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What happened previously

An initial consultation on the scope of the new Local Plan was held July-August 2013. This invited people to put forward ideas and aspirations for how the district should develop over the coming years. The Council prepared a scoping report that summarises the various issues and discusses some options for development such as housing and employment.

The scoping report can be downloaded below. The Council also prepared a Sustainability Appraisal scoping report and welcomed comments on this.

View the documents

· Local Plan Review scoping report

· Sustainability Appraisal scoping report

Responses to the initial consultation (2013)

The deadline for consultation responses to the initial consultation was 19th August 2013.

Summary of responses

Representations Representations Representations Representations Representations
The Council received the following responses to the consultation:
Rep 1 Sport England Rep 2 Resident Uplowman Road Rep 3 Hittisleigh Parish Council Rep 4 Persimmon Homes Rep 5 Devon County Council
Rep 6 Devonshire Homes Rep 7 Bampton Town Council Rep 8 CPRE Rep 9 Anne Roxbee Cox Rep 10 Natural England
Rep 11 Bampton Society Rep 12 National Trust Rep 13 Teignbridge District Council Rep 14 Highways Agency Rep 15 Cullompton Town Council
Rep 16 Somerset County Council Rep 17 Theatres Trust Rep 18 Bickleigh Parish Council Rep 19 Newton St Cyres Parish Council Rep 20 Ann Guilfoyle
Rep 21 Willand Parish Council Rep 22 Halberton Parish Council

Rep 23 RABI

Rep 24 Crediton Town Council Rep 25 M J Kirby
Rep 26 English Heritage Rep 27 Environment Agency Rep 28 Bradninch Town Council Rep 29 Mr A Wren Rep 30 Irene Chapman
Rep 31 R K Treeby Rep 32 West Manley Lane Conservation Group Rep 33 Mr D J Park Rep 34 Patricia Fenelon Rep 35 Mr Dennis Cook
Rep 36 G Ford Rep 37 Peter Green Rep 38 D & P Collier Rep 39 Dr R W Whittlesey Rep 40 Mrs P Whittlesey
Rep 41 Graham Keene Rep 42 C Steele Rep 43 Robert George Rep 44 Philip Kerr Rep 45 Dennis Bellamy
Rep 46 Michael Elliott Rep 47 Mrs M Elliott Rep 48 Michael Ford Rep 49 Mr & Mrs Borland Rep 50 Eric Cole
Rep 51 C Rutley- Frayne Rep 52 Friends Life Ltd Rep 53 PM Asset Management Rep 54 Mr Christain and Mr Force Rep 55 Wendy Lunel
Rep 56 The Turner Family Rep 57 Price Waterhouse Cooper Rep 58 Mr Gerald Chidwick Rep 60 M J Gleeson  

Rep 61 Area of Development Plan 1

Rep 61 Masterplan

Rep 61 Messrs Cole Cottrell & Persey

Rep 62 M & J Watling Rep 63 Summerfield Developments SW Ltd
Rep 64 Taylor Wimpey Rep 65 Francis P J Stoner Rep 66 John Quick Rep 67 Sandra Williamson

Rep 68 Helena Webber

Rep 69 Mrs Pat Webber

Rep 70 James Gibbs Creedy Bridge

In addition to consultation during July-August, the Council approached it's Citizen's Panel to ask about preferred priorities for planning strategy. The following spreadsheet summarises the response:

Citizen's Panel response

Options consultation (2014)

A second stage of consultation on the new Local Plan was held between 24 January and 24 March. The Council received over 1000 responses to the consultation and these are now available online by using the search facility below. A summary of the representations is available below:

Local Plan Review Options Consultation - Summary of Representations

Following the Options Consultation which concluded on the 24th March 2014, the Council has been considering which sites are most appropriate. A report was taken to Cabinet on the 4th September 2014 on the progress of the Local Plan Review.

The Local Plan is expected to be taken to Cabinet in November with the aim to consult on the final version of the Local Plan review in early 2015.

4th September Cabinet Report

View the documents

    Local Plan Review Options Consultation (January 2014)

    Maps can be found on the Local Plan Review Maps History page

    Local Plan Review Options Consultation summary (January 2014)

    Sustainability Appraisal options report (January 2014)        Appendix 1        Appendix 2

Representations received can be viewed here

The Council received 1201 responses to the Local Plan Options consultation.

A list of all the representations can be viewed here. 

To view individual representations in pdf format please go to the representations page.

Please note that signed petitions were given separate representation numbers but will show as a combined response when searched, such as Rep 1046-1059 Residents of Silverton.

If you have any questions please contact the Forward Planning team on 01884 255 255.

Local Plan Review Site Specific Evidence Base

A number of sites which were consulted on in the Local Plan Review: Options Consultation have some pieces of related evidence. These have either been submitted when the site was put forward as a potential allocation site or as evidence for planning applications. Please note that some pieces of evidence are for parts of sites. Mid Devon District Council does not necessarily agree with or accept the conclusions of any of the evidence referred to. References to planning applications can be examined through the Public Access part of our website, see Search and comment on planning applications.

Local Plan Review Submission Consultation 2015

Consultation on the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission took place between 9 February and 27 April 2015. The consultation period has now closed and no further representations can be submitted.

The Council received just under 1000 submissions to the consultation.  These are now available online using the search facility below:

Search Facility

You can search all representations received during the proposed submission stage of the Local Plan Review by policy, surname, ID number or organisation. For a list of policy codes or ID numbers please use the links below:

Policy Codes

ID by Surname

If you have any trouble accessing the representations, please contact the Forward Planning team on 01884 234922.

The Council is now in the process of reviewing the comments submitted during the consultation period, to determine the scope and significance of the issues they raise for the plan. Further updates will be posted on this page in due course.

Proposed Submission Consultation - what happened

A third stage of consultation on the Local Plan Review was held 9 Feb - 27 April.

The Local Plan Review will guide development in the district over the next 20 years and is reaching the final stages in its preparation and development. It aims to make sure that new homes, jobs and services required by communities are located in the most sustainable places. It will also help deliver the infrastructure, facilities and other development needed to make this possible.

Two previous consultations were held on the Local Plan Review. The first was held in Jul - Aug 2013 on the scope of the new Local Plan which set out the broad issues facing the district and invited people to put forward ideas and aspirations for how Mid Devon should develop over the coming years. Following this, a second consultation was held in Jan - Mar 2014 which invited people to look at the possible options available to meet the aspirations identified following the first consultation.

This consultation invites people to provide comments on the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission. Any representations at this stage will be submitted to the Secretary of State along with the Local Plan and other relevant documents. An independent inspector will then hold an examination on the Local Plan which will take into account public and other opinion when judging whether the plan is sound.

The Local Plan Review Proposed Submission document can be downloaded below.

The Council has also prepared a Sustainability Appraisal publication report and welcomes comments on this.

'Updated'  Statement of Representations Procedure

'Updated'  Statement of availability of proposed documents

Statement of consultation before Local Plan publication


(Maps can be viewed on the Local Plan Review Maps History page)


SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL DOCUMENTS - Sustainability Appraisal, Appendix 1 (Review of plans and programmes) , Appendix 2(Part 1 Strategic policies and town allocations)Appendix 2 (Part 2 Villages allocations), Appendix 2 and 3 (Part 3 DM policies and undeliverable sites), Non-Technical summary




For further details of studies and assessments being undertaken, or progress on Local Plan preparation, please contact the Forward Planning team on 01884 234334 / 234922.


Public exhibitions were held as follows:

     Tuesday 17 Feb:

     Tiverton Town Hall, 4pm - 7pm

     Saturday 21 Feb:

     Crediton Mid Devon District Council Area Office, 9.30am - 12.30pm

     Tuesday 24 Feb:

     Crediton Mid Devon District Council Area Office, 4pm - 7pm

     Saturday 28 Feb:

     Tiverton Town Hall, 9.30am - 12.30pm

     Tuesday 3 Mar:

     Cullompton, The Walronds, 4pm - 7pm

     Thursday 5 Mar:

     Cullompton, The Walronds, 4pm - 7pm

     Saturday 14 Mar:

     Cullompton, The Walronds, 9.30am - 12.30pm

     Saturday 11 Apr:

     Cullompton, The Walronds, 9.30am - 12.30pm

     Tuesday 14 Apr:

     Tiverton Town Hall, 4pm - 7pm

     Wednesday 15 Apr:

     Crediton Mid Devon District Council Area Office, 4pm - 7pm


Proposed Submission (incorporating proposed modifications) Consultation 2017


Consultation on the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission (incorporating proposed modifications) took place from 3 January – 14 February 2017.

The Local Plan Review will guide development in the district over the next 20 years and is reaching the final stages in its preparation and development. It aims to make sure that new homes, jobs and services required by communities are located in the most sustainable places. It will also help deliver the infrastructure, facilities and other developments needed to make this possible.

Three previous consultations were held on the Local Plan Review. The first was held in July – August 2013 on the scope of the new Local Plan which set out the broad issues facing the district and invited people to put forward ideas and aspirations for how Mid Devon should develop over the coming years. Following this, an options consultation was held in January – March 2014 which invited people to look at the possible options available to meet the aspirations identified following the first consultation.

Consultation on the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission document was held February – April 2015. At that time, it was intended that once these comments had been considered, the Local Plan would have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate later that year. However, following the consultation the need for additional technical work was identified in order to ensure that the evidence base would be more robust prior to submission. Since the spring 2015 consultation there have also been changes to national guidance and the supporting local plan evidence base which have led to the need for additional modifications. The plan has also been updated to reflect the Full Council decision taken on 22 September 2016 to propose an allocation of land at Junction 27 of the M5 for high quality tourism, leisure, retail and associated additional housing.

This consultation invited people to provide comments on the proposed modifications to the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission document. The 1367 comments received have been reviewed by the Council and have been sent to the Planning Inspectorate together with the plan and associated documentation. For more information please view the Local Plan Review Examination pages.

The Local plan Review Proposed Submission document (incorporating proposed modifications) can be downloaded below.


View the documents


Local Plan Review Proposed Submission (incorporating proposed modifications) 

(Maps can be viewed on the Local Plan Review Maps History page)

Local Plan Proposed Submission (incorporating proposed modifications) Summary 


‘Updated’ Statement of Representations Procedure

‘Updated’ Statement of availability of proposed documents

Statement of Consultation before Publication

Schedule of Proposed Modifications

Local Plan Review Proposed Submission (February – April 2015) Consultation Summary Document)





Sustainability Appraisal

The Council has prepared an addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment) which has been published alongside the local plan. Comments are invited on this document as well.

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum

The Sustainability Appraisal report consulted on during the Local Plan Review Proposed Submission consultation in 2015 can be downloaded below.


Sustainability Appraisal

Appendix 1 (Review of plans and programmes),

Appendix 2 (Part 1 Strategic policies and town allocations),

Appendix 2 (Part 2 Villages allocations),

Appendix 2 and 3 (Part DM policies and undeliverable sites),

Non-Technical summary

Consultation took place from 3 January - 14 February 2017 on the proposed modifications to the Local Plan Review. 

Public exhibitions were held as follows:

Willand Willand Village Hall Wednesday 18th January 15:00 – 18:00
Tiverton Phoenix House Saturday 21st January 9:30 – 12:30
Crediton Crediton Boniface Centre Wednesday 25th January 12:00 – 15:00
Uffculme Uffculme Madgelake Hall Thursday 26th January 16:00 – 19:00
Cullompton Cullompton Town Hall Monday 30th January 12:00 – 15:00
Sampford Peverell Sampford Peverell Village Hall Wednesday 1st February 15:00 – 18:00

Local Plan Review Maps History

Over the course of the Local Plan Review consultations, various iterations of policies maps were prepared. For further details please see the Local Plan Review Maps History page.