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Posted On: 23-11-2020
Posted In: Environment

Mid Devon District Council is reminding residents that it is their responsibility to dispose of waste correctly, even if they have paid someone else to take away the material.image of black wheelie bin

The warning comes after a Mid Devon resident was fined following the discovery of their fly-tipped waste in a field gateway between Bickleigh and Seven Crosses near Tiverton. The individual had paid someone they saw advertising on social media to dispose of their rubbish, but failed to check if they had a valid waste carriers licence.

The fine of £300 was issued under section 34(2a) of the Environmental Protection Act which states it’s the duty of the occupier of any domestic property in England to take all measures available to them as are reasonable in the circumstances to secure that any transfer by the household waste produced on the property is only to an authorised person or to a person for authorised transport purposes.

Passing the disposal job onto another individual or firm is no excuse and it is the responsibility of the householder to ensure they have taken steps to ensure the waste disposal is legal.

Cllr Colin Slade portfolio holder for Environment said: “We know residents within the Mid Devon area are concerned about the increasing amount of waste being dumped. Mid Devon District Council is actively investigating hot spot areas and investigating any waste dumped. Unlicensed waste operators target householders via social media, door-to-door visits, and are tempting people with cheap prices for the removal of items. Householders must check company details, vehicle registration numbers and ask for a receipts when arranging a collection.”

The following guidance can be used when arranging for waste to be removed:

Before asking anyone to dispose of your waste ensure you: