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Design guides

These have been produced by the Council to help property owners, particularly those living in older buildings and in conservation areas, with appropriate alterations.

There are two guides; one on windows and doors, the other on roofs and chimneys.

Where windows and doors are beyond repair and need to be replaced, using the right design and appearance for the age and style of the building will keep or restore the character and value of the individual building as well as the appearance of the wider area.

Roofs and chimneys are important features when viewing a property alone or in the context of the street.  The pattern of roofs and chimneys in a town or village,  both from close views and more distant views of the settlement in the landscape,  is a distinctive part of the character and appearance of an area.  Use of slates or tiles that do not match neighbouring roofs or the loss of chimneys stacks can all detract from the quality of the environment.

Design Guide - Windows and Doors

Design Guide - Roofs and Chimneys