.18 | S005532-SERVICE-Cat. 791275 - White trade wall tile 150 x 150 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 230.4 | S005532-SERVICE-Corner barge flashing 3M 200x200 (RO1001) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 43.2 | S005532-SERVICE-Foam filler to suit rib/roof profile sheet (R | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 20.64 | S005532-SERVICE-HC19 19mm colour caps slate blue (RO1004) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Materials - Stores | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Stock Purchases | 8050 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240956 | 1320 | S005532-SERVICE-Rib/roof profile sheet Anti con poly.paint 3M | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Navigate | 953261 | 10/11/2022 | 240962 | 43000 | BY60088-SERVICE-HS3 9.11.22 to 31.12.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 10/11/2022 | 240967 | 19865.6 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 10/11/2022 | 240967 | 21650.08 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING LMLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 10/11/2022 | 240969 | 643.62 | 1225016 01.07.22-11.0722 7 MARKET WALK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Utilities | Electricity | 2301 | Opus Energy Limited | 953054 | 10/11/2022 | 240970 | 3885.07 | 1225016 12.07.22-11.10.22 7 MARKET WALK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 359.22 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 459.45 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 95.29 | E002440-SERVICE-cleaning of room 3 and 5 at IMH 11/08/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 82.93 | E002474-SERVICE-Additional Cost | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Rough Sleeping Initiative | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 60.04 | E002474-SERVICE-Cleaning of room 4 at Ivor Macey House | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 2808 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 4562.26 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 1919.6 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 2508.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 240972 | 792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Plant Expenditure | Plant - Planned Maintenance | 3502 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 114.66 | BY60086-SERVICE-Travel and assess trailer for repair | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 44.04 | BY60086-SERVICE-Mirror glass | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 1520.84 | BY60086-SERVICE-Carry out service and MOT. Replace worn part | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 281.42 | BY60086-SERVICE-MOT & Service - replace oil and filters (oil | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 1700.24 | BY60086-SERVICE-Pre MOT inspection, MOT replace parts | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 236.31 | BY60086-SERVICE-Recover and repair trailer | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 1171.06 | BY60086-SERVICE-recovery and repair (R Hellier - Crediton) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Environmental Enforcement | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 6.81 | BY60086-SERVICE-Replace missing wheel nut | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 31.38 | BY60086-SERVICE-replace and fit wide angle mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 76.32 | BY60086-SERVICE-Supply and fit Wide angle mirror | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 372.7 | BY60086-SERVICE-Mot and Service - change oil and filters (eng | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Property Services Staff Unit | Property Services Staff Unit | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 862.8 | BY60086-SERVICE-Service and MOT replace oil and filters (air, | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 79.39 | BY60086-SERVICE-Replace door stops | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 140.61 | BY60086-SERVICE-Tyre puncture P Austin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 119.07 | BY60086-SERVICE-Supply and fit fit bumper corner part | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Damage | 3414 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 65.1 | BY60086-SERVICE-supply and fit rear beacon | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 33.26 | BY60086-SERVICE-investigate and repair locking pin from Scara | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 83.96 | BY60086-SERVICE-replace worn tyre | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 17/11/2022 | 240974 | 180 | BY60086-SERVICE-Service and brake test carried out on 8 Aug 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240975 | 3397.21 | BY58455-SERVICE-Guttering materials required re Weathered Clo | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | Purchases | Direct Materials Purchases | 4504 | Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd | 15917 | 28/11/2022 | 240975 | 1903.59 | BY58455-SERVICE-Supply roofing sheets re Westexe South Tiver | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Icax Limited | 956368 | 21/11/2022 | 240982 | 17865.98 | BY60094-SERVICE-EVLC PSDS SUPPORT DESIGN PHASE AND TRAVEL | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Icax Limited | 956368 | 21/11/2022 | 240982 | 11910.64 | BY60094-SERVICE-LMLC PSDS SUPPORT DESIGN PHASE AND TRAVEL | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 526.64 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 655.68 | WE 06/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 1109.11 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 1080 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 2031.28 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 5669.28 | WE 06/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 1411.61 | WE 06/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 672.14 | AGE0190-SERVICE-2 x agency Business Support Officers for Bin1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 17/11/2022 | 240984 | 0 | BY59708-SERVICE-Agency crew (October to December 2022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 10/11/2022 | 240991 | 937.32 | 3125796701 20.07.22-24.10.22 MDDC OFF/LIBRARY PHOENIX LANE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Miscellaneous | Legal Consultants | 4606 | Mr Peter Wadsley | 937046 | 10/11/2022 | 240992 | 3702 | E002357-SERVICE-Fees for advice re:- Crediton Rugby Club, Lid | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 10/11/2022 | 241000 | -718.66 | BY59894-SERVICE-fitting, disposal and call out of 4 new tyres | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 10/11/2022 | 241002 | -658.66 | BY59944-SERVICE-2nd Forklift at Carlu Close. Fitting, disposa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 21/11/2022 | 241004 | 718.66 | BY59944-SERVICE-2nd Forklift at Carlu Close. Fitting, disposa | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Repairs/Tyres/Mot | 3403 | North Devon Tyres Ltd | 26085 | 21/11/2022 | 241005 | 658.66 | BY59894-SERVICE-fitting, disposal and call out of 4 new tyres | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 17/11/2022 | 241009 | 13342.2 | BY60054-SERVICE-Carry out works to void Property as per quote | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Reach Publishing Services Limited | 952578 | 21/11/2022 | 241010 | 557.76 | A000179-SERVICE-Planning - Notification List - Mid Devon Gaze | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 10/11/2022 | 241011 | -4233.12 | BY58688-SERVICE-Carry out Responsive Flooring for the year 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Responsive Repairs | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Tiverton And Taunton Flooring | 9365 | 10/11/2022 | 241012 | 4233.12 | BY58688-SERVICE-Carry out Responsive Flooring for the year 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 14/11/2022 | 241014 | -999.6 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Wakeham Asbestos Services Ltd | 948536 | 14/11/2022 | 241015 | 999.6 | BY58395-SERVICE-Asbestos contract works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Trade Waste Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 10/11/2022 | 241019 | 1993.81 | P007704-SERVICE-SERVICE - MD0201 - Maintenance - VX69YLD - Oc | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 48.56 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Bar - Birthday Cake | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 53.96 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Bar - Choc Chip Salted Car | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 53.96 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Bar - Dark Choc Mint | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 53.96 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Bar - Dark Choc Raspberry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 39.33 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Shake - Cookies and cream | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 65.55 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Shake - Fudge Brownie | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 65.55 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Shake - Strawberries and C | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 65.55 | BY59724-SERVICE-Grenade Carb Killa Shake - White Chocolate | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 21.6 | BY59724-SERVICE-Muscle Moose Juice - Berry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 21.57 | BY59724-SERVICE-Muscle Moose Juice - Blue Raspberry | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Purchases | Vending Supplies | 4508 | Tropicana Wholesale | 950503 | 21/11/2022 | 241023 | 21.57 | BY59724-SERVICE-Muscle Moose Juice - Green Apple | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 10/11/2022 | 241024 | 3567.6 | BY59982-SERVICE-Remove failed render brickwork & replace 1800 | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Inca F.S.S.C. Ltd. | 949815 | 14/11/2022 | 241034 | 0 | BY60031-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre - lay resin around | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Inca F.S.S.C. Ltd. | 949815 | 14/11/2022 | 241034 | 672 | BY60031-SERVICE-Exe Valley Leisure Centre - lay resin around | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 21/11/2022 | 241039 | 1846.32 | P007778-SERVICE-G4S 2022100258 1/10/22-31/10/22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer First | Customer First | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | G4s Cash Solutions (Uk) Limited | 34916 | 21/11/2022 | 241039 | 107.18 | E002475-SERVICE-WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FROM PHOENIX HOUSE TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241107 | 1612 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241108 | 936 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241110 | 572 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241111 | 1612 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241115 | 1612 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 17/11/2022 | 241119 | 1422.04 | E002500-SERVICE-OLD ROAD DIESEL SEP/DEC 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 11 WESTEXE NORTH - THE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE NORTH - CLA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIVE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 23 WESTEXE NORTH - JOL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT- 32 FORE STREET, TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 5-7 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241124 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 9-11 WESTEXE SOUTH, TI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 241125 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 30 FORE STREET, TIVERT | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 21/11/2022 | 241125 | 294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 3 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIVER | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 14/11/2022 | 241127 | 43000 | BY60118-SERVICE-HSF3 First payment | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 14/11/2022 | 241128 | 2250.64 | BY60118-SERVICE-HSF2 for admin for august | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Housing Benefit Admin & Fraud | Local Welfare Assist Scheme | Grants & Contributions | Household Hardship Fund Grants | 4708 | Churches Housing Action Team | 35043 | 14/11/2022 | 241129 | 27950 | BY60118-SERVICE-HS3 Support for HB Group | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Customer Services | Customer Services Admin | Central Postage | Administration Costs | Franking Unit Purchases | 4422 | Pitney Bowes Direct Debit Only | 34859 | 11/11/2022 | 241146 | 5010.17 | TOP UP PAYMENT 20.10.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Post Entry Training | 1404 | Blake Training Ltd | 954689 | 14/11/2022 | 241149 | -63.6 | P007786-SERVICE-Training Course for safe Use of Pesticides & | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Post Entry Training | 1404 | Blake Training Ltd | 954689 | 14/11/2022 | 241149 | 1005.6 | P007786-SERVICE-Training Course for safe Use of Pesticides & | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Asbestos Work | 4213 | Casa Environmental Services (Cis) | 951407 | 21/11/2022 | 241150 | 3351.6 | BY59044-SERVICE-Asbestos works 2022 - 2023 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Wessex Products (Leasing) Ltd Fw3 | 33975 | 21/11/2022 | 241161 | 720.72 | BY60122-SERVICE-LEASE AGREEMENT HAND DRYER 25-11-22 -24-02-23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Asset Aquisition | Plant & Equipment Acquisition | 9201 | Bloom Procurement Services Limited | 951446 | 21/11/2022 | 241163 | 17040 | BY59055-SERVICE-Project_4495 ¿ Commercial Evaluation | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 17/11/2022 | 241167 | 2025 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Hqn Limited | 33769 | 28/11/2022 | 241250 | 270 | BY59261-SERVICE-SB - Hoarding Advanced 23 November | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Cpd Training | 1403 | Hqn Limited | 33769 | 28/11/2022 | 241250 | 270 | BY59291-SERVICE-AK Introduction to Housing Management Oct.3 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Transport | Tiverton Eue A361 Phase 2 | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 17/11/2022 | 241254 | 31440.57 | BY60047-SERVICE-Tiverton HIF Scheme - to end May | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Es Staff Units/Recharges | Public Health Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 509.1 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 1109.11 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Legal Services | Legal Services | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 1080 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 3996.95 | WE 13/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 3754.5 | WE 13/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Three Weekly Refuse Collection | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 541.62 | AGE0190-SERVICE-2 x agency Business Support Officers for Bin1 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Management | Waste Management Staff Unit | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Comensura Ltd | 951314 | 24/11/2022 | 241256 | 0 | BY59708-SERVICE-Agency crew (October to December 2022) | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Transport | Cullompton Town Cntr Relief Rd | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 17/11/2022 | 241257 | 40484.58 | BY60046-SERVICE-Cullompton HIF March -May | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Transport | Cullompton Town Cntr Relief Rd | Asset Construction | External Contractors | 9006 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 17/11/2022 | 241258 | 147159.4 | BY60045-SERVICE-Cullompton HIF Scheme June - August | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Council Dwelling Improvements | Asset Construction | Structural Work | 9059 | P & R Tidborough | 947281 | 21/11/2022 | 241259 | 10674.3 | BY58789-SERVICE-Works to be carried out 22 Barnfield Crediton | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Business Rates | Collection Of Business Rates | Fees & Charges | Fees & Charges | 7201 | Inform Cpi Ltd | 956193 | 28/11/2022 | 241261 | 510 | BY60139-SERVICE-Analyse Local work complete - Invoice AL65081 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Institute Of Revenues Rating & Valuation | 8971 | 21/11/2022 | 241263 | 199 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Institute Of Revenues Rating & Valuation | 8971 | 21/11/2022 | 241263 | 199 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Institute Of Revenues Rating & Valuation | 8971 | 21/11/2022 | 241263 | 245 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Annual Membership Subs | 4408 | Institute Of Revenues Rating & Valuation | 8971 | 21/11/2022 | 241263 | 245 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 17/11/2022 | 241264 | 31870.81 | LORDS MEADOW - 23/06/2022-22/09/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241271 | 1337.41 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0606 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYO - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241272 | 1337.41 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0607 - MAINTENANCE - WG20RYP - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241273 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0604 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241274 | 1944.91 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0102 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241275 | 1993.81 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0202 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLE - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241276 | 1341.08 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0603 - MAINTENANCE - WA20GZX - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Street Cleansing | Street Cleansing | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241277 | 1427.6 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0901 - MAINTENANCE - DX69RKY - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241279 | 195.32 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1901 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 1 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241280 | 195.32 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1902 - MAINTENANCE - FORKLIFT 2 - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241282 | 215.14 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1108 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241283 | 214.53 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1106 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNL - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241284 | 214.53 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1107 - MAINTENANCE - LN70ZNM - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Housing Vehicles | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241285 | 213.19 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1112 - MAINTENANCE - WA70ZWF - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241286 | 268.93 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1501 - MAINTENANCE - WF71ZDN - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241287 | 211.78 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0801 - MAINTENANCE - LP71BFA - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Legal & Democratic Services | Election Costs | Election Costs - General | Administration Costs | Printing/Stationery/Photocopy | 4401 | Print.Uk.Com | 18405 | 17/11/2022 | 241290 | 2073.6 | BY59440-SERVICE-Poll card material- possible snap election | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241293 | 1944.91 | A000164-SERVICE-MD0101 - MAINTENANCE - VX69YLB - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Recycling | Kerbside Recycling | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241294 | 420.91 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1701 - MAINTENANCE - WA69AXC - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241295 | 10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241295 | 10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING LMLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 21/11/2022 | 241306 | 671.8 | E002296-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 21/11/2022 | 241306 | 130.24 | E002296-SERVICE-COUNCIL TAX - CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Postage | 4435 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 21/11/2022 | 241321 | 1148.48 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING - POSTAGE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Policy And Management | Housing Services Management | Administration Costs | Synertec Printing | 4434 | Synertec Limited | 947047 | 21/11/2022 | 241321 | 803.13 | E002294-SERVICE-HOUSING- CONSUMABLES | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241324 | -10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241324 | -10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING LMLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Evlc Gshp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241325 | 10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING EVLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Sports | Lmlc Ashp - Salix Round 3 Funding | Other Funding | Salix Funding | 9956 | Teckna Group Limited | 957481 | 17/11/2022 | 241325 | 10157.4 | BY59782-SERVICE-BOREHOLE DRILLING LMLC | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Grounds Maintenance | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Allstar Business Solutions Ltd | 943823 | 17/11/2022 | 241327 | 354.95 | 31/11/2022-14/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Allstar Business Solutions Ltd | 943823 | 17/11/2022 | 241327 | 25.01 | ######## | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Fuel - External Purchases | 3405 | Allstar Business Solutions Ltd | 943823 | 17/11/2022 | 241327 | 298.07 | REVENUE | |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 21/11/2022 | 241370 | 727.01 | VAT ONLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 21/11/2022 | 241371 | 1049.04 | VAT ONLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Revenues And Benefits | Collection Of Council Tax | Collection Of Council Tax | Administration Costs | Bailiffs Charge | 4424 | Bristow And Sutor | 957432 | 21/11/2022 | 241372 | 806.14 | VAT ONLY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Human Resources | Mddc Staff Training | Staff Development Training | 1401-1499 Training & Courses | Development Training | 1402 | South Devon College | 939364 | 21/11/2022 | 241387 | 9940 | BY59803-SERVICE-Level 3 CMI Diploma (blended learning) for 7 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Waste Services | Waste Collection | Refuse Collection | Vehicle Running Costs | Vehicle Planned Maint &Service | 3402 | Specialist Fleet Services Ltd | 953120 | 24/11/2022 | 241399 | 209.07 | A000164-SERVICE-MD1702 - MAINTENANCE - WA21EOK - 2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Development Control | Development Management | 1701-1791 Miscellaneous | Agency Staff | 1702 | Parasol Limited | 956691 | 24/11/2022 | 241418 | 2025 | Redacted Personal Information | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Multi-Storey Car Park | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Ltd | 944421 | 21/11/2022 | 241419 | 364.2 | MULTI-STOREY CAR PARK | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Ltd | 944421 | 21/11/2022 | 241419 | 56.1 | PHOENIX HOUSE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Ltd | 944421 | 21/11/2022 | 241419 | 184.81 | CULM VALLEY SPORTS CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Ltd | 944421 | 21/11/2022 | 241419 | 1537.5 | EXE VALLEY LEISURE CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Utilities | Esco Payments | 2308 | Anesco Ltd | 944421 | 21/11/2022 | 241419 | 1946.1 | LORDS MEADOW LEISURE CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 24/11/2022 | 241425 | 655.7 | BY59486-SERVICE-Rough cut garden front and rear 25 Mackenzie | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | External Contractors | External Contractors | 4201 | Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd (Rsk) | 944581 | 24/11/2022 | 241426 | 1739.44 | BY59603-SERVICE-Carry out works to garden as per quote 1 Honi | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 24/11/2022 | 241527 | 36000 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Planned Works | Planned & Cyclical Maintenance | External Contractors | Gas Servicing | 4230 | Robert Heath Heating | 940246 | 24/11/2022 | 241532 | 36000 | A000172-SERVICE-RHH/MDDC combined heating services - servicin | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Advertising | 4404 | Alliance Leisure Services Ltd | 34819 | 24/11/2022 | 241571 | 3480 | E002527-SERVICE-Marketing Support Agreement - Request 10895 N | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Managing Tenancies | Estate Management | Purchases | Communal Estates & Roads | 4514 | Southern Asset Management Limited | 957458 | 24/11/2022 | 241572 | 9000 | BY59960-SERVICE-Structural integrity testing of street-lighti | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 22/11/2022 | 241579 | 1414 | DD 16/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Car Parks | Parking Services | Paying Car Parks | Administration Costs | Cash/Card/Telephone Collection | 4406 | Aib Merchant Services | 950403 | 22/11/2022 | 241580 | 837.35 | DD 18/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Culm Valley Sports Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 22/11/2022 | 241583 | 128.06 | DD 21/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Exe Valley Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 22/11/2022 | 241583 | 644.81 | DD 21/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Lords Meadow Leisure Centre | Administration Costs | Switch Charges | 4414 | Worldpay | 35052 | 22/11/2022 | 241583 | 398.39 | DD 21/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Utilities | Water | 2303 | South West Water Business | 650 | 24/11/2022 | 241604 | 10235.83 | 15/04/22-17/10/2022 - EXE VALLEY LEISURE CENTRE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Planning And Regeneration | Local Land Charges | Local Land Charges | Administration Costs | Dcc Land Search | 4420 | Devon County Council County Treasurer | 370 | 28/11/2022 | 241606 | 1910.88 | A000167-SERVICE-Fees for Searches 01.10.22 to 31.10.22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 24/11/2022 | 241642 | 806.81 | OCT 22 DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Pension Backfunding | Pension Backfunding | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 24/11/2022 | 241642 | 5106.41 | OCT 22 NON DSO(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Income & Expenditure | Share Of Corp And Dem | Share Of Corp And Dem | 1501-1599 Pension Enhancements | Past Service Costs | 1501 | Devon County Council Pension | 20472 | 24/11/2022 | 241642 | 506.78 | OCT 22 HSG(VAT 9) PEN ENH | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Hra | 2807 | South West Water | 1343 | 28/11/2022 | 241663 | 138.04 | A000190-SERVICE-LES OCT 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Hra | 2807 | South West Water | 1343 | 28/11/2022 | 241663 | 126.91 | A000190-SERVICE-LES SEP 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Hra | 2807 | South West Water | 1343 | 28/11/2022 | 241663 | 469.77 | A000191-SERVICE-PWS OCT 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Food Safety | Asbestos/Water Quality | Miscellaneous | Legionella Sampling Hra | 2807 | South West Water | 1343 | 28/11/2022 | 241663 | 102.95 | A000191-SERVICE-PWS SEP 22 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 11 WESTEXE NORTH - THE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE NORTH - CLA | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 21 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIVE | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 23 WESTEXE NORTH - JOL | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT- 32 FORE STREET, TIVERTO | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 5-7 WESTEXE SOUTH, TIV | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Asset Management | Asset Management | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Fcs-Live Limited | 955090 | 24/11/2022 | 241671 | -294 | BY59582-SERVICE-FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT - 9-11 WESTEXE SOUTH, TI | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Nominet Uk | 955364 | 28/11/2022 | 241676 | 110.14 | BY58202-SERVICE-Community Charge - Call Off Contract Initial | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Nominet Uk | 955364 | 28/11/2022 | 241676 | 6 | BY58202-SERVICE-Individual quarterly invoice charges Year 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | Cyber Security | Equipment | Data Lines | 4120 | Nominet Uk | 955364 | 28/11/2022 | 241676 | 1095.39 | BY58202-SERVICE-Lot 1 DNS Service Call Off Charges - Year 2 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 258 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Banksia Close & Magnoli | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 308.4 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Brooklands Close | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 198 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Cotteylands | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 0 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Cullompton Meadow Lane | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 18 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Cullompton Meadow Lane | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 308.4 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Everett Place | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 308.4 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Linear Park | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 372 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Peoples Park | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 24 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Waylands | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 110.4 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Westexe Rec | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Repairs & Maintenance | Responsive Maintenance | 2101 | Alvian Ltd (Cis) | 956140 | 28/11/2022 | 241698 | 158.4 | BY60201-SERVICE-Play Area Remedials - Wilcombe Rec | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Bell Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 955903 | 28/11/2022 | 241699 | 2265.85 | E002585-SERVICE-New build, Siddalls Gardens - Unico installat | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Bell Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 955903 | 28/11/2022 | 241700 | 2328.3 | E002585-SERVICE-New build, Siddalls Gardens - Unico installat | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Bell Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 955903 | 28/11/2022 | 241701 | 3358.22 | E002585-SERVICE-New build, Siddalls Gardens - Unico installat | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Capital Asset | Capital Assets Hra | Renewable Energy Fund Spend | Asset Construction | Renewable Heating Solutions | 9047 | Bell Plumbing Supplies Ltd | 955903 | 28/11/2022 | 241702 | 3212.47 | E002585-SERVICE-New build, Siddalls Gardens - Unico installat | CAPITAL |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -359.22 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -459.45 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -2808 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -4439.3 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -66 | BY59320-SERVICE-Fortnightly Market Walk Communal clean | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -1919.6 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -2508.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 24/11/2022 | 241703 | -792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Community Development | Economic Development | Tiverton Pannier Market | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 739.65 | BY59320-SERVICE-Pannier Market 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Amory Park Recreation | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 359.22 | BY59320-SERVICE-Amory Park 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Environmental Services | Open Spaces | Play Areas | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 1182.5 | BY59320-SERVICE-Play Areas 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Ivor Macey House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 459.45 | BY59320-SERVICE-Ivor Macey House 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | H.R.A. Expenditure | Responsive Repairs | Voids Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 2808 | BY59320-SERVICE-Voids 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 4439.3 | BY59320-SERVICE-Phoenix House 2022-2023 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Gf Properties Shops/Flats | Market Walk | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 66 | BY59320-SERVICE-Fortnightly Market Walk Communal clean | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Old Road Depot | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 1919.6 | BY59320-SERVICE-Old Road 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Mddc Depots | Unit 3 Carlu Close | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 1077.52 | BY59320-SERVICE-Carlu Close 2022/23 Cleaning Contract | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Conveniences | Public Conveniences | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 2508.01 | BY59320-SERVICE-Public Conveniences Crediton 2022/23 Cleaning | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Public Transport | Bus Station Maintenance | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 87.99 | BY59320-SERVICE-Tiverton Bus Station 2022/23 Cleaning Contrac | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Recreation And Sport | Recreation And Sport | Leis Facilities Maint & Equip | Cleaning & Laundry | Building Cleaning Contract | 2703 | Bluefrog Cleaning | 954286 | 28/11/2022 | 241704 | 792 | BY59320-SERVICE-Leisure Cleaning Contract 2022/23 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Loans & Rechargeables | Temp Accommodation-B&B | 4804 | The Lowman | 954379 | 28/11/2022 | 241706 | 1612 | BY60206-SERVICE-Christopher Woulahan ¿ October | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Property Services | Administration Buildings | Phoenix House | Repairs & Maintenance | Planned Maintenance | 2120 | Onestop Europe Ltd | 957670 | 28/11/2022 | 241712 | 1824 | BY60210-SERVICE-Please supply 8 x TYPE 2 PORTABLE MODE 2 16AM | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Inventories | Inventories | Fuel Stock | 8041 - 8099 Stocks | Diesel Purchases | 8056 | Watson Fuel | 950244 | 28/11/2022 | 241727 | 59929.59 | BY60154-SERVICE-30,000 ltrs diesel delivery to Carlu Close | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Creditors | Creditors < 1 Year | Ukranian Refugees | 8501 - 8696 Creditors < 1 Yr | Sustainability Payment | 8566 | Post Office Limited Top Up | 957075 | 28/11/2022 | 241767 | 5000 | PROFORMA UKRAINIAN 4TH TOP UP TO FUNDING TO COVER SUSTAINABILITY PAY | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | Corporate Management | Corporate Fees | Corporate Fees | Administration Costs | Bank Charges | 4413 | Capita Business Services | 35323 | 29/11/2022 | 241856 | 7567.28 | DD 23/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 29/11/2022 | 241857 | 2130 | DD 24/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | General Fund Housing | Homelessness Accommodation | Housing & Homelessness Advice | Administration Costs | Court Costs | 4417 | Hmcs | 938392 | 29/11/2022 | 241858 | 659 | DD 24/11/2022 | REVENUE |
Mid Devon District Council | 18UD | I.T. Services | It Information Technology | I.T. Network & Hardware | Administration Costs | Internet Access | 4487 | Eclipse Networking | 11817 | 30/11/2022 | 241910 | 2544.32 | DD 29/11/22 | REVENUE |