Willand Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum – Thursday 27 February 2025
Following the independent examination of the Willand Neighbourhood Plan, Mid Devon District Council has determined that the plan, as modified to incorporate the Examiner’s recommendations, should proceed to a Referendum.
In accordance with Neighbourhood Planning regulations, the Referendum will ask voters within the neighbourhood plan area (Willand Parish) the following question:
“Do you want Mid Devon District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Willand to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
If more than 50% of voters are in favour of the plan, the District Council must bring it into force. This would mean that the Willand Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the statutory development plan for the area. Further details and all required specific documents relating to the Willand Neighbourhood Plan Referendum can be viewed below:
- Willand Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Information Statement
- Referendum Version of the Neighbourhood Plan
- Report of the Independent Examiner
- Summary of the Representations submitted to the independent examiner 01
- Summary of the Representations submitted to the independent examiner 02
- Statement by the local authority that the draft plan meets the basic conditions and other necessary provisions (Decision Statement)
- Statement that sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum (Information for Voters)
What was the outcome of the examination of the Neighbourhood Plan?
Following submission of the Willand Neighbourhood Plan and the subsequent 6-week publicity period (see below), the District Council in co-operation with Willand Parish Council, appointed Liz Beth as the independent Examiner to carry out the examination of the plan. The Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the appointed examiner, along with supporting documents and representations received during the publicity period.
During the examination the Examiner sought clarification from Willand Parish Council in relation to Regulation 16 responses, strategic policies, Open Space and Play Area Strategy (2014) and policy GI2 of the Willand Neighbourhood Plan. Please see links to the documents below for further details:
01 email
01 reply (WNP)02 email 02 reply (MDDC)
03 email03a reply (MDDC)
03b reply (MDDC)
04 email
04a reply (MDDC)
04b reply (WNP)
Following the conclusion of the examination the Examiner issued the report on 6th August 2024. This can be viewed below:
Independent Examiner ’s Report of the Willand Neighbourhood Plan
When was the neighbourhood plan submitted?
Willand Parish Council, as the qualifying body, formally submitted the Willand Neighbourhood Plan for the publicity stage, as required by the neighbourhood planning regulations.
The submission materials have been reviewed and checked to ensure regulatory compliance and formal confirmation of our acceptance of the plan to proceed to the Regulation 16 Publicity Period was provided on 12 March 2024.
Subsequently we have issued a Notice of Publication.
Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents:
Additional documents that provide evidence of the context and process of the Willand Neighbourhood Plan can be found on the Willand Parish Council's website.
*These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format or to request the form in the post, please email customerservices@middevon.gov.uk or contact us on 01884 255255.*
The Regulation 16 Publicity Period concluded on Wednesday 24th April 2023. Representations received are as follows:
02 The Devon Countryside Access Forum
When was the area for the Neighbourhood Plan designated?
The Willand Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated on Wednesday 21 June 2023.