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In addition to the Council’s original submission documents, new evidence and other supporting documents will be produced during the course of the examination. Where applicable, further information on these updates is provided below. For a full list of documents produced since the initial submission to the Inspector in March 2017, please see the Examination Documents page.

Participants’ comments on the Draft Housing Land Supply Update June 2019 (ED20) and the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the implications of the Council’s proposed draft Main Modifications in relation to the housing trajectory and the remedies suggested by the Inspector (ED21)

In response to the Inspector’s post hearing advice note (see ID12 – Inspector’s MDLPR Post-Hearings Advice Note), the Council prepared a draft Housing Land Supply Update (June 2019) that specifically addressed the Inspector’s concerns raised regarding the timescale for delivery of the Cullompton Town Centre Relief Road (TCRR) and the impact of this on the proposed housing trajectory for the Local Plan Review. The Council also undertook a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the implications of its proposed draft Main Modifications in relation to the housing trajectory and the remedies suggested by the Inspector in his post hearings advice note. The Inspector invited all participants at Hearing 1 of the Local Plan examination, where housing land supply was discussed, and those who took part in the hearing on Policy SP2 - Higher Town, Sampford Peverell, and the contingency site Policy CU21 - Land at Colebrook, Cullompton, to comment on the Council’s draft Housing Land Supply Update June 2019 and the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) implications report.

The Council received 10 representations from relevant hearing participants.  These can be viewed below:


Gallagher Estates c/o Turley


Gleeson Strategic Land c/o DLP Planning


PCL Planning


Persimmon Homes South West


Taylor Wimpey c/o Woolf Bond Planning LLP


Highways England


Harcourt Kerr (Philip Kerr)


Nick Allan


Jamie Byrom (1 of 2)


Jamie Byrom (2 of 2)


Heather Culpin


CIL Viability Brief Update 2018

Dixon Searle Partnership (DSP) have reviewed and updated the existing viability work undertaken in support of the Council’s proposed new Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule. It builds on a wider set of evidence including previous work undertaken on behalf of the Council by DSP. This report should therefore be read in the conjunction with previous viability based evidence including that completed up to August 2016 (see CIL Examination Library for more information).


CIL Viability Brief Update 2018

Appendix I: Assumptions Summary 

Appendix II: Residential Results Summary 

Appendix II: Residential Results Summary – Residential Appraisal Summaries 

Appendix III: Market Values and Assumptions Research 


Cullompton Eastern Relief Road and Potential Strategic Motorway Improvement

Arcadis Consulting (UK) Limited was commissioned by Devon County Council, supported by Mid Devon District Council, to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) to consider the construction of a relief road and motorway junction system to the east of Cullompton town centre.

The report and all associated appendices are available to view below:

Cullompton Eastern Relief Road and Potential Strategic Motorway Improvement

Flood Risk Assessment    

Appendix A: Mid Devon District Council Exception Test Documentation Appendix B: Hydrology

Appendix C: Hydraulic Modelling

     A) Flood Risk Assessment - Model Operation Manual

                 appendix A – Model inflow hydrographs

                 appendix B - Baseline modelling results

     B) Memorandum -Hyder Response to EA comments on the modelling technical note.

     C) Review of the Environment Agency's existing ISIS model - Technical note

     D) Updates to River Culm Hydraulic model 2016/2017

Appendix D: Wrack Mark Calibration

Appendix E: Velocity Results

Appendix F: Stage Results at Culverts


The Environment Agency (EA) has reviewed all of the evidence and considers that the revised FRA contains sufficient information to demonstrate that a motorway junction and relief road scheme as allocated in the Mid Devon Local Plan can be implemented in a way in which flood risks could be adequately managed and could lead to an overall net reduction in flood risk to people and property. The signed letter from the EA is available to view here .

In accordance with Policy AL/CU/14 of the adopted Local Plan and Policy CU19 of the Local Plan Review, a public consultation exercise will need to take place before the route of the road is determined. This is due to take place in autumn 2018. Further details will be published on the Council’s website in due course.  

Please note that the Council does not consider that these documents are relevant to the preliminary hearings on 20th and 21st September 2018 for the examination of the Mid Devon Local Plan Review.


Independent Review of Sustainability Appraisal Update 2017 submitted to Inspector

Mid Devon District Council requested an adjournment of the Local Plan Hearings which were due to be held on 26th and 27th September 2017. This adjournment provided the opportunity for the Council to commission an independent report to review the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the proposed plan. The Council considered that this precautionary additional work would benefit the Examination, aid the Inspector’s decision making and give additional assurance to all hearing participants and the public that a fair and thorough assessment had been undertaken.

The independent assessment was completed in January 2018 and considered the Sustainability Appraisal to be proportionate and appropriate to meet the legal requirements. Changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Update (2017) were recommended by the independent consultants to improve the clarity of this document.

The Council considered the findings of the assessment and the next steps for the Local Plan Review at meetings of the Cabinet on 9th February 2018 and Full Council on 21st February 2018. A six week public consultation was undertaken on the proposed changes to the Sustainability Appraisal. The Council received 32 representations in the consultation period. These are available below:


1 - Nicholas Allan

2 - Christine Mason

3 - Winkleigh PC

4 - DCC

5 - Tiverton Civic Society

6 - Mr and Mrs Dumble

7 - Historic England

8 - Willand PC

9 - Waddeton Park co PCL Planning

10 - Margaret Ritchie

11 - David Ritchie

12 - Marilyn Saunders

13 - John Saunders

14 - Gleeson Developments co Chilmark

15 - Natural England

16 - Nigel Cant 

17 - John Crocker

18 - ALP co Rapleys

19 - Gordon Guest

20 - Place Land

21 - Halberton PC

22 - Barratt David Wilson Homes co Turley

23 - Gallagher Estates co Turley

24 - M A Hooper

25 - SG Brimacombe and Sons co McMurdo

26 - Cllr Keith Grantham

27 - Mrs L J Grantham

28 - Landsec co Rocke Associates

29 - LVA co Walsingham Planning

30 - M P Drew

31 - Bradninch TC

32 - Jamie Byron

You can search all representations received during the consultation about the Schedule of amendments made to the SA Update 2017 by surname, ID number or organisation. For a list of ID numbers please use the link below:

     ID by Surname

Two late representations were also received which can be viewed below:

     Lowman Manufacturing c-o J&K Property

     Robert Bond

A summary of the main comments received and the Council's responses to these comments can be viewed here:

     Consultation Summary Document

The SA Update consultation documents along with representations received were submitted to the Inspector on the 27 April 2018. Revised hearing dates will be set by the Inspector in due course.  The Local Plan Review Examination page will be regularly updated with the most recent information on the Examination Hearings and Documents. Contact details for the Programme Officer can also be found on this page.

SA Update consultation documents

Statement of Representations Procedure

Statement of availability of proposed documents